60. Not Theon

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''She's far away from the Lannisters. This is her home. Maybe Lady Sansa is better off here.'' Podrick offered. "Sorry Princess." 

"I don't feel much like a princess." Amelia whispered. "Amelia is fine." she murmured. Podrick offered her a sad smile as she curled her legs into herself. 

''Better off with the Boltons who murdered her mother and brother?'' Brienne countered stiffly. ''Sansa's in danger even if she doesn't realize it." They looked to the door as it opened. They had stopped for the night and got a roof over their heads. ''Thank you." Brienne said kindly as she took the blanket from the man. ''You've lived here a long time?'

''Aye.'' he answered stiffly.

''Did you know Lord Eddard?''

''I knew him and his father before him.'' the man answered ''The Starks are gone now.''

''Not all of them. I know who's inside that castle.'' Brienne countered.

''Everyone knows. The Boltons.''

''I'm not talking about the Boltons. I need to get a message to her. To Sansa Stark.'' Brienne told him.

''Who are you?''

''Someone who swore to keep her safe.'' Brienne offered

''Swore to who?''

''Her mother.''

''Her mother's dead.' he spat back

''That doesn't release me from an oath. I served Lady Catelyn. I serve her still. Who do you serve?'' Brienne countered


''Forgive me, Lord Baelish, you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man. You wouldn't risk a single Lannister soldier or a single coin from the royal treasury. What do you have to lose? A brothel keeper? And if you succeed?'' Cersei remarked. 

''Name me Warden of the North.'' Petyr offered

''I'll speak to the king this evening, have him issue a royal decree.'' Cersei assured him.

''I'll not rest until the lion flies over Winterfell.'' Petyr assured

'' And I'll know you're a man of your word when I see Sansa Stark's head on a spike.'' Cersei spat. 

''As I said... I live to serve. '' Petyr told her. 

"Any word on Amelia?" Cersei whispered. "I have lost too much to lose her now."

"I do have my birds looking." Petyr assured "We will find the princess and bring her home."  Cersei let out a shaky breath. "She is strong like her mother, I'm sure she is fighting to get home." 

"She shouldnt have to. If I hadnt let Robert marry her off to that vile boy, my Amelia would be here and safe." 


"Why?" Sansa demanded when Theon came into her chambers placing a tray of food in front of her. ''Why, Theon?'' she demanded

'I'm not Theon. There is no Theon. Reek.'' theon whimpered

''Reek.'' Sansa agreed. ''Why did you tell him, Reek?''

''I was helping you.'' Theon whimpered ''You wanted to escape. There is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape.'' Theon told her he wouldnt meet her gaze, his eyes flickered around nervously. ''The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him and caught him and strapped him to a cross and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left.'' he sobbed out.

" Good." Sansa agreed, venom in her voice. ''If it weren't for you, I'd still have a family. If I could do what Ramsay did to you right here, right now, I would." She threatened

'' I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb. Captured Winterfell. killed those boys." Theon agreed

''They weren't "those boys." They were Bran and Rickon. They were your brothers. You've known them since they were born." Sansa shouted and Theon flinched back

''They weren't. They were only--'' Theon stopped himself

''Only what?'' Sansa sneered

''I can't.'

''Tell me!"

''I can't, not unless the master says.'' Theon told her.

"Tell me." Sansa grabbing his face with a harsh grip. ''They weren't what? They weren't-- Tell me why Bran and Rickon should be gone while you still breathe the air. Tell me to my face, Theon.''

''Tell me that they weren't your brothers!'' Theon shouted back and his voice cracked. Sansa stared at him confused. ''They weren't Bran and Rickon! I couldn't find them. It was two farm boys. I killed them and burned them so no one would know." Theon whimpered and Sansa let him go.

''You didn't? Do you know where they went, Bran and Rickon?' Sansa begged.

''I can't talk to you anymore.''

''Theon, you have to tell me. Do you have any idea where--''

''Not Theon! Reek!" HE shouted running out the door it slammed closed behind him 

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