91. Crazy

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The iron throne sat among the rubble. The once enclosed walls gone. Letting the snow in. Daenarys approached her throne. She finally had it. It was hers.

''When I was a girl my brother told me it was made with 1000 swords from fallen men." Danny told Jon as he approached. ''what do a thousand swords look like in the mind of a little girl who can't count to 20? I imagine a mountain of swords too high to climb so many fallen enemy if you could only see the soles of Aegon's feet."

''I saw them executing Lannister prisoners in the streets.'' Jon told her ''he said they were acting on your orders.'

''It was necessary''

''Necessary? Have you been down there? Have you seen? Children little children burned.'' he shouted

''I tried to make peace with Cersei." she reminded him ''she used their innocence as a weapon against me she thought it would cripple me.''

'What about tyrion?'

'He conspired against me.' daenerys told him

'Forgive him'

'I cant'

'You can. Forgive them all and make them see-' jon begged

'I cant hide behind small mercies the world we need-'

'The world we need cannot be ruled by cruel men.' Jon told her.

'It's not easy to see what we've never had... a good world' Daenerys told him

'How would you know?' jon asked

'Because I know what is good.' she told him

'What about everyone else? what about all the other people who think they know what is good?' Jon questioned

'They do not get to choose. Lead with me build the New World with me it has been our destiny from the beginning. when you were just a bastard boy and I was a little girl that could not count to 20! we do this together we break the wheel together!' she told him

'You are my queen now and always' he told her kissing her deeply before stabbing a dagger through her. She died in his arms.

 Daenery's last dragon, Drogon came swopping down towards Jon.

The dragon sniffed dany her dead body before turning his anger on jon. Fire building in his throat as he blasted the iron throne until it started to melt away into gooey lava. 


"Well, my grandfather liked to go fishing over there but he wasnt very good." Amelia remarked. "Or he threw them all back." 

The closer they got to the shores the more questions Rickon asked about the capital. It brought back good memories for Amelia. She didnt look at the burning and crumbling buildings and only see the pain and destruction she saw her past. 

She saw dancing with Mycella, painting with Tommen, she saw Sandor and training her and a lot of bruises. She saw Tyrion telling her stories, helping her learn to read. 

She looked around all the destruction. The burned charred bodies and fires had long gone out by the time they arrived and Amelia looked around as they docked. Podrick helped Bran wheeling him down the ramp as Amelia took in what used to be her home. She remembered all those years ago that she had begged Tyrion to steal her away, to bring her home. She wondered what would have happened if she got home, would she be dead too? 

Bran grabbed her hand and she looked down to him. 

"It's all going to be okay." He assured and she nodded as she held tight to his hand as they moved to the colosseum. 

"This place is cool." Rickon declared, Amelia showed him around, told him the history of the colosseum and showed him the drawings, of what remained of the drawings on the walls, what they meant while they waited. Then she heard the clink of chains coming up the path. She held tight to Rickon's hand as  they moved back to Bran and sansa.

"Why does this feel like the end?" Rickon whispered. 

"If this is... I'm glad to have known you Rickon." Amelia whispered back kissing his forehead. 

"There you are gorgeous." she spun around. 

"SANDOR!" Amelia declared lunging at him. 

"Oh, still a bit sore love." Sandor said hugging her tight. 

"You're okay." She whimpered into him. "I thought..."

"I had some help from fucking ravens, can you believe that?" Sandor chuckled. 

"Ravens?" Amelia countered. 

"Craziest fucking thing, they attacked him." Sandor informed her and she glanced back at Bran. He smiled back knowingly. 

"Crazy." Amelia agreed. 

Evermore // Bran StarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang