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Amelia looked to Brienne as she heard people coming through the woods. Then Amelia saw Sansa and Theon. Theon.

"YOU KILLED THEM!" Amelia shouted marching towards him, Theon cowered back. "YOU KILLED BRAN!" Amelia spat "AND RICKON! WHAT DID THEY EVER DO BESIDES TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY AND YOU KILLED THEM!' Amelia punched him in the face and he felt blood trickle down his nose. She punched him again and he tumbled back she kicked at his stomach as he curled up in a ball.

"Enough." Sansa demanded and Amelia stared back at her.

"Do you not know what he did?" Amelia asked incredulously.

"I said enough." Sansa spat.

"I don't care." Amelia retorted. "I want his head." Amelia informed her.

"No." Sansa told her.

"I don't think you understand. I wasn't asking." Amelia hissed. "He killed Bran and Rickon and I want him to suffer."

"He has." Sansa assured.

"Doesn't look like it!" Amelia shouted taking another step closer. "He's alive and they are not!"

"He didn't kill them." Sansa corrected.

"And you believe the lies he spat to save his own ass after everything he did?" Amelia shouted.

"What about what your family did to mine, to me!" Sansa countered.

"Joffrey was a cunt, I'm not Joffrey. Theon killed them because he wanted power." Amelia countered. "Joffrey had power and a cruel brain. I didn't hurt you. I wasn't there. I was at Winterfell being a prisoner in your home!"

"And I was a prisoner in yours!" Sansa shouted back. The two girls stared at each other a moment longer their faces pinched with years of pain.

"I loved Bran and Rickon... they didn't deserve to die." Amelia said as a hot tear ran down her cold cheek.

"Don't talk about my brothers." Sansa sneered.

"Why?" Amelia spat. "I loved them, I spent everyday with them and I loved them." Amelia informed her. "I liked your father, I didn't want him dead." Amelia went on. "You and your sister are so quick to judge me off of my awful brother." Brienne realized who this was now. "But I'm not joffrey and you are not Robb."

"Robb was a good a kind man and your family had him killed!"

"Robb was mean and cruel too." Amelia countered.

"LIES!" Sansa hissed.

"He wanted to bargain me, which I understood, I wanted to go home. Then when the fear of death wasn't enough he hit me, he wrapped his hand around my throat and wanted to suffocate me. Wanted to watch the light drain from my eyes and know that he was responsible. Even though I was with him and your brothers while my awful brother was doing everything wrong." Amelia reminded him. "I had no say in it. Yet he took it out on me as I assume Joff took out on you his own anger."

"He did." Sansa agreed. "But Robb-"

"You didn't know him in the end." Amelia hissed. "He was a bitter boy winning wars and thinking himself a king."

"And you are a lannister still thinking your breath is worth anything." Sansa countered.

"I never hurt you or your family." Amelia reminded her. "I was in Winterfell, then a prisoner, then I was safe for a moment in time before your sister took it upon herself to threaten me and Sandor as every fucking turn!"


"And now I feel a prisoner again because this giant of a woman wanted to get you safe." Amelia hissed. "Even though I knew, I fucking knew that the moment you saw me you would want me dead for all the things I didn't do. But him." she pointed an accusatory finger at Theon. "He killed Bran and Rickon."

"I didn't." Theon whimpered.

"I don't believe you." Amelia cried out.

"Leave him be." Sansa demanded Amelia looked back at Podrick. He offered her a hand as she begrudgingly stepped back. He hugged her to him.

"I want him dead." Amelia muttered.

"I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell." Sansa said as Brienne approached them.

Without hesitation, Brienne lowered her sword and swore a vow to Sansa.

"Lady Sansa, I offer my services once again," she said. "I will shield your back, and keep your counsel, and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new." Amelia scoffed.

Sansa stood tall and proud, but hesitated ever so briefly as she began her part of the solemn oath.

"And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth," she began but paused, at a loss for words. Never having to recite this promise of service. Podrick gently prompted her, and then she completes the vow.

"... and meat and mead at my table." Podrick offered

"... and meat and mead at my table." Sansa repeated

'' I pledge to ask no service of you that may bring you dishonor.'' Podrick went on gently as Amelia stared back at them.

'' I pledge to ask no service of you that may bring you dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new," she finished. "Arise."

There was an intense sense of safety, power, and relief in this moment. Both Sansa and Brienne were on verge of tears as they stood in the snowy forest.

Amelia held back a grumble as she looked to Theon. Could they really be alive?

Brienne had pledged her sword to Catelyn Stark in almost exactly the same manner. So looking at Sansa now, she was overwhelmed with emotion. 

Podrick looked to Amelia she looked on the brink of snapping Theon's neck of jumping off a cliff herself to stop the accusations slung at her for things she didnt do.

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