85. Fearless

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 'They lit the trench' Theon told his men, he turned back to Bran. 'Bran? I just want you to know I wish... The things I did-' theon began.

'Everything you did brought to you where you are now' Bran told him 'where you belong' he assured him 'home.' Theon nodded. 'I'm going to go now.' bran said, and Theon looked to him confused.

"Go where?' Theon questioned and Brans eyes turned white as his head tipped back he went into the ravens he went to see what was going on without ever leaving his chair. Theon stared down at him momentarily before getting back into defensive stance, on guard as they waited for the night king and for Bran to return. Bran was defenseless like this.

Bran saw the night king reaching out to him, Bran saw the army of the dead waiting behind the trench but one by one they started to pile on top of it putting out the fire with their bodies.

Bran saw Amelia, not on the wall but down below prying arrows from the dead and relaunching them. He saw her in a vulnerable position on the ground with only her bow as defense but fearless. She was fearless as she pushed through. 

The white walkers started to climb on top of each other climbing up the wall they would take the castle in no time at the rate they were going.

'Come on Clegane, we need you.' Beric told him.

'Fuck off we're not gonna win this' Sandor said panting and leaning against the wall.

"Are you going to let her die while you hide up here?" Beric pointed up at arya on the roof she was being cornered. Sandor hesitated until he saw Amelia chasing after her, arrows flying. Sandor took off after them.

"Her damn heart." Sandor grumbled. Amelia always had the biggest heart and the boldest mind that got her into trouble. Right now, chasing after Arya a girl that had wanted to kill Amelia just a few days ago and now Amelia was risking her life to save her. "Fucking fearless."


Arya crept through the library, wandering walkers moved sluggishly as she tried to get out and close the door on them. She bumped into a warm body and raised her blade but Amelia grabbed her hand before she could drive her blade into her. Amelia slowly released her grip bringing a finger to her mouth. Arya nodded lowering her blade. 

Amelia nodding to the door, grabbed a book and flung it in the opposite direction. THe walkers moved to it as they snuck out sealing the door closed. 

"Thanks." Arya whispered. 

"You had it." Amelia assured. Then they heard more grumbling of walkers, Amelia lit her arrow slicing it like a blade through the air as Arya got shoved back into her, her velaryian steel blade, the blade Bran had given her slipping through her grasp as she rolled between their legs. Amelia plunged her arrow into the closest walkers head.

"Amelia!" Arya declared but she didnt have a weapon anymore as she pat herself down. She looked to it on the ground. 

"GO!" Amelia shouted pulling the arrow out and slashing it through the air. "ARYA GO!" Amelia demanded as she stumbled back. She scurried back feeling the blade on the ground and she grabbed it slicing and stabbing it at the walkers as they chomped at her. 

'Get Down!!' Sandor declared and Amelia curled up on the ground. Sandor took his axe his swing so strong it decapitated the walker. 'Move, move, move!' He declared pulling her up as they ran. Arya stumbled back a walker breaking through the wall. Sandor pulled Amelia and arya behind him, protecting them as he charged ahead getting a path out.

'We gotta go!' beric declared. Sandor, Amelia and arya ran fighting walkers but beric created a blockage, sacrificing himself, allowing them to escape. Sandor barricaded the door as arya panted for breath. Sandor blocked the door coming to Amelia, the blade still gripped tight in her hand.

"You alright?' Sandor questioned looking her over. 

"I'm okay." Amelia agreed as he hugged her. 

"I told you to go to the fucking crypts." Sandor grumbled not letting her go. Amelia nodded still panting for breath. They were never going to win. "Gods, I almost lost you... again." Sandor remarked. 

'The lord brought him back for a purpose, now that purpose has been served.' the red woman said looking to them.

'I know you,' Arya said looking her over.

'And I know you.' The red woman confirmed.

"Bran." Amelia whispered pulling from Sandor's grip.

"Amelia, no!" Sandor demanded reaching for her. 

"He's out there." Amelia rasped. "I don't want to live if he's dead." She whimpered running out. 

"AMELIA!" Sandor demanded chasing after her. 

'You said we would meet again' arya remembered.

'And here we are. At the end of the world.' 

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