44. Kill Me

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Bran woke startled looking around, his ears hearing the echo of footsteps of people? of monsters? but as the sounds got closer Meera lunged putting a blade to the man's knife as he lay on his back terrified

'Who are you?" She demanded.

'Sam?' another voice said coming up the stairs

'Who are you?' she yelled again

'Don't hurt us don't hurt us.' They begged.

'Where are you going?'

'To Castle Black I'm a brother of the night watch.' Sam informed them.

'My brother is of the nights watch,' Bran told him but Jojen hushed him

'Who is your brother?' Sam question

'It does not matter' Jojen told him. They circled bran protecting him

'You're Jon's brother!' Sam exclaimed, 'the one who fell from the window'

'No I'm not' Bran denied.

'I've been around ghost enough to know a direwolfe when I see one and I've heard all about Hodor.' Sam said looking to the giant in the corner.

'Hodor' Hodor agreed

'I would be dead if it wasn't for Jon. If you're his brother than you're my brother too! Anything I can do to help you I will.' Sam assured him.

'Take us north of the wall' bran requested

'What? Why in the world would you want to do that?'

'I don't want to, I have to.' Bran told him

'How did you get there?'

'Is there an underground river?' meera questioned

'You can come with us there are steps carved into the south side of the wall, Hodor can carry you to the top and we will walk straight to castle black.' Sam told them.

'Come with us there's nothing more than death.' Gilly told them

'If Jon is alive, Castle Black is where he'll be, it's the safest place for you.' Sam told him

'There is nowhere safe' jojen told them

'All I know is what I saw' Sam told them 'and if you saw it too you would run the other way'

'You saw the white walkers, and the army of the dead?' Jojen questioned

'how do you know that?' Sam asked

'The nights watch can't stop it, the kings of Westeros and all their armies cannot stop it.' Jojen warned them.

'But you were going to stop it?'

'Please Sam I have to go north' bran told them 'I have to.'


"Last hurrah before the slaughter I suppose." Amelia remarked as they rode getting to the twins.

"Shut up." Robb hissed.

"you realize I have done nothing!' Amelia shouted back to him.

"Your family-'

"Should I blame you for what your mother did to my uncle?" Amelia spat and Robb glared at her. "I heard about her trying to send him through the moon door." Amelia declared. "My uncle is a good man and your mother wanted him dead. He didn't hurt Bran."

"And how to you know?" Robb countered.

"Because I know my uncle Tyrion. He doesn't hurt anyone. He is a big love not a fighter. Certainly not a killer!" Amelia spat.

"Shut up. We will be there soon enough."

"What will you do with me then?" Amelia asked impatiently. "You know after you left. I was with Bran and Rickon. Sweetest boys." Amelia told him. "They were kids, fuck it we all are kids!" Amelia shouted at him. "They were expected to be lord of winterfell." Amelia reminded him. "I loved them and your best friend had them killed."

"You don't think I hate him too?" Robb sneered stopping his horse next to hers. "You don't think I want Theon's head as much as I want your twins head, your head.' He told her through gritted teeth.

"Then do it and be done with me." Amelia hissed. "I don't want to be a prisoner anymore!" Amelia begged.

"Not yet." Robb warned.

'Fuck you!" Amelia shouted. "My brother isn't a good person, but neither are you." Amelia hissed. "I liked your father. He was kind. I didn't have his head chopped." Amelia reminded him. "I thought I was in love with you, I was here and yet you torment me as though I swung the blade."

"Shut up!' Robb hissed.

"Bran kissed me. That day. Before he fell. He told me he wanted to marry me before we were wed." Amelia went on. "I wish I would have listened because he is a better man then you ever will be." Amelia informed him honestly and Robb leaned forward and slapped Amelia across the face. "You only prove my point." Amelia told him calmly bringing a hand to her cheek.

"You are leverage, nothing more." Robb spat reaching out and grabbing her by the neck. Amelia stared back at him a shaky breath in her lungs. "The moment your family hurts mine, or worse. I send you back in pieces... don't make me start now." He let her go and she gasped for breath as he marched his horse away.

"KILL ME!" Amelia begged. "KILL ME!"

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