41. Only thing that Matters

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Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish out now!

'It's all right the wolves will protect him' Bran said nodding to summer and she took off after Rickon they walked and bran was wheelbarrowed down the path.

'You can get inside his head?' Jojen said 'see through his eyes?' looking to summer.

'Only when I'm asleep' bran admitted

'That's how it begins first before you learn how to control it' jojen assured him. 'You're a wolf'

'It's not just wolves sometimes in my dreams I see ravens' Bran told him

'Three eyed Raven' Jojen told him.

'You've seen it?'

'We saw it together remember?' jojen asked, 'the raven is something different something deeper the raven brings the sight.'

'Seeing things that haven't happened yet?' Bran asked

'Or seeing things that have happened a very long time ago or things that are happening right now miles from here.' Jojen told him.

'When my father died I dreamt it.' Bran told him.

'You didn't dream that you saw it' Jojen corrected.

'You have the sight to?' Bran questioned

'When I told my father about your father, that was the first time in my life I saw him cry.' Jojen admitted.

'Your father is Holland reed?'


'He saved my father's life in the rebellion.' Bran told him.

'your father told you about the rebellion. Mine never did but I saw that too.' Jojen said.

'What else have you seen?' Bran questioned

'The only thing that matters, you.' Jojen told him.


'you have to go after him.' Jojen told Bran


'you know how.'

Bran took off climbing up the tree to get to the raven carefully and cautiously he moved closer and closer.

'Brandon' Catelyn cried out she was in the tree with him.


'How many times have I told you? No climbing. Listen to me no more climbing. No more climbing. Promise me promise me promise me promise me' she gripped bran tight, 'promise me, promise me, promise me,' he fell falling just as he did before. He woke with a splat, his eyes popping open to hear the arguing of Osha and Meera again.

'That's not how you skin a rabbit' osha told Meera,

'I know how to skin a rabbit' she snapped.

'Not properly' osha remarked.

'Do you know how to make a bow? I'm sure you don't I made all my bows and arrows.' Meera boasted.

'We used our fists' osha raised her hands.

'What are you going to punch a rabbit to death?' meera questioned.

'I had someone else in mind' Osha told her, both women now at a standoff.

'You are both very good' Bran told them trying to get them to stop arguing

'You've got a big mouth girl and too many teeth' Osha threatened.

'You've been fighting since you met just stop it' Bran demanded, he missed Amelia, she was quiet and sweet and didn't shout and fight constantly. He worried, he wondered if he could see her, once he knew how to control his visions like Jojen.

'Lady Reed has a stick so far up her ass it's a wonder how her feet touched the ground!' Osha yelled.

'You've been nasty to her every single day of course she's nasty back!' Bran told her.

'Me? it's my fault? first test time I met her she put a knife to my throat!" osha reminded him.

'First time you met me you had a knife to my throat' Bran reminded her 'we can't fight each other we'll never make it to the wall I want you both to make peace.' Bran told them they sat back down across from each other

'Your way of skinning rabbits is quicker than mine,' Meera admitted.

'I told you so' osha hissed.

"OSHA.' Bran demanded.

'You're a good little Hunter' she said begrudgingly.

'Thank you see wasn't so hard was it?' bran told them.

'Thank you,' Meera repeated. 'see that wasn't so hard to say,' she sassed at osha, but then her brother started to shake and tremor in his sleep and she ran over to him putting a strap in his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue off

'Whats wrong with him?' Rickon asked waking up 'whats wrong with him?'

'The visions take their toll.' Meera told them.

'He's having one now?' Bran asked

Slowly he got out of the vision and sat up gathering his surrounding.

'I saw Jon Snow'

'You saw him?' Bran questioned 'at Castle Black?'

'He was on the wrong side of the wall, he was surrounded by enemies.' Jojen told him


'We are at war this march is a distraction.' Castor told Robb.

'My grandfather's death is not a distraction.' Robb told him

'We should be riding to River runn, this is a distraction.'

'My uncle has his forces garrisoned there, we need his men.' Robb told him

'Unless he's been breeding them it won't make a difference.' Castor scoffed.

'Have you lost faith in our cause?' Robb question castor

'I still got faith in you.'

'If you don't believe-' Rob sad

'I can believe until it snows in Dorne but it does not change the fact that we do not have the men.' Castor spat.

'It does not matter-'

'Have you been speaking your mind your grace?'

'Lord Caster...'

'You lost this one because your mother and you made a shit deal that you knew would never happen.' Castor told him riding off.

'We don't stop.' Robb told him glancing back at Amelia. "Your family is going to suffer as mine has." Robb told her and she nodded.

"Should I congratulate you, your grace?" Amelia asked softly as she rode her hands boud on one of his knights horses. "I hear you married again. You are like Aegon the conqueror." Amelia remarked. "Taking multiple wives... but we all know how it ended for him." Amelia remarked her glare harsh.

They had stopped to water the horses, Amelia was tired up and guarded, her wrists hurt and she was trying to keep it together, Bran and Rickon might be dead, she was going to die... she wished they would just slit her throat and be done with it. Her nose sniffled in the cold as a Raven landed on her knee.

"Hello." She whispered holding a finger out to it. "handsome fella you are... brave too." Amelia whispered but suddenly as though the raven regained its senses it jerked away and amelia leaned back away from him.


'What did you see?' Jojen asked as Bran shot awake panting for breath.

'Remember how you said you saw the only thing that mattered?' Bran questioned

'Yes what did you see? Who did you see?'

'Amelia. Amelia Rose Lannister.'

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