40. Rotting

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''We should bury them.' Theon remarked

'I'd leave 'em up a few more days. Sends a message.' His guard remarked.

'If they haven't got the damn message yet, a few more days won't help.' Theon told him softly

'As you say. But it don't hurt to let 'em rot a while longer.' Theon handed over a pouch of coin. 'What's this?'

'Gold for the farmer. For his trouble.' Theon answered softly

'His troubles are done. He's feeding the crops now. His wife, too. You want to keep a man silent, you silence him.' Theon let out a sigh, what had be become?

'Got as far as the farm and then doubled back. Walked through the stream to throw off the hounds. Hoped this would be the last place they'd think to look." Osha remarked

'You're right... so far.' Lewin answered

'Who was that out there hung up the gates?' osha questioned

'Must have been the farmer's boys. He killed them and burned them and passed them off as the little lords?' osha asked appalled.

'Shh, shh, shh. They mustn't know. Bran would blame himself.'

'They'll never hear it from me. The little lads have suffered enough.'

But Bran was wide awake.


'Your Grace the king slayer escaped in the night.'

'Tell me this isn't true!' he demanded she couldn't look at him 'tell me!' Robb demanded her eyes rised glanced up at him

'Why would you do that?' Robb questioned 'Why!' Robb demanded.

'For the girls.' she said simply

'You betrayed me.' Robb seethed.


'No.' he shouted 'you knew I would not allow it and you did it anyway.'

'Brandon and Rickon are captives in Winterfell, Sansa and arya are captives in Kings Landing I have five children and only one of them is free.' Catelyn reminded him.

'Yes and I lost one son who's fighting by your side and I lost another to the king slayer!' one of Robb's commander said coming up behind Robb. 'strangled with a chain!" he went on, 'You commit treason because your children are prisoners I would carve out my heart and offer it to the father if he would let my son's wake from their graves and step into a prison cell!'

'I grieve for your sons my Lord-' catelyn said

'I don't want your grief.' He spat at her 'I want my vengeance and you stole it from me.'

'Killing Jaime Lannister will not bring back your children returning him may bring life for mine.' Cat told him

'Jamie Lannister played you for a fool.' Robb told her 'you have weakened our position you brought discord into our camp can you do it all behind my back.' Robb said disappointed and outraged 'make sure she is guarded day and night.'

'Robb-' Cat said standing up

'How many men do we have to send after the king slayer?' Robb asked

'40 your Grace.'

'Send another 40 with our fastest horses.' robb said walking out

'Robb-' cat called after him but he didn't stop.

"We still have Amelia right?" Robb hissed.

"Yes your grace."


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