82. For Love

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Amelia decided that the best way to wake up was under a mountain of blankets Brans arms around her and his lips on hers.

'Morning.' she whispered against him

'Mm.' he mumbled holding her closer. She leaned back into him. 'What's going through that gorgeous head of yours?' Bran questioned.

'Nothing.' she answered honestly 'I'm just really happy.'

'Me too.'


Amelia stared as Jaime as dragged in. Her uncle, her not uncle, her father. He locked eyes with her as he pulled from the dothraki's grip. 

"Amelia." He declared moving swiftly to her. "Oh, my sweet girl."

"How are you here?" Amelia whispered as he hugged her. 

"I... your mother misses you." Jaime remarked softly. "Goodness look at you honey, all grown up."

"I heard about Mycella and Tommen." Amelia whispered gnawing at her lip. 

"I suppose you heard about Joffrey too then." Jaime mused and amelia nodded stiffly. "Oh honey," Jaime coed kissing her forehead. 

"Why didnt you tell me the truth?" Amelia whispered as the dothraki grabbed him. "Why let me live in a lie?" Jaime stared back at her. "Did you think I wouldnt love you?" Amelia offered following after them. "You were always a father figure in my life, I would have liked to know." She whispered. "Robert... he didnt care for us. You did."

"Amelia, it was to protect you." Jaime whispered as he tugged trying to get back to her. 

'How did that turn out?" Amelia countered. 

"Sweetie, I love you. No matter if I only ever got to be uncle Jaime or..." Jaime stared back at her. 

"Brienne told me that you begged her to save me." Amelia remarked. "That you wanted her to get me home, get me save." 

"I did. I begged her and then when... the Freys, Amelia you were supposed to come home." Jaime remarked. "I'm so sorry you are a prisoner here again, I will get you out." 

"I'm not a prisoner here anymore." Amelia corrected. "Bran and Rickon are my family." 

"Amelia-" Jaime declared as they pulled him inside. Amelia found sandor easily in the crowd and sat beside him. 

"They got your father it seems." Sandor remarked gruffly as Amelia leaned into him. "You alright gorgeous?" Sandor asked wrapping an arm around her. 

"I just want the truth." Amelia grumbled. 

'When I was a child my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man that murdered my father' Daenerys told Jaime as he stood before her. 'The man who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat, who sat down on the iron throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor... he told me other stories as well about all the things we would do to that man once we took back the seven kingdoms and had him in our grasp.' Dany looked over Jaime Lannister. Standing before her, he didn't look too much like a king slayer right now. 'Your sister pledged to send her army north..."

'She did' Jaime answered.

'I do not see an army I see a man with one hand. It appears your sister lied to me.' Dany told him.

'She lied to me as well' Jaime informed her. 'She never had any intention of sending her fleet north, she now has greyjoys army and the golden company from essos. Even if we defeat the dead she will have more than enough to destroy the survivors. I swore to fight for the living and I intend to keep that promise.' Jaime told her silently pleading for his life.

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