Chapter 53

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Taehyung Point Of View

This past month has been crazy only because of getting everything ready for the pups. Getting the food we need for Kookie and different ice creams. Getting blankets for where Kookie will give birth and collars for the pups. It's so exciting.

We have all taken turns being with Kookie in our wolf forms through this month and it felt nice but not the same as Kookie. We like having Ghost with us as it's a change but I am missing being able to hug Kookie by wrapping my arms round him. Feeling his arms around my body. Putting my face in his neck and kissing our marks. Feeling Kookie snuggle closer to us when cuddling or just having him on our laps. It will happen eventually. I just need to be patient but also enjoy the time we have with Kookies wolf form.

We went to bed one-night and really early in the morning Jin rushed in shaking Jimin and I. I thought it was serious so I was wide awake and sitting up.

'What. What's wrong?' I asked. Jin smiled

'It's time.' Jin said and I was so confused.

'What on earth does that mean?' I asked, getting more awake now.

'The pups are coming.' Jin said I ran to the bathroom and I heard Jin laughing. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I opened the door and saw Jimin standing and as soon as I was out the way he ran into the bathroom. Probably doing what I was doing.

'Namjoon and Yoongi are already awake getting ready as well. If the door goes, get it as it will be the doctor.' Jin said and I yelled okay. I was about to go into the room but the door went so i went to it and opened the door and the doctor was there.

'Hi come on in. I'll take you to Kookie.' I said and she nodded. We made our way up and found Jimin at the door.

'What are you doing babe?' I asked.

'I am scared to go in.' Jimin said and I snorted.

'Sorry but you have nothing to be scared about. Let's go.' I said and we went in. We have all been told by the doctor that omegas are really protective over their pups so if Kookie doesnt want to show us right away then it's OK as it is natural.

We got there and Kookie protected his pups as he heard the door but when Namjoon said it was just us he relaxed. After a wee bit Ghost came up to me and gently placed something on my lap. I realised it was one of the pups and I was memorised by it. We all got pups apart from Jhope as he said he already held one to put the collar on.

While we all were talking about the pups Kookie stood up and went to the doctor and gave her the pup that was born 5 minutes ago and we all could see she was speechless and very touched. She gave a quick check and put a collar on the puppy. We put them back so they could feed. 15 mins went by and we left to get some food and a coffee or tea.

We were talking about how cute the pups are and how brilliant Kookie is doing. The doctor said she was setting things up for a full health check on the pups when the last one is delivered. I felt Kookie start to panic and we all looked at each other then bolted to where Kookie was.

It was hard seeing what was happening. Kookie had given birth to the last pup but it wasnt breathing or moving. I could feel Kookie getting stressed and upset that he couldnt do it and the situation the pup was in. Thankfully Yoongi called for the doctor and she helped straight away and we heard the squealing.

'I have done this for a long time but Kookie and Ghost are the best omegas with pups ive ever seen who's gave birth in wolf form.' The doctor said we were confused.

'Why are you saying that doctor?' Namjoon asked.

'When we had that scare with the last pup Kookie kept trying not wanting to give up. When I helped and the pup was breathing Kookie let that pup feed on its own to make sure it got some food. Kookie also waited quietly and patiently for me to do my job as he knew I was going to help whereas some omegas wouldnt do that as it's their pups and doesnt want anyone interfering even though they know we are going to help.' The doctor said and we all smiled.

'Your pups will be running around here in no time so cherrish this time with them as they are small. Kookie is a great omega and a great mum as he didnt really need help which is really surprising considering and i know the pups will be in good hands with you all. I will go and get some food but ill be back for a full check up on the pups and Kookie to make sure everyone is fine.' The doctor said and Namjoon lead her out.

We had a moment with the pups again until one squealed and Ghost/Kookie shot his head up. He was resting his head on Jhopes lap. Kookie got up and went to the pup that squealed and started to lick it. Ghost then left to get a drink and had a big stretch and a shake. He came back and lied on all our legs. Then went to sleep as he knew the pups were safe.

'Comfy are we?' Yoongi asked because of the position Kookie was in.

*Very comfy thank you.* Kookie replied and rubbed his head against my leg so his head was inbetween my legs. We all chuckled.

'When should we tell Kookie's old pack?' Jin asked.

'In two days.' Namjoon said.

'Why?' Jimin asked.

'We all know as soon as we tell them they will be coming here or wanting us to go there and be all over the pups. Kookie is fine with us handling them as we are mates and the doctor because he knows she's checking them to make sure everything is good. It might not be the same with his old pack even if they are his family.' Namjoon said and we nodded.

'We will have these days with our pups and Kookie. We will let Kookie recover a bit before chaos happens.' Namjoon added.

We stayed there for 20 mins untill Kookie woke up hearing the pups.

'Food time.' I sang while the other boys chuckled. Kookie got up and went into the area of where he gave birth and we all placed the pups gently on the floor near the nipple and let them go at it.

'Can we have a taste of his milk?' Jimin asked and got smacked on the back of his head by Jin.

'I guess not.' Jimin said, pouting.

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