33. Avenge

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'You had no right to execute him!' Cersei shouted, 'I am the queen!'
'Queen regent,' Tyrion corrected. 'I am the kings hand-' tyrion reminded her.
'You are serving as the king's hand till father gets here I am the queen regent.' Cersei spat
'Listen to me queen regent, it is for the best of the people do you hear me?' Tyrion told her.
'The people? Do you think I care?' Cersei spat.
'You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want your dead,' Tyrion told her 'half the city will starve when winter comes and the other half will come here to kill you. The gold plated thugs just gave them their rallying cry a king that slaughters babies... You don't even have the decency to deny it." Tyrion told her ashamed until he realized. 'It wasn't you who gave the order... was it?' Tyrion questioned seeing her wicked sneer falter. 'Joffrey didn't even tell you. Did he tell you? I imagine that would be even worse.' Tyrion added.
'He did what needed to be done. They have Amelia and his rule is being questioned. Joff did what he did... Do you want to be hand of the King? Do you want to rule? This is what it is? Lies, lying on a bed of weeds and ripping them out by the root one by one before the strangle you in your sleep.' Cersei informed him.
'I know he is the King,' tyrion said taking a step forward. 'but I think there's more to ruling than that.' Tyrion said calmly
'I do not care what you think! you've never taken it seriously, you haven't and Jaime hasn't, it's all fallen on me.' cersei said sitting down.
'As has Jaime... repeatedly according to Stannis Baratheon.' Tyrion said smugly
'You're funny... You've always been funny... But none of your jokes will ever match the first one will they? Do you remember? Back when you ripped my mother open on the way out of her and she bled to death.' Cersei told him venomously.
'She was my mother to.' Tyrion reminded her.
'Now she is gone for the sake of you. there's no bigger joke in the world than that,' she told him walking away.
'And it's not just thieves, My Lord. There's wolves in them hills now, more than I've ever seen. They come down in the night and they kill my sheep.' Bran was the lord of winterfell which meant hearing the requests and pleas of his people while robb was fighting. Rickon was not happy he was smacking a large rock into walnuts.
'Sweetie," Amelia whispered pulling Rickon to her. "Hush love you are giving bran a headache." She mused seeing brans pinched face. He smiled over at her.
'My three sons is away fighting for your brother, My Lord. They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home. I have no one to man my flock now. Only me. I can't keep watch all day and all night.'
'We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room and board.' Bran suggested
'My wife always prayed for more children. We'll look after them. Thank you, My Lord. And may the Gods bless you and yours.' He said walking off happily
'Stop it.' Bran demanded rickon. 'If that's everyone, I'm going to go for a ride before dark.'
'Good.' Maester lewin agreed
'Hodor.' Hodor repeated
'Bran ... Lord Stark.' Rodrick corrected 'Torrhen's Square is under siege. Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here.'
'How can the Lannisters strike so far north?'
'Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain. Might be Sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister.' Rodick told them.
'We have to help them.' Bran said immediately and Amelia couldn't help but smile, Bran was so sweet.
'Most of the fighting men are away with Robb, but I can gather 200 decent men.'
'Do you need so many?' maester lewin countered
'If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they protect us? Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need.' Bran encouraged
'Won't take long, My Lord. Southerners don't do well up here.'
'So, what does it mean?' Bran asked as hodor carried him out side
'Ask your Maester Luwin. He's the one studying books all the time.' Osha griped
'I did ask him. He'd never heard of a three-eyed raven.' Bran countered
'Must not mean anything, then-'
' You're lying.' Bran declared and Amelia smirked running a hand through Bran's hair.
'You might be a little lord, but don't you call me a liar.' Osha sneered
'You know what it means.' Bran declared.
'I never said I didn't.' Osha countered
'You didn't give me an honest answer.' Bran reasoned.
'That's not the same as being a liar.' Osha countered
'Well, it's not far off.' Bran retorted.
"Let's not argue with Osha." Amelia said softly. "She is scary when she's mean." Amelia remarked and Osha sighed.
' So, you've been dreaming of a three-eyed raven again? In the Godswood, you told me you didn't dream. Now who's a liar?' Osha countered as Hodor put bran on his horse 'What did you see in your dream? Something bad? Tell me, boy.'
'I dreamt that the sea came to Winterfell. I saw waves crashing against the gates and the water came flowing over the walls... flooded the castle. Drowned men were floating here in the yard. Ser Rodrik was one of them.' Bran told her soloumly.
'The sea is hundreds of miles away.' Osha reminded him stiffly
'I know. It's just a stupid dream.' Bran told her as Amelia helped strap him in she was very aware of Rumlow's eyes drilling a hole in the back of her head.
'I've got to get these potatoes to the kitchen. Otherwise they'll put me in chains again.'
'Osha. The three-eyed raven, what do they say about it... north of the wall?' Bran requested
'They say all sorts of crazy things north of the wall.' She remarked heading off
"Come on... Amelia." Rickon declared already up on his horse. Amelia looked to Bran and he offered her a smile but she saw the worry in his eyes.

'You are sir Alton Lannister correct?'
'I am your Grace.' He answered looking around nervously between Robb and his men.
'I offer your family peace if they meet my terms.' Robb said sitting down at his council table, he looked very official.
'First your family must release my sisters, second my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypt beneath Winterfell,' Robb told Alton. 'And the remains of all those who died in his service may be returned to their families so they may be given proper funerals.'
'That is an honorable request your grace.' Alton admitted "What of the princess Amelia?"
'And third,' robb went on 'Joffrey and the Queen regent must renounce all claims to the throne and give it to the king of the north from this time to the end of time we are free and independent kingdom.'
'To the king in the north.' Theon said happily.
'To the king of the north!' his council echoed
'If any of Joffrey's men step foot in our lands again, if he disregards this command then he shall suffer the same fate as my father.' Robb warned 'and I don't need a servant to do the beheading for me.' Robb added he would love to chop Joffreys head off.
'Your Grace.' Alton said slightly defensive robb stood up. "The princess?"
'These are my terms if the queen regent and her son make them I will give them peace and Amelia back in one piece if not... I will litter the south with Lannisters soldiers until they are all dead.' Robb told him.
'Joffrey is a Baratheon your grace.' Alton told him
'Is he?' Robb questioned 'You ride at daybreak Ser Alton,' Robb nodded to his men and they dragged Alton away, to be kept in a pen for the night. 'That will be all for tonight.' his counselor cleared out leaving him alone.
'A word your grace.' Theon said coming up to Robb.
'You don't have to call me your grace when no one's around.' Robb told theon
'It's not so bad, but once you get used to it.' Theon shrugged.
'I don't know that I'm ever going to get used to it.' Robb remarked
'They are never going to agree to your terms you know that?' Theon told him.
'Of course they are.' Robb corrected
'We can fight them in the field as long as you like but we won't beat them until we take Kings Landing. And we can't take Kings Landing without ships.' Theon told him. 'My father has ships and men that know how to sail.'
'Men who fought my father.' Robb corrected
'Men who fought to free themselves from the yolk of the South.' Theon corrected. 'just as we are doing now... I am his only living son he will listen to me I know he will. I'm not a stark I know that but your father raised me to be an honorable man.' Theon told him 'we can avenge him together.'

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