79. Who's The Wolf Now

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''Can you imagine it?'' Bran whispered.

''What?'' Amelia countered.

''Waking up like this.'' Bran clarified. ''Everyday for the rest of our lives.'' She opened her eyes as he kissed her again.

''Unfortunately I think your sister would murder me before that happened.'' Amelia countered. ''But I would like it.'' If they survived this war this was what Bran wanted. Waking up next to Amelia everyday. Kissing her before she even opened her eyes. She wrapped her arm around his waist holding him closer before hearing a snore from Rickon's lips.

"Honestly forgot he was here." Bran murmured.

"He has a really boney butt." Amelia remarked nudging Rickon. He groaned swatting a hand back at her.

"Come here." Bran requested pulling her closer. She lay against his chest as Rickon sprawled out over the bed taking her spot. "Real bed hog he is." Bran remarked.

"He used to be smaller. We all were." Amelia mused as Bran ran his hands over her.

"Ahhh good morning!" Rickon declared stretching out like a starfish his arm whacking into Amelia. "Another bright and shiny day!"

"Go away!" Bran begged.

"Great idea. Amelia lets go!" Rickon declared pulling her along.

"Thats not what I-" Bran groaned as Amelia shuffled out the door Rickon gripping tight to her hand.


Amelia and Rickon were in the courtyard when Arya found them.

"How about a duel lannister!" Arya declared. Amelia turned around. "Rickon says you are quite the archer."

"Im alright." Amelia agreed.

"How are you with swords?" Amelia stared back at her as Arya spun a blade in her hand. Amelia focused on the blade she knew that blade. "You like it? Velaryian steel."
Arya remarked

"I know it well." Amelia agreed.

"Bran gave it me."

"Probably not with the purpose or thought that you would kill me with it." Amelia offered.

"Kill something." Arya corrected.

"Arya!" Rickon spat.

"Lets duel then." Amelia agreed. "Im sick of your attitude! Sandor was my friend my family and you were shit to him. He was trying to get to safety! Now you want me dead too. Fine. Lets fight. Lets get this fucking over with!"

Bran had seen what Arya had learned he knew that all of Amelias training from years ago from Sandor and Jaime wouldnt compare to what Arya had went through.

"Arya," Bran begged.

"Its fine Bran." Amelia assured. "Either she kills me and Im done having to deal with her bullshit or I get a few good hits before Ghost cuts my meat for me."

"Confident Lannister." Arya remarked. "Im going to enjoy this."

"Not nearly as much as I" Amelia countered as Arya dropped the blade before lunging at Amelia. Arya had skills but Amelia had years of rage fueling her every step.

Arya didnt like that Amelia got a few good hits to the ribs, to the face before yanking her hair back and Arya slipped on the snow. Arya jumped up pulling a blade free spinning it in her hands as Amelia tainted the white snow with her blood clearing her throat of the blood pooling in her gums.

"Oh tired of being beat by a Lannister so you are going to cheat to win and kill me?" Amelia mused.

"This isnt cheating. I never said I wouldnt slit your throat." Arya countered as Bran and Rickon shouted out. Amelia got another slice she felt the pang of blood on her as she kicked Arya shoving her back. Amelia dropped to a knee as the blade cut across her leg.

"Any last words Lannister?" Arya mused but Ghost jumped on her growling as he pinned Arya to the ground.

"Whos the wolf now?" Amelia countered as she got up. "I did warn you. Ghost and I are very close he would tear apart my meat... that something Robb liked to threaten as Grey Wind attacked his enemies. Threatened my Uncle Jaime. That his wolf was so loyal that he would kill on command to protect his master." Amelia whistled and Ghost came back to her. "Threatened me too but you see dogs, wolves are a great judge of character and your wolves have always loved me. And I them."

Arya glared back at her. Amelia stood split lip, cuts litered her body, but she stood tall.

"You act all high and mighty but what you seem to forget." Amelia said getting closer to Arya. "Everyone wants to take down the alpha because they stand alone, above the rest, but I didn't survive this long to be silenced and scared all over again."

"You are not the alpha." Arya corrected.

"Which one of us is still on the cold hard ground." Amelia countered walking away.

"I knew you were trouble Lannister." Arya sneered

"Stark." Amelia corrected. "Or did you forget that wedding..."


"That was scary and amazing and sexy and terrifying." Bran remarked.

"Im done being submissive to your bossy sisters." Amelia informed him. "Im a lion after all time I start acting like it."

She kissed him as she moved up on the bed pulling her layers off scattered over the floor. His hands moved over her as he felt her heart beating rapidly against his chest.

Her lips pulled away just slightly and he chased after her leaning forward reaching for her until her arms crossed over her grabbing the hem of her dress and pulling it over her head.

Bran kissed Amelia feverishly as he pulled her closer. He felt her hips roll into him as his hand slid around her thighs grabbing her ass. Then she felt his grip fall and she opened her eyes.

It was like the universe didnt want them together.

She stared at his white eyes as he was somewhere else now. She leaned back on his thighs for a moment waiting. She stared at him wondering where he was. What he was seeing. She rolled off of him pulling the blankets up over them as she curled into his side. By the time he came back to himself Amelia was asleep. He wrapped an arm around her. Her naked body still pressed against his.

Worst possible timing. Bran thought bitterly. He pulled her closer as her leg shifted over his and her head nuzzled into his chest as he kissed her gently.

Jon and the dragon queen would be there in the morrow.

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