Green Finch and Linnet Bird (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

And she's always known that was the kind of job for her, but, unfortunately, she knew that she wouldn't be taken seriously.

I mean, she was a woman after all, and this was the late 19th century, meaning that there was no way that she would get a job at the astrology center that her father just so happened to work at.

She was right- she didn't.

In fact, she was kicked out that very night, and wasn't alone in the alleyway, since she made eye contact with a young man with gorgeous green eyes.

And she couldn't help but notice that his eyes were filled with sadness, like he wasn't content with his life- almost like there was a dream that he couldn't fulfill.

Which was exactly how she felt, with the fact that her dream was to study the stars and become a famous scientist.

But she knew, however, that those dreams would never come true, which was why she was interested in him.

There was something about him that she could relate to- she just didn't know what that was.

She was standing outside the astrology center a couple days later, her ice blue eyes staring at the door nervously, while her strawberry blond hair was pinned up on a bun on top of her head.

She raised her hand, ready to open the door again, when a friendly, and smooth sounding voice got her attention- in a good way.

"Aren't you going to get kicked out again?" The unknown stranger asked her, causing her to turn around, making eye contact with green eyes.

A small smile appeared on her face when she came face to face with the mysterious male from the other evening.

You know, the one that interested her.

"I'm Lily," she blurted out, sticking her hand out, and inviting him for a handshake.

"Lily Andrews."

He smiled back, before taking her hand and shaking it, introducing himself back.

"Namjun Kim."

Her eyebrows furrowed at his words, and she watched as he dropped her hand, before walking back towards where his bicycle was sitting.

"Namjun?" She pointed out, following him, since she wanted to learn more about him.

"That's an unusual name."

"My father's Korean," he replied, keeping his tone of voice calm, while picking his bicycle up.

"It's a tradition in his family for the male to name the first born child. He basically wanted my name to remind him of his parent's culture."

She just nodded, staying silent, while her ice blue eyes studied the small smile that was on his face.

"And your mother?"

She immediately started panicking, when she noticed the smile fade from his face, and how he started leaning against his bicycle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just curious, and..."

"It's okay," he spoke up, placing his bicycle back against the brick, while his green eyes made contact with her ice blue ones.

"I don't mind really."

He went silent for a moment, almost like he was thinking over his next words.

"Her name's Penelope Heart. She married my father only four months after knowing him, and had me shortly after."

"Penelope Heart?" She asked back, her tone of voice laced with confusion, since she remembered that name.

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