53. Fight. Win.

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''Please, a little longer.'' Bran begged ''You finally show me something I care about and then you drag me away.''

''It is beautiful beneath the sea, but if you stay too long, you'll drown.''

''I wasn't drowning. I was home.'' Bran spat back. ''Wylis.'

''Hodor.'' Hodor answered

''I saw you as a boy. You could talk. What happened?''

''Hodor.'' he answered again

''Where's Meera?''

''Hodor'' he pointed outside and Bran dragged himself out.

''You shouldn't be here. It's not safe outside the cave.'' Bran remarked when he saw her molding the snow in front of her

''It's not safe anywhere.' she muttered

''I saw that Hodor wasn't always Hodor.' Bran remarked


''His real name is Wylis. And he could talk and fight and-- and then-- What's wrong?'' Bran remarked looking at Meera's pinched face

''The Three-Eyed Raven says there's a war coming. And we're going to fight it in there?'' She scoffed

''Brandon Stark needs you.'' the three eyed raven remarked

''For what? I sit in there and I watch him have his visions and nothing ever happens.'' Meera spat

''He isn't going to stay here forever. And out there he needs you.''


Amelia stared over at Sandor. His eyes were closed but he felt her gaze. 

"What gorgeous?" Sandor whispered moving his hand and patting at her shoulder and face she giggled pushing his hand away and he opened his eyes. 

"We are going to be okay right?" Amelia asked. 

"Yeah, I won't let anything happen to you." Sandor assured. "I kept you alive this long havent I?"

"Well, I wasnt being attacked on a regular basis before. I think your job was quite easy now that I think of it." Amelia mused. 

"If I just had to deal with you-"

"Deal?" Amelia countered incredulously. "You had to deal with me? Muaw? I?" Sandor chuckled pulling her to him. 

"If I just had you to protect," He altered. "it would have been a walk in the park. It's your cunt of a brother... not this cunt." he tapped at her hip making Amelia laugh again. 

"SHUT UP!" Arya demanded. 

"Fuck off.' Sandor grumbled. 

"I'm glad you found me Sandor." Amelia whispered. 

"Always." he assured. "now go to sleep, gorgeous."  


'Remember that you are a stark hold yourself with dignity and try and stay out of fights'

'Yes father' ned said

'But if you have to fight. Win.'

'Bran, Bran! You have to wake up you have to wake up now!' Meera was shouting.

'We need Hodor. We need Hodor!' she kept trying to wake him but he wasn't listening, or he couldn't hear her.

'We're being attacked you need to wake up now!' Meera told him trying to shake him awake.

'Wake up! we need Hodor now!' He was still there at Winterfell but he heard the echoes of Meera's voice echoing through his head.

'Listen to your friends.' the Raven told him

'Hodor. Hodor. Hodor!'


'You're a queen not an ox your grandfather gave me a necklace just like this one on my 51st name day.' Olenna said tossing it over the balcony Margaery watched it fly. They were supposed to pick out necklaces for the ceremony for Margaery to wear

'Grandmother!" Maragery exclaimed. 'The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can't say no to everything,' Margaery told her

'Nonsense... my little dears go and speak to the jewelers of Kings Landing tell them who you are tell them who sent you the one who brings me the best necklace will get to keep the next best,' Olenna told her flock and they ran off excitedly.

'The Margaery Tyrell who walks into the steps a Fortnight from now will inspire a song of thousands,' Olenna went on, 'how sad it would be if she's wearing rubbish like that.' Olenna told her as they sat down.

'I should've just let Joffrey choose it for me end up with a string of dead sparrow heads around my neck.' Margaery remarked.

'You watch that even here even with me.... My word...' Olenna said looking back at Brienne of tarth. She walked up behind them hesitantly. It had been rumored that she had killed Renly Baratheon, she didn't but she didn't know if she would be welcomed.

'My lady, my lady, please pardon me for interrupting my name is Brienne of tarth-'

'I know who you are, we heard all about you.' Olenna told her 'hearing is one thing aren't you just marvelous absolutely singular. I hear you knocked my grandson into the dirt like a silly little boy that he is.' Brienne tried to hide the smile from her face as Olena talked.

'My lady,' she turned her attention to Margaery 'I know this is very busy time for you but if I could just have a moment.'

'You best not refuse,'Olena said looking to Margaery


'A shadow.' Margaery questioned.

'A shadow with a face of Stanis Baratheon,' Brienne told her 'I swear do you by all the gods it was Stannis he plunged his sword through Renly's heart and disappeared. One day my lady I will avenge our king.'

'Joffrey is our king now.' Margaery told her

'I meant no offense-'

'And you've given none.' Margaery assured sweetly.


They all slept in the barn that night, Amelia missed real beds and warm fires and fresh clothes and clean hair. she didn't remember the last time she bathed. She felt disgusting. She had a dream that she was back at winterfell, she dreamt of the one good day, dancing with Bran and she was so happy in the dream but when she woke it saddened her to see it was gone. He was gone. The starks were dwindling in number and yet she was stuck with a stark that hated her most it seemed.

'what did you do!' arya yelled.

'get your horse saddled.' Sandor said pulling the money from the man on the ground.

'you told me you weren't a thief!' arya yelled at him. ' he took us in and he fed us.'

'yes he took us in and fed us. His daughter makes a nice stew but they will both be dead come winter.' Sandor told her.

'you don't know that!' arya yelled at him.

'I do know it.' Sandor told her. 'hes weak. He cant protect himself. They will both be dead come winter... hes a dead man, dead men don't need silver.' Sandor explained. 'good you're up.' Sandor said looking to Amelia 'Lets go.' She wasn't pleased with sandor either at the moment but knew that without his help the man wouldn't survive the winter. And winter was coming.

'youre the worst shit in the seven kingdoms!' arya yelled. Sandor turned to face her.

'plenty worse than me I just see the world the way it is. How many starks are they gonna behead before you figure it out.'

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