19. Warmer

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'I must say I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit.' Tyrion remarked, 'I was expecting more from the new lord of winterfell.' Tyrion mused. If Catelyn was right Tyrion could have been part of the attacks on Bran. Amelia too, all Lannister's were enemy number one.

'Any man of the nights watch is welcome at Winterfell.' Robb told them and Tyrion glanced up at his companion, Yoren.

'Any Man of the nights watch but I'm not a man of the nights watch am I boy?' Tyrion said making his way back from the wall and down through Winterfell to get to Kings Landing he had hoped to see Amelia but he only saw Robb staring, glaring down at him.

'I'm not your boy. I am lord of Winterfell, while my father is in Kings Landing.' Robb corrected.

'Then you might learn a Lord's courtesy.' Tyrion told him as the door opened and Bran was carried in. 'So it's true.' Tyrion said as Hodor carried him to the front. 'hello Bran.' Tyrion said and Hodor stopped in front of Tyrion, Bran limp in his arms. 'do you remember anything about what happened?'

'He has no memory of that day.' the master said

'Curious.' Tyrion whispered.

'Why are you here?' Robb questioned

'Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel?' Tyrion asked 'my neck is beginning to hurt.'

'Kneel Hodor.' Bran instructed

'Do you like to ride Brandon?' Tyrion asked

'Yes I mean I did like to...' Bran told him

'The boy has lost use of both his legs.'

'What of it?' Tyrion said 'with the right horse and saddle even a cripple can ride.'

'I'm not a cripple.' Brandon told him.

'Then I am not a dwarf,' Tyrion retorted 'my father will be rejoice to hear it.' Tyrion mused but Bran just stared at him. 'I have a gift for you.' he handed him a scroll 'give that to your Sadler he will provide the rest.' Bran opened it up it was a sketch for a new saddle. 'you must shape the horse to the rider.' Tyrion told Robb 'you start with a yielding and then you teach it and train it to work with the boys needs.'

'Could I really be able to ride?' Bran questioned hopefully.

'On horseback you'll be as tall as any of them.' Tyrion assured.

'Is this some sort of trick?' Robb questioned 'why do you want to help him?'

'I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples bastards and broken things,' Tyrion said.

'You've done my brother kindness the hospitality of winterfell is yours.' robb told him

'Spare me your false kindness and courtesies lord stark there is a brothel outside to which there I will find a bed, I will sleep easier.' tyrion told him heading out.


'My Lord,' another knock on the door.

'Come in.' Ned said

'your grace, the queen.' he announced before walking away and the queen walked in.

'Your Grace.' Ned said stiffly

'you're missing your tournament' cersei reminded him.

'Just because it's in my name does not make it mine.' Ned told her.

'Of course,' she agreed looking around the Hand's office. 'I thought we might put what happened on the Kings Road behind us,' Cersei offered kindly, Joffrey was to marry sansa they could be civil 'the argument with the wolves... the need to kill the beast was extreme.' she admitted 'but sometimes we go to extremes when our children are concerned.'

'couldn't agree more.' Ned said stiffly.

'How is Sansa?'

'Well she likes it here' ned admitted.

'It seems she is the only stark that does, she favors the south like her mother not much of the north and her-' ceresi went on.

'What are you doing here?' Ned questioned.

'I might ask the same of you.' Cersei said taking threatening steps forward her heels clicking on the ground 'what is it you hope to accomplish?'

'The king called on me to serve him and the realm and that is what I will do until he tells me otherwise.' Ned informed her.

'You can't change him you can't help him.' Cersei informed him 'he will do what he wants what he's only ever done. You will do your best to pick up the pieces.'

'If that is my job then so be it.' Ned said confidently.

'You were just a soldier, you take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense your older brother was charged to lead and you were charged to follow.' Cersei mocked

'I was also trying to kill my enemies your grace.'

'As was I.' she informed him before turning away mischievous look in her eyes

''Uncle Tyrion!' amelia declared running up to him and dropping to her knees.

''Hello my love.'' tyrion coed. ''How are you?'' Tyrion wiped at her eyes "What happened?"

''I want to go home.'' Amelia whimpered ''take me with you.''

''Oh love im sorry,'' amelia sat back on her heels as tyrion held her sad face in his hands.

''I want to go home please uncle tyrion please.'' amelia begged softly

''Whats going on? They didnt seem to fond of me.'' Tyrion remarked

''Someone attacked bran. They have been keeping a guard on me since then. I don't understand it.'' amelia looked behind her at the man staring down at them. ''Take me home,'' she whispered.

''Why do they blame you?''

''The assassin attacked, I tried to stop him yet somehow they think it my fault! They put ser Rumlow on me and... Uncle Tyrion please." amelia whimpered. 'I'm scared tyrion i dont want to stay here. Please take me with you.'' Amelia sobbed into him. Tyrion held her as she sobbed he couldnt steal her that could start a war with the north stealing their new lady of winterfell.

''My love I will talk to your mother and father when i get back and-''

''No uncle tyrion now. I want to go now! Im scared here.'' Amelia begged

''Oh sweetie.'' Tyrion wiped at her cheeks only for more tears to come. ''One moment love i will talk with the new lord of winterfell.'' Amelia nodded. 

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