83. Not Here, Here

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'That's what death is, isn't it? forgetting... Forgotten... If we forget who we are where we come from we are not men anymore.' Sam told them 'just animals. your memories don't come from books, your stories are not just stories...'

'we gotta take out the night king.'

'He can find me.' Bran informed them. 'His mark is always on me,' Bran said showing them the burns on his arms from when he was grabbed in a vision.

'We will put you in the crypt where it's safest.' Jon told Bran

'No we have to draw him out or his army kills us all. I will wait for him in the woods for him.' Bran told them.

'You want to use yourself as a bait?' Amelia asked incredulously shaking her head vigorously. 

'We're not leaving you alone out there.' Arya added.

'I'll stay with him,' theon said 'with the iron born. I took this castle from you once, let me defend you now.'

"Me too." Amelia added, Tyrion stared back at her. He didn't want her in the thick of the fighting. But it was Bran that spoke up. 

"No Amelia." Bran declared. "I need you safe."

"And I need you safe." She countered staring back at him. "Either we both hide or you hope that I don't out of arrows." 

'We will hold off the rest of them for the rest as we can' Davos said getting back on track.

'Ser Davos and I will be on the top to give you the signal went to light the trench' tyrion told them.

'Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own, you will be in the crypt.' Daenerys told Tyrion. 

'Your grace I have fought before I can do it again, along with the men and women risking their lives.' Tyrion reminded her

'There are thousands of them and only one of you. You cannot fight as well as they can, but you can think better than any of them... you're here because of your mind if you survive, if we survive I will need it.' Daenerys told him. 

"Only one uncle Tyrion." Amelia agreed smiling back at him. Begrudgingly he nodded.

"As long as you are with me." Tyrion added. 

"Already had this talk with Bran, were you not listening?" Amelia mused. 

'The dragon should give us an edge in the field' Davos went on

'If they are in the field they are not protecting Bran, we need to be near him not so near the night King won't come.' Jon said

'Has anyone ever tried to kill him?'

'No one has ever tried' Bran told them

'We are all going to die!' Tormund said 'but at least we died together,' he winked at Brienne.

'Let's get some rest,' Jon instructed 'Your grace' Jon said to dany before he made a quick exit. Bran reached out pulling Amelia to him. 

"I don't want you out there." 

"Funny, I don't want you out there." Amelia countered. She brought a hand to his cheek. "What a way to die, in the arms of the man I love... seems like a fairy tale ending to me."

"My endings were better than ours." Bran reminded her. "They don't die and live happily ever after." 

"Yes, thats right." Amelia agreed. "How does the happily ever after begin for them?" Bran leaned forward kissing her. "Oh, I like that." She agreed tipping her head into him. 

'Do you need help?' Tyrion asked bran, him and Amelia sat still while the rest of the room cleared out.

'No' he answered solemnly looking into the fire, arms wrapped around Amelia.

'I got him uncle Tyrion, don't worry.' Amelia assured.

'You've had a strange journey' Tyrion remarked.

'No stranger than most' Bran replied.

'I would like to hear about it,' tyrion said pulling up a chair, 'both of you.' He looked to Amelia.

'It's a long story,' Bran told him

'If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter with nowhere to go...' tyrion said leaning in.

'I think it all started when I fell in love with my brothers bride to be.' Bran admitted making Amelia blush and Tyrion looked between them a smile curving on his face. 


Sandor was sitting on the wall when arya approached he offered her a drink she took it sitting down next to him. Silence filled the air.

'You never used to shut up and now you just sit there like a mute?' Sandor asked

'I guess I've changed' she said 'What are you doing up here?'

'What's it look like?' sandor questioned .

'No I mean what are you doing up here? you join the brotherhood, you fought at the wall with Jon and now you're here, why? When was the last time you thought for anyone but yourself?' arya snapped.

'I fought for you didn't I?' He asked taking back his ale and taking a sip, 'oh for fucks sake.' There went sandors peace and quiet.

'My lady it is good to see you again' beric said 'I'm sorry for the way we parted' beric told arya. 'The Lord of light has brought us together all the same this is his moment when light-'

'Thoros is not here anymore' Sandor reminded him, 'so I hope you're not about to give a sermon because if you are the Lord of light is going to wonder why he brought you back 19 times just for me to knock you over this wall.' Beric chuckled sitting down across from Sandor. 'Where are you going?' Sandor asked arya as she got up and walked away.

'I'm not spending my final hours with you two shits' she told him.

'Why are you outside?" Amelia questioned as sandor pulled her down to him. 'It's so cold!' she shouted blowing out her breath. 'See?' she blew out another breath. "Cold. So cold you can see my breath" Amelia remarked. 

"You seemed content with the little lord stark." Sandor countered. 

"I love Bran." Amelia confirmed. "But I miss the water, my feet in the sand..." Amelia looked to sandor. "You know when the big bitch came, I thought about us going to Braavos all the time. I thought about the life we could have had there." Amelia remarked. 

"It would have been nice." Sandor agreed. 

"What will you do after this?"

"Drink myself into oblivion." Sandor offered. 

"I'm serious." Amelia declared turning to face him. 

"Kill  my brother." Sandor told her honestly. Amelia stared back at him debating the right words to get him to not do that. "Gorgeous, I love you. You might be the only person alive that I do love and would gladly kill for, die for." 

"I don't want you to die." Amelia reminded him. "I love you Sandor, you are family." 

"I gotta kill the last of my family." Sandor informed her. "I gotta." 

"But what if he kills you?"

"Then I go down swinging." Sandor offered. 

"I don't want to lose you, I just got you back." Amelia countered. 

"I'm always right here," Sandor offered tapping his thumb against her heart. 

"I want you right here." Amelia clarified. "Here, here.... well not here, here, but sunny here, alive with me." Amelia remarked as he kissed her forehead. 

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