35. You Flirt

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'Five Lannister's dead for every one of ours!' Robb told his men as he walked through the battlefield

'too many to keep as prisoners we barely have enough food to feed our own.' One of his commanders told Robb.

'We're not executing prisoners.' Robb told him confidently.

'Of course your grace... the officers will be useful some of them may be privy to Tywin Lannister's plans.' He admitted and Robb nodded in agreement, they could be useful.

'What do we know?'

'We will know soon enough, in my family there's a saying a naked man has a few secrets.'

'We're not torturing them that's not how we would do it in the north.' Robb told them

'We're not in the north.' He remarked

'We're not torturing them.' Robb repeated he was going to be a good and just king. These men were just following orders, just like his men.

'The high road is very pretty but you will have a hard time marching your army down it.' his commander told him.

'The Lannister's still have prisoners of their own. I won't give them an excuse to abuse my sisters.' Robb told him.


''Hodor. Take me to Amelia.'' Bran requested.

''Hodor.'' Hodor agreed picking Bran up. Amelia was never hard to find. Rumlow was always lurking. Today he was standing outside Rickons door.

''Lord Stark.'' Rumlow remarked

''Ser Rumlow.'' Bran answered. ''Go in hodor.''

''You know when I was probably a bit younger than you I never wanted to take a bath unless it was filled to the top with bubbles and looked like snow.'' Amelia informed rickon as she ran her fingers through his wet hair giving him a temporary soapy mohawk

''Snow in the bath?'' Rickon laughed out

''Now that im here I see that snow is freezing and it has no place in a nice warm bath.'' Amelia assured after her frozen incedent the previous day Amelia had spent hours in the bath then practically jumped in the fire.

''Hodor.'' Amelia looked to the door to see Bran and Hodor.

''Put me on the bed Hodor.'' Bran requested and hodor obliged and then headed out himself.

''Amelia was telling me about swimming at the castle.'' Rickon remarked. 'And the mermaids at Lannisport. ''

''Rickon you could definitely woe a mermaid.'' Amelia told him confidently and rickon splashed her with water. ''What! Its a compliment.'' amelia declared with a laugh.

''Would you take us swimming at the capital?'' Rickon asked and Amelias gaze flickered to Bran. He knew more about what was going on than rickon.

''I would like that.'' Amelia agreed rinsing off Rickons hair.

''Bran could you swim?'' Rickon asked and Bran let out a sad sigh.

''I could help you.'' Amelia offered. ''We could float together.''

''I would like that.'' Bran agreed. Rickon jumped up shaking himself off

''Oh my, Naked booty!'' Amelia declared with a laugh, wrapping a towel around him. Rickon smiled shamelessly down at her.

''You flirt.'' Bran said adjusting on the bed. Rickon stuck his tongue out at Bran before smiling back down at amelia.

''He must learn from you.'' Amelia said smiling back at Bran and he blushed his lips twisting to try and hide his smile.


''What do you think happens... after all is said and done?'' Bran questioned. Rickon lay snoring lightly his mouth gaped open an arm hanging off the bed as amelia lay on her side facing Bran.

''What do you mean?'' She asked bringing a gentle hand up to his cheek.

''When the war is done whoever wins and who loses...' he remarked ''what happens to you? What happens to us?''

''I would love to give an answer... I would love to tell you that everything is going to be OK... That when whatever happens happens... It's going to be a magical storybook ending.'' she told him softly. ''Not one of my storybook endings where the guy gets the girl-'

''Or the princess.'' Bran corrected.

''Or the princess'' she repeated softly. ''Where they make it and live happily ever after. Rainbows and sunny days and... peace. Love.'' Bran looked to Amelia as she leaned into him her hand running gently along his side.

''But I don't think about is how our stories going to go.'' Amelia told him honestly. ''At least not my story...''

''I will keep you safe.'' he told her confidently

''I love you Brandon Stark of winterfell.'' Amelia told him softly. ''I hope and pray you get a happily ever after.''

''Amelia, I don't want to have a happily ever after if it is not with you.'' Bran told her and she couldn't look at him because she didnt want him to see her tears.


'The king of the north.' Jaime remarked 'I keep expecting you to bring me to one castle or another for safekeeping... you keep dragging me camp to camp.' Jamie noted he was chained up to a post when Robb approached him. 'have you grown fond of me stark? Is that it?" Jamie teased

'If I left you with one of my Bannerman your father would know within a fortnight and my Bannerman would receive a raven with a message release my son and be rich beyond your dreams refusing your house will be destroyed root and stem.' Robb remarked through a clenched jaw

'You don't trust the loyalty of the men following you to battle?' Jamie asked

'I trust them with my life.' Robb clarified 'just not with yours.'

'Smart boy.' Jamie admitted 'what's wrong? Don't like being called boy you're a big man now...' The growling was heard and Jamie turned his head peeing around the post he was stuck on

'You said it yourself king slayer. You have been defeated by a boy you have been held captive by a boy. Perhaps you will be killed by a boy.' Robb said walking around him 'Stannis Baratheon sent ravens to all the high lords,' his wolf grey came in staring threateningly at Jamie 'in the West they declared that King Joffrey Baratheon is neither true king nor true Baratheon... he is your bastard son.' Robb told him confidently. "Amelia as well..." Jaime chuckled.

'If that is true.' Jamie said slowly, 'then Stannis is the rightful King how convenient for him.'

'My Father learned the truth. That is why you had him executed.' Robb said sternly

'I was your prisoner when daddy lost his head.' Jaime told him. Grey stepped forward and snapped at Jaime, Jaime jerked his head back hitting it on the post he was connected to. Jaime felt his heart race as the wolf stepped back to Robb's side.

'Your son killed him. Your son Joffrey killed my father!' Robb told Jamie

"If so then you married my daughter. Is that right?" Jaime retorted. "where is Amelia?"

'you fathered him and you pushed my brother from a window because he saw you with the queen.' Robb told him confidently

'Do you have proof?' Jamie asked 'do you want to trade gossip like a couple of wives?'

'I sent a cousin of yours down to Kings Landing with my peace terms.'

'Do you think my father is going to negotiate with you?' Jamie asked incredulously. 'You don't know him very well.'

'Yes but he is starting to know me.' Robb countered.

'Three victories do not make you a conqueror.' Jaime told him

'It's better than three defeats.' Robb nudged Gray forward and he snarled in Jamie's face before turning away Jamie lean back into the post trying to get further away from the beast as GREY, and Robb walked off.

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