Chapter 88

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Jin Point Of View

During the few days Kookie was asleep for was nerve racking but also worrying. Mr Jeon said when Kookie woke up the first time when he got his power he woke up quickly to do whatever it was but went back to sleep.

We have been taking turns being with Kookie. Kookie did move a little but was mainly on his back. We did change his position a few times as he would get sore being on his back all the time.

We were with Kookie for an hour or 2 at a time. Sometimes 2 of us would be with him. We did change into our wolf forms as it helped them being able to touch and snuggle into Kookie. It calmed our wolves down being able to physically touch him inside of feeling it through their humans.

Namjoon, Yoongi and I went back to the house to get some clothes and things and take them back to where the others are. I said to Taehyung and Jhope to tell the others if anything happens to tell us even if we aren't there.

We were about to head back to the house when we heard a shout.

'Guys. Stop.' Jisoo said.

'What is it?' I asked.

'Your pups are wanting to spend some time with you all. They love our company but are missing their parents.' Jisoo said.

'Okay the three of us will spend some time with them but we can't stay long.' Namjoon said. Jisoo tilted her head.

'Why? They're your kids.' Jisoo said.

'Kookie started his heat so Jhope, Jimin and Tae are with him the now. We came back to get some clothes that will last the week. Mainly incase tshirts and maybe trousers get ripped.' Yoongi said.

'Ah okay well let's go. Just explain it to them as they will understand. Right now some feel you are abandoning them as they got told they would spend time with you guys but you all have been focused on Kookie which is understandable but they dont get that.' Jisoo said.

'I didnt think about that. I definitely think they take after Kookie.' Yoongi said.

'No doubt they are Kookies kids.' I said.

'What we do with Kookie we need to do with the pups. The pups need explanations for things as it will ease their mind but also know what is happening.' Namjoon responded.

'Why dont we spend time with them now and then when we go back the other three can come and do the same.' Yoongi said and we agreed.

We brought the clothes with us and went to where our pups are. As soon as we got in sight the 3 girls ran over to us and rubbed against us.

'Hiya babies.' I said smiling, patting their fur.

*Hi daddy.* One of our daughters Eun-Ji replied.

'Let's get to where the others are ok.' Namjoon said and the pups followed along.

We played with the pups for half an hour and we decided to leave to let the other three have a break. Before we leave we are going to tell the pups what is happening and hope it will make the pups relax and reasure them.

'Can you all listen to us carefully and sit down for us?' Yoongi asked. The pups listened and sat down in 2 lines.

'We got informed you might be feeling left out and are missing us so we are wanting to explain and hope you understand better.' I said.

Some of the pups lied down and got more comfortable.

'I asked if Kookie's parents could bring you here so you can see us. I asked because the longest you have been away from us is a few hours but you had a few of us with you but also so you can see my parents and explore a new place. Things changed and I am sorry for not thinking to explain it to you all.' Namjoon said.

As we were sitting down one of our pups that was all black went to Namjoon and went on his lap licking his face which caused Namjoon to giggle.

*It's okay daddy. You and are other daddies and mummy are busy so you won't remember everything.* One of the girl pups said. The three of us smiled.

'Something happened with Namjoons dad which started it all. It's not completely settled but we are hopimg it will be soon so you can then meet Namjoons dad as you have only met his mum.' Yoongi said

'Your mummy went through something as well and we were staying with him as our ourselves and our wolfs didnt want to be apart from him. Being beside your mummy helped us and our wolfs stay calm.' I added.

'You all may be wondering where your mummy and other 3 daddies are right?' Namjoon asked and we got yes as a response.

'That's because your mummy is in heat which means he needs us to help stop it and make him better. When we go to where they are, the other three will come and spend some time with you all, maybe watch a few movies.' Namjoon said and the pups howled in happiness and excitement. I chuckled.

We continued playing with the pups for a few minutes then Taehyung mindlinked me.

*Are you guys nearly here? I really want you to say yes.* Taehyung said through our mindlink.

*How come baby? What's going on?* I responded.

*Jhope is acting badly. I'm scared he might hurt and upset Kookie more as he's already done it a bit.* Taehyung said.

*Is it Jhope or his wolf? What exactly has he done now?* I asked. Yoongi noticed i tensed up and wasn't moving so he knew i was mindlinking and i felt him interwine our fingers together.

*When Jimin and Kookie were finished they came downstairs and took a nap on the sofa. Kookie got up and after a while went into the kitchen with Jhope. Jhope brought food and juice out and placed it at the table. He didnt say anything and I was really hungry so I ate it.* Taehyung said.

*Okay so i'm guessing he wasn't happy which is understandable but you didnt know the food wasnt for you.* I said.

*Jhope nearly went off his head and raised his voice at me. Kookie calmed him down and went into the living room.* Taehyung said again, adding on where he left off.

*Okay but why are you concerned tho?* I asked.

*Jhope can't stop it. I think it's his wolf talking and he said he's fighting his wolf not to say stuff like that as it could affect Kookie but can't. I think it's happening again but with Jimin this time.* Taehyung responded.

*Okay we are nearly there just keep an eye on them. If it gets too much just tell Kookie to leave the area if you think he could get hurt or something.* I responded.

'We need to leave and help with something that's going on where Kookie and the others are.' I said to Mr and Mrs Jeon and stood up.

'Oh that's okay son the pups are sound asleep so now's a good time. I will say the others will come at some point. May I ask what the issue is?' Mr Jeon said.

'After Kookie and Jimin finished Jhope prepared food for Kookie and placed it in the living room but he didnt say anything so Taehyung ate it and Jhope didnt like it. Kookie had to calm him down but before he stopped talking he said it was happening again but with Jimin.' I said.

'So Taehyung wants us back in case something happens as they are worried?' Yoongi asked and I nodded my head.

'This reminds me of a story my brother told me.' Mr Jeon said.

'Do you think it would help us?' Namjoon asked.

'Yes. After he had his first son he didnt have his heat for 10 months. When he did he was able to be with one of his mates as the other was busy dealing with the pack and things. That alpha became possessive and protective over my little brother.' Mr Jeon said.

'Do you think there is a reason for that?' I asked.

'There could be a number of reasons but the main one my little brother's mate was like that was because he hadn't been with him for awhile. Whether it was cuddling or kissing or full on lovemaking and got that way. As Kookie was asleep did Jhope have enough time with him in the same way you guys did.' Mr Jeon said.

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