13. Not Loyal

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Treacherous // Podrick Payne out now!!! 

'What I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat anyone else.' Catelyn said to Robb, and Theon. 'I do not think Brandon fell from that Tower I think he was thrown and I believe a Lannister's are involved.'

"What?" Robb couldn't believe that. Amelia was married to him, why do that with her here. "Amelia saved Bran." Robb reminded her but Catelyn scoffed.

'We already have reason to believe they're not loyal to the crown.' Catelyn went on as Robb's mind raced.

"They married Amelia to me, why do that if they were going to-' RObb went on.

"I don't understand why they do anything why I think they killed the last hand of the king, I think they sent an assassin to kill Bran and I think your father and sister are in danger."

'So they come into our home and try and murder my brother.' Robb said through clenched teeth 'if it's war they want-'

'If it comes to that you know I will stand behind you.' Theon added

'war? Is there going to be a battle in the gods wood?' maester Lewin said 'to easily words of war become acts of war we don't know the truth yet.'

'I will ride to Kings Landing.' Robb said

'no I know there must always be a stark in Winterfell.' Catelyn reminded him, "You are Lord of Winterfell Robb, I will go." Robb nodded in agreement. "Don't let Amelia out of your sight. Best to put a guard on her. If she is up to something best we know about it before anything conspires."

"I will put Rumlow on her." 


'My lord! My lord! They found her. She's unharmed.' Jory said running up to Ned

'Where is she?'

'She's been taken directly before the King.' Jory informed him

'Who took her?' Ned countered

''The Lannisters found her.'

''Right, get back.'' Ned said making his way through the crowd

''The Queen ordered them to bring her straight to him.'' Jory informed him

''Back! Back to the inn. All back!' Ned demanded pushing through.

Ned pushed through the crowd of people to arya who immediately started apologizing

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' Arya exclaimed he held her face in his hands.

'Are you hurt?' ned questioned looking her over.

'No.' she told him softly.

'Its alright' he coed as he hugged his daughter close looking over to Robert. 'what is the meaning of this?' he demanded 'why was my daughter not brought to me at once?'

'How dare you speak to your king in that manner.' Cersei said calmly but threateningly.

'Quiet woman' Robert demanded 'sorry Ned I never meant to frighten the girl but we need to get this business done quickly.'

'You're girl and that butchers boy attacked my son.' Cersei told him. 'That animal of hers nearly tore his arm off!'

'That's not true!' arya exclaimed 'she just... Bit him a little.' Arya looked to Ned, 'he was hurting Mika.' Arya told him.

'Joffrey told us what happened,' cersei informed her. 'you and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him.' Cersei spat.

'That's not what happened!' Arya shouted.

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