2. Bundle of Nerves

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'He's older than me.' Amelia remarked

'Aye,' sandor agreed.

'Just two years.' Amelia recalled

'Aye,' sandor agreed. She stared over at him

'Don't you have anything helpful to add to this conversation?' Amelia questioned.

'Aye,' he mused and amelia swatted at him.


'What do you want me to say gorgeous?'

'I don't know.' she admitted.

'Don't be worried.' Sandor told her. 'You are perfect.'

'Joffrey says I have a big nose.' Amelia told him softly and sandor grabbed her chin with a rough calloused hand.

'Your nose is perfect,' sandor assured 'don't listen to your brother, he is a cunt.'

'Joffrey said I have a long neck too, he called me a giraffe.' Amelia told him and sandor traced his fingers down her neck

'Nope. Perfect.' He told her again.

'You are paid to lie to me.' Amelia reminded him

'No I'm not.' Sandor said letting his hand fall to his side. 'I'm paid to protect you and your shit if a brother. I'm not paid enough to lie.' Sandor mused.

'If they accept the marriage can you stay in Winterfell with me?' Amelia questioned hopefully.

'I would like that,' sandor admitted he could barely stand joffrey as it was he couldn't imagine having to spend all his time with him.

'My nose really isn't big?' Amelia questioned again

'I wouldn't lie to you gorgeous.' Sandor told her again. 'You think I call everyone gorgeous?'

'I don't know,' amelia told him sliding her feet in the dirt around the fire. 'I don't see you when you are talking with your suitors.' she remarked

'Suitors?' Sandor chuckled

'What's funny about that?' Amelia questioned

'You think I have suitors?' Sandor questioned again a laugh on his lips

'Why not?' Amelia told him a smile curved on her own face as she watched him laugh.

'Gorgeous who is going to want me?'

'No one.' Joffrey said sitting down next to amelia

'Joffrey that's rude.' Amelia told him

'It's true.' Joffrey sneered over at sandor

'Well sandor says my nose is perfect.' Amelia informed him 'and father doesn't pay him enough to lie to us.' amelia added.

'Your nose is fine.' joffrey agreed picking up a stick and ramming it into the dirt.

'Why did you tell me it was too big then?' Amelia asked incredulously

'Because you stared at your nose in the reflection for a good five minutes poking at your nose and it made me laugh.' joffrey admitted

'Five minutes of fun for you was me being self conscious about my nose for the past moon!' Amelia shouted slapping him upside the head

'Amelia!' He shouted.

'You are a cunt!' Amelia agreed. She tipped him over and he screamed out as she held him down

'Amelia!' Jaime declared pulling her off of joffrey. 'You going to do your job hound?' Jaime questioned as sandor sat and watched amelia pummeling joffrey. He stared at jaime a moment longer before getting up and holding amelia back she leaned into sandor knowing she wasn't strong enough to get out of his hold. She tipped her head up looking back at him.

'Mother!' Joffrey shirked running off

'What was that about?' Jaime questioned

'I was teaching joffrey an important lesson.' Amelia informed him as sandor loosened his hold around her

'Which was?' Jaime pondered.

'Not to lie to me. There are repercussions.' Amelia told jaime confidently

'You should have stopped her before she lunged.' Jaime told sandor.

'I'm supposed to keep others from hurting them, never said I had to keep the little lady from hurting her brother.' Sandor told him and Amelia rooted her hands on her hips defiantly.

'You have a temper like your mother,' jaime remarked kissing her head. 'Don't beat up your brother.'

'Tell him not to be a cunt!' Amelia spat back

'Stop cursing around the princess,' jaime said pointing a finger at sandor. 'I don't need her to have a mouth like yours.' Sandor just stared at him.

'Amelia,' cersei called and amelia turned around tipping her head into sandor trying to hide from her actions.

'Go on my little rebel.' Sandor said his hand running along her arms.

'I don't want to. Mother is going to yell at me and it's not even my fault right!' Amelia countered

'Not your fault?' Sandor pondered.

'He provoked me.' Amelia said meekly.

'Oh gorgeous,' sandor chuckled.

'Amelia!' Cersei called again

'If she kills me I'm coming back and haunting you.' amelia warned.

'Haunt me in that blue dress,' sandor recommended and amelia pursed her lips annoyed. 'What? I like that dress.' Sandor told her smugly as she headed off.


'Why is your mother dead set on us looking pretty for the King?' Jon asked as their faces were shaved clean their hair cut nicely.

'It's for the queen I bet.' Theon said

'I hear the prince is a right royal prick.' Robb added

'I heard the princess is going to marry you.' Theon countered.

'Yeah, Princess Amelia Baratheon.' Jon agreed. 'Prince Joffreys twin.'

'It will be nice to have a princess at winterfell, really class up the place.' Theon mused.

'I don't want to marry her.' Robb told them.

'She might be hot.' Theon offered.

'She might be a cunt like her twin and make my life miserable.' Robb countered. 'you have heard of royals, they are so stuck up, she wont last a week here.' Robb told them. 'Freeze her ass off.' Robb murmured.

"You could warm her up then.' Theon said suggestively. 

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