Chapter 51

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Jungkook Point Of View

It was great going to my old pack to see them but also tell them but i did find it hard having to say for the first time ever i have 6 pups. I could feel them being shocked and scared.

My mates and I have already made history by getting pregnant with 6 pups. We will make history again if I give birth naturally in wolf form with no intervention like surgery from a doctor. Naturally can mean in human and wolf form. Most people give birth in human form, but people have given birth in wolf form. Soon I will be joining the people who gave birth in wolf form.

We went home and I had a nap on the sofa with the help of Jhope who helped me up. I licked his face as a thank you and had a lovely nap. I woke up an hour later to the smell of food. No one was in the living room with me so I got down myself.

I got to the kitchen and saw them all there. In pairs having time together like i wasnt here. I felt hurt for some reason but they are all mates so they can be together like that without me. I feel they havent been able to have time alone like what they used to have because when I came one or two of them was always with me so dont get alpha alone time.

I left quietly and went to the room I will have my pups in.

It's a rectangular room and the box is at the end of the room away from the door. The place I will be having my pups is a smaller rectangle shape bed with sides on is to keep the pups in. I got into the end of the room where the box is for my delivery and went in. The box is big because the guys wanted to make sure I had enough room and if I wanted a break I could be with the pups. I lied down with my back facing the door and went to sleep again.

After i dont know how long i felt someone petting my fur. I woke up and looked at the person. It was Jin.

'Whats up baby, we have been looking everywhere for you. When Jhope went to the living room to make sure you were okay he freaked out because you werent there.' Jin said.

*Sorry. I didnt mean to scare anyone.* I said through mindlink.

'Can you say why you didnt tell us you woke up and went somewhere else?' Jin asked.

*I went to sleep feeling someone pet me but when i woke up i didnt. I was alone and wondered why but smelt food so i went to the kitchen....* I said and paused.

'Okay what else. I can tell there's more.' Jin said.

*I saw you all being close and having time together without me. I felt hurt for some reason. We are all mates so it's okay for you guys to have moments without me as it's the same with me. I can have moments with you alone and the others will be fine with that because we are mates. I realised when i wasnt here it was even with mates but i came along and messed it up. I realised you guys probably havent had time like what you guys used to since i came here and i wanted to give you all that. I went here to sleep again to get over feeling hurt and kinda did and kinda didnt work.* I mindlinked him and put my head down.

'Oh my thoughtful baby.' Jin said. He came and sat where I was lying and patted his lap for me to place my head. I felt Jin's hands through my fur and it felt really nice and soothing. I snuggled closer enjoying this.

'That was incredibly thoughtful of you. I went to make dinner and the others didn't want to wake you as they know how tired you can get so they moved to help me in the kitchen. We must have been waiting for the food to be ready and that was when you came seeing us hugging. If you're alone and see us dont leave scared you are interrupting or something come to us and ask for attention because we love giving it to you. We love you so much Kookie and Ghost they would be hurt thinking they hurt you without knowing.' Jin said and I hummed in content leaning into his touch.

We went back after Jin thought it was enough love to make up for the misunderstanding.

'I just thought who is going to feed Ghost?' Yoongi said. They started fighting over who can do it.

'We all can do it. Come here baby.' Namjoon said. I walked over and sat down beside Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon cut a bit of the chicken from my plate and handed it to me. I took it gently and chewed longer than I should but I'm still new to eating in wolf form. I got a pat on the head for doing it and if i was in human form i would be smiling so much.

Taehyungs turn was next and he was excited. I took the food and I got a pat on the head as well. It happened with all of them untill it was the last piece.

'I wanna try something okay. If you can't do it it's fine.' Jimin said. He placed my plate with a wee bit of chicken on the floor. I sat and looked at it. I was then starting to figure out what they wanted. I was going to but couldnt because I'm pregnant it was uncomfortable. Jimin picked up the plate and held it and I could eat it then.

We had a great night and soon fell asleep again.

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