29. Eddard

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'Wake up your missing the fight.' Bronn said barging into Tyrions tent.

'What are you doing? What do you want?' Tyrion questioned drowsily, an arm still wrapped around the whore, shae's naked body.

'You are sleeping through the war.' Bronn told him


'They got to jump on us in the night they already are approaching.'

'Get my squire.'

'You don't have a squire.' Bronn called leaving the tent

'If I die.' Tyrion told her as she lay back against the pillow 'weep for me.'

'You will be dead how will you know?' shae reminded him before falling back asleep

'I will know.' Tyrion said as he armored up


'I am Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." Ned looked to sansa, "I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children. But before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself." the crowd started yelling at him again, some throwing rocks at his head. Sansa cringed, more tears falling, Ned was a good man, honorable and brave, he had to do this, it was the only chance of seeing his family again.

"Let the high septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I say. Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne by the grace of all the Gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm." The crowd once again started yelling at him. Sansa looked to Joffrey hopefully.

"As... As we sin...' pycelle continued seeing Joffrey loving the attention. 'So do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of Gods and men. The Gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, Your Grace?" Pycelle turned to Joffrey. Joffrey waved a hand settling the crowd.

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father." He turned to look at Sansa, she smiled just slightly. "But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am Your King treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!"

"NO!" she screamed as the crowd erupted into cheers. Sansa lunged forward but Meryn grabbed her, keeping her back. Ned looked to Sansa as the sword was brought above his head, a single motion, swish, it was through his neck. Ned's head lay on the ground. Joffrey smiled down to it. Cersei stood confused as Sansa sobbed for her father, pulling at Meryn's arms.


'By the time they knew what was happening it already happened.' Rob said joyously but he didn't know of the troubles at the capital yet. 'one in victory does not make us conquers.' Robbs told his troops 'this war is far from over.'


'I'm alive?'

'you're alive.' bronn agreed

'Did we win?'

'we wouldn't be having this conversation if we didn't.' Bronn reminded him

"Did we happen to get Amelia back?"

"No, no sign of the little princess on the battle field." Bronn remarked and Tyrion nodded.

"Just a hopeful thought." Tyrion remarked. 'how did our tribesman do?' bronn nodded over to the tribesman beating an opposing soldiers already on the ground 'well its nice to see them getting along.' Tyrion noted.

'You're wounded' Tywin noted riding up to Tyrion.

'How good of you to notice... I hear we won,' Tyrion said laying on a wagon

'The scouts were wrong they were 2000 stark banner men not 20,000' tywin said atop his white horse.

'Did we get the stark boy at least?' Tyrion questioned

'He was not there' tywin spat.

'Where was he?'

"With his other 18,000 men,' Tywin said riding off

'And where are they?' Tyrion called after him.


After the news of Ned Starks death everyone else was absolutely miserable. Robb sobbed at the death of his father then he got angry needing to hit someone, to kill every last Lannister. He had a Lannister at winterfell, he could deliver Amelia's head to Joffrey. He swung his sword mercilessly at a tree trunk, tears flowing down his face. Catelyn heard his grunts and sobs as he smashed away.

'Robb... Robb..' Catelyn called he was smashing mercilessly at a tree trunk tears in his eyes when he looked up to her. 'you have ruined your sword my love.' he dropped it at his feet before collapsing into her.

'I'll kill them all.' he said sobbing into Catelyn 'every one of them I'll kill them all.' she held him close

'They have your sisters we have to get the girls back and then we will kill them all.' Catelyn agreed.

"We send them Amelia's head." Robb whimpered.

"We keep her alive." Catelyn corrected. "Until we get the girls back, she is our leverage."


'They have my son.' Tywin declared. "Now they have two Lannister's in their hold." Tywin hissed.

'The stark boy appears to be less green than we hoped,' Tyrion said

'I've heard his wolf killed nearly a dozen men and as many horses.'

'Is it true about status of Renly Baratheon?'

'Yes the Baratheon brothers have taken up against us, Jaime captured, his armies scattered it's a catastrophe perhaps we should sue for peace?' Tyrion threw his glass to the ground.

'There's your peace,' he said looking at the broken glass. 'Joffrey made sure of that when he decided to remove Ned starks head, you'll have an easier time drinking from that cup then you will bringing Robb stark to the table now that he's winning in case you hadn't noticed.' Tyrion added.

'I'm told we still have his sisters-'

'The first order of business is ransoming ser Jaime-'

'The truth is we can't afford to look weak we should march at once!'

'No we should return to Casterly rock to raise-' the men shouted out ideas. None of which Tywin was too fond with.

'They have my son,' Tywin yelled 'get out! All of you!' he waited as they left. 'Not you,' he told Tyrion Again tyrion reached for the wine this time his father poured for him. 'You were right about eddard stark.' Tywin said calmly. 'If he were alive we could've used him to broker a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun which would have given us more time to deal with Roberts brothers but now... Madness. Madness and stupidity. I always thought you were stunted fool,' he admitted 'perhaps I was wrong'

'Half wrong' Tryion told him 'I'm new to strategy but unless we want to be surrounded by three armies it appears we can't stay here.'

'No one will stay here' Tywin told him 'ser Gregor will head out with 500 riders and set the river land on fire from gods eye to the red keep for the rest of us will regroup at harrenhal. You will go to Kings Landing' tywin informed him.

'And do what?' Tyrion questioned.

'Rule. you will serve as hand of the King in my stead you'll bring that boy king to heel and his mother to if needs be and if it gets so much with treason from any of the rest Baelish Varys pycelle...'

'I don't think that's a good idea.' Tyrion told him.

'you will do as you are told. You will bring justice!' tywin demanded.

'Head, spikes, walls. I'm not my uncle.' Tyrion reminded his father.

'You are my son. One more thing you will not take that whore to court do you understand?' Tywin said as he left.

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