37. Theon

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 ''I've yielded Winterfell to Theon.' Bran sat atop a barrel his voice soft his eyes sad. Bran was glad Amelia wasn't here to see this but he was also worried, he wished she was here because she would make him feel better. Tell him everything would be fine and run her fingers through his hair. Bran let out a shaky breath as he looked to Theon.

'Louder.' Theon demanded ''Say Prince Theon.'' Theon corrected him

'I've yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon.' Bran said a bit louder

'You all know me.' Theon began

'Aye, we know you for a steaming sack of shit.' Farlen spoke up

'Farlen, you be silent.' Bran warned he didn't want his people getting hurt.

'Listen to your little Lord, Farlen.' Theon added smugly. 'He has more sense than you do.''

'All of you should do as he commands.' Bran said weakly.

'My father has donned the ancient crown of salt and rock and declared himself King of the Iron Islands. He claims the North as well by right of conquest. You are all his subjects.' Theon declared

'Bugger that. I serve the Starks. If you think you can hold the North with this ...' Farlen shouted

'Shut up!' Theon demanded 'If you serve me as loyally as you served Ned Stark, I will be as good to you as he ever was. Betray me, and you will wish you hadn't.' Theon threatened ''Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory here and one to Deepwood Motte to my sister. Inform her that she's to bring 500 men to Winterfell. You are a Maester of the Citadel sworn to serve the lord of Winterfell, are you not?'

''I am.'' Maester Lewin agreed

''I am the Lord of Winterfell as Bran just informed you. Send the ravens.' Theon demanded

'My Lord.' Lewin said stiffly, he looked to the starks.

'My Lord Greyjoy. I see you've finally learned how to address your betters.' Theon told him as Osha stepped forward

''What do you want?' Theon snapped

'I was brought here a captive. You were here the day I was taken.'' Osha recalled

'I'm the one who took you.' Theon corrected 'What of it?''

'Let me serve you.'' Osha offered

'Serve me how? I need fighters, not kitchen sluts.' Theon corrected

'It was Robb Stark who put me in the kitchens. Put a spear in my hand again.' Osha offered

'So you can bury it in my neck? Do you take me for a fool?' Theon sneered marching off 'Get up. Step aside.'

"Why?" Bran questioned Osha softly, why turn on him so quickly.

'It's your dream, Little Lord. The ocean has come to swallow this place. I ain't letting it drown me. And in a few days' time ...'' Osha began


'What have they done to him?'

'We caught this one on this way back from Torrhen's Square. Took out two of ours before I got his sword.' They pushed Rodrick Cassel forward.

'Ser Rodrik, it grieves me that we meet as foes. It grieves me you've less honor than a back alley whore.' Theon declared

'You were raised here under this roof. These people are your people.' Rodrick reminded him

'They are not my people.' Theon corrected

'King Robb thought of you as a brother.'

'My brothers are dead. They died fighting Stark men, men like you.' Theon spat

'Aye, they died fighting a war your father started. Lord Stark raised you among his own sons.' Rodrick reminded him

'Among them, but not one of them. I was his hostage taken from my home.' Theon reminded him.

'If he were alive to see this ...' Rodrick said shaking his head

'He's not. He's dead.' Theon spat.

'The Seven Kingdoms are at war.'

'And Winterfell is mine. I should have put a sword in your belly instead of in your hand. You've served this House faithfully, old man. But keep talking and I'll...' Theon wasn't a killer, he didn't want to hurt them, he just wanted to serve his father, be a good son. 'Take him to the cells. Lock him up...'

'My prince, you cannot let that stand. He must pay.'

'I'll lock him in a cell until he rots-' Theon told them

'No, he has to pay the iron price. They'll never respect you while he lives.' Theon stared down as they brought Rodrick to his knees

'Ser Rodrik, I sentence you to death.' Theon said stiffly as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

'No!' Bran shouted 'You said no harm would come to them if I yielded.'

'The old man couldn't keep his mouth shut.' Theon said grinding his teeth nervously, they wouldn't respect him until he showed he was brave, worth following

'I urge you not to make a hasty decision.'

'He disrespected me in front of my men. That was his decision, not mine.' Theon corrected for every word of rebellion against him made him more and more ready for blood to spill.

'He is worth more to you alive than dead.'

'The Starks will pay!'

'Please, Theon, think what you're doing.' Bran whispered

'You'll address me as Prince Theon or you'll be next.' Theon spat. ''Come.'

''No! No! - Theon! Please! Ser Rodrik!'

'He who passes the sentence should swing the sword.' Theon recalled, following in Ned's footsteps for one thing

''- I'm begging you!' Bran shouted thrashing in Hodors grip.


'Stop! Stop right now!' Bran demanded

'You don't give commands anymore, Little Lord.'

'Please, stop this. Please stop him.' Bran whimpered.

'Hush now, child.' Osha whispered

'I'm off to see your father.' Rodrick told him calmly.

'You said no harm would come! You said no harm would come. Theon, please.'

'Any last words, old man?' Theon couldn't look at the starks

'Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost.' Rodrick told him

'Theon, please, don't.' Bran cried out. 'Do something.' He looked o hodor and osha. 'I'll do anything. Please! No, please, stop it!' Bran screamed out as the blade came down, his head lay before them


'Robb!' cat said coming up behind him

'Mother how did it go?' Robb questioned distracted by a nurse tending to the injuried. 'I missed you.'

'Oh yes you looked absolutely forlorn.' Catelyn told him.

'You surprised me is all... We just won yet another battle.' Robb reminded her. "Amelia is here in a pin with her father and Theon is getting the iron fleet. Everything is coming up Stark."

'Your grace, my lady, news from Winterfell...'

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