76. Worth It

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Amelia was shaking the snow from her hair when Bran saw her. Ghost running in after her. 

"It's so cold!" Amelia declared running a hand through her hair. 

"Let's warm you up then." Bran suggested pulling her to him. 

"A personal chariot." Amelia remarked leaning into him. "A girl could get used to such treatment." She got up from his lap and opened the door. She pulled off her cloak hanging it up as Bran barred the door and pulled himself out of his chair. Amelia looked to the door expecting Rickon to come running in. Banging on the door, but all was silent. 

"What did you do to get rickon not to burst through the door?'' Amelia mused.

"Worth it." Bran assured pulling her to him. 

"Oh? Mysterious." Amelia remarked. "Now I must know." 

"He wanted a second chair made like mine so we can have a race." Bran informed her. "Then I owe him a race whenever he requests for the next seven fortnights."

"Wow, thats... wow." Amelia remarked. 

"Like I said, worth it." Bran repeated as she kissed him. 

"That's a lot of races." Amelia mused. 

"I have complete faith in his arms getting sore after the second race." Bran remarked pulling her closer. Amelia chuckled wrapping her arms around him. He lifted his arms leaning into her as she removed his shirt before kissing her again. His hands fumbled with her dress as his lips never left hers. 

''Fucking north.'' Bran grumbled pulling at Amelias layers. She chuckled as he tugged at her dress. She leaned back on his legs helping him with the knot, he watched her intently as she removed her dress. 

To say Bran had been wanting to do this with Amelia since he was ten would be an understatement. Now she was naked in his bed pulling at his pants and he thought he was in a dream he didnt want to wake up from. She moved back up kissing him as his hands roamed over her. 

He breathed her in as her chest collided with his. Holding tighter to her, he felt her heart beating in her chest, felt the rise and fall of her chest against his. She hand moved down his neck and chest as she locked eyes with him. 

"I love you Amelia." he whispered kissing her again.

"I love you Bran." She echoed as his lips explored lower. He brushed her hair over her shoulder as he kissed her neck, her head tipped back. 

Hip lips met her again as his hand trailed along her thigh. He nodded eagerly as her hand trailed down his chest. 

'Can you feel this?'' Amelia asked the back of her fingers grazing along his length. 

''I feel you.'' Bran confirmed pulling her closer.

He slipped a hand between them finding her entrance as her lips never left his as she shifted forward she felt him nudging in when there was a bang on the door, Amelia hesitated glancing back at the door but Bran didnt let her go.

"Rickon, we had a deal." Bran demanded. Another loud bang. ''Not now.'' Bran breathed out pulling her closer. She hugged tight wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he kissed her again. 

''Bran open the door we need to talk'' Sansa demanded. 

''Not now!'' Bran shouted back.

''Yes now!'' Sansa spat. ''Open the door or I break it down.''

Amelia kissed Bran again long and slow before pulling away.

''No.'' Bran whispered wrapping his arms tighter around her.

''If this is the moment she wants to execute me. I would like to have a dress on for a final moment of dignity.'' Amelia remarked kissing him again.

''I told you I wont let her hurt you.'' Bran reminded.

''Then you have nothing to worry about and we have all the time in the world.'' Amelia offered as she slipped on her dress.

She moved past Sansa and moved to Rickon's chambers. Sansa glared back at her. 

'Oh it didnt go well and you need me.'' Rickon mused as Amelia closed his door. ''I suspected as much,'' she flopped down next to him. ''You know im going to tell Bran you slept in my bed.'' Rickon remarked she giggled kissing his forehead. ''And that you kissed me.'' He added "I'm not going to tell him where you kissed me. I will let his imagination roam." 

''Go to sleep dork!'' Amelia declared tipping her head into him.

''I'm going to spin it better than sleeping though too.'' Rickon informed her.

''Stop it or im leaving.'' Anelia warned laughing out.

''What happened?''

''Sansa needed to talk to Bran. Right that moment or else she was going to break the door down.'' Amelia informed him.

''Well we all know you would rather be in my bed.'' Rickon teased. 

"Oh really?" Amelia mused. 

"Yes, you should know by not I'm cuddlier than Bran." Rickon informed her seriously. 

"You are a dork." Amelia countered. 

"Yet, here you are." Rickon retorted. 

"I love you, Rickon." Amelia whispered. 

"I love you too." 


"Arya and I had a discussion." Sansa remarked as Bran shoved the sheets around him. "Amelia clearly has to go and you and Rickon are hypnotized by her blonde hair and tits." 

"Sansa." Bran groaned. 

"Look at you, Bran." Sansa countered. "You can't be biased in this and I am in charge." 

"And you are unbiased?" Bran countered as Sansa scoffed. "Joffrey hurt you. Joffrey. Not Amelia. I told you before-"

"She goes." Sansa demanded. "In the morning, she can have some rations but she is not staying here anymore." 

"If you kick her out then I'm going with her." Bran countered. 

"Don't be ridiculous." Sansa spat. 

"I told you before." Bran reminded her. "If you make me choose. I will choose Amelia." 

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