15. Rather be Dead

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'Don't listen to it. Crows are all liars. I know a story about a crow.' Old Nan told Bran.

''I hate your stories.' Bran told her as Amelia rested her head against his. Bran and Rickon were the only ones that didn't treat her like she was some monster. Bran asked her what happened but she honestly didn't know and Robb wouldn't tell him anything. But Amelia still spent most of her time with Rickon and Bran. She traced her fingers along his arm and down his fingers, it was one of the only places she felt normal again, like she wasn't under attack.

'I know a story about a boy who hated stories. I could tell you about Ser Duncan the Tall. Those were always your favorites.'

''Those weren't my favorites. My favorites were the scary ones.'' Bran corrected.

"Hold me Bran, I don't like scary stories." Amelia mused and Bran held tight to her hand as she kissed his cheek. He didn't understand why Robb was acting so harshly to Amelia but if Robb pushing her away meant Amelia in his bed, then Bran was okay with it.

''Oh, my sweet summer child. What do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little Lord, when the White Walkers move through the woods.' Old nan told him and Bran smirked, a scary story. Amelia felt like she was living a scary story at times.

'Thousands of years ago there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles, same as the shepherds in their huts. And women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept and felt the tears freeze on their cheeks. So is this the sort of story that you like?' Old nan questioned and Bran stared at her as his grip tightened just slightly on Amelia's hand.

'In that darkness, the White Walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds...''

'What are you telling him now?' Robb questioned and Amelia pulled away slightly but Bran didn't let her go.

'Only what the little Lord wants to hear.' Old nan assured

''Get your supper. I want some time with him.' Robb said and she got up slowly and headed out. Bran watched Robb sit next to him. He hated being stuck in bed not being able to move his legs. "You too Amelia." Robb hissed.

"She's not hungry." Bran declared and a smile tugged at Amelia's lips.

"Go Ame-'

"You can go and Amelia can stay." Bran countered and Robb sighed as Amelia leaned back into Bran. Her little protector.

'One time she told me the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macomber.' Robb told him.

''Maybe we do.'' Bran suggested and Amelia chuckled.

"Wouldn't that be something." She whispered.

''How do you feel? You still don't remember anything?' Robb asked and Bran shook his head hesitantly. 'I've seen you climb a thousand times. In the wind, in the rain... A thousand times. You never fall.'

''I did though.'' Bran said softly 'It's true, isn't it... what Maester Luwin says about my legs?' Robb nodded ''I'd rather be dead.'' Bran spat.

''Don't ever say that.'

''I'd rather be dead.'' Bran repeated.

"That would make me really sad Bran." Amelia told him, her nose against his cheek as she whispered in his ear. "What would I do without you?"

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