Chapter 45

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Taehyung Point Of View

It was really nice being able to tell the others about the pups. Namjoon and Kookie went somewhere and it soon became clear why. As kookie said before he would give a birthday blowjob Namjoon was calling for it as he was ready.

We soon heard Namjoons moans and it was entertaining hearing them. We heard a growl and I thought something was wrong but we heard him moan again so Jungkook must be teasing him.

When they were done we saw both of them coming down the stairs. Kookie was getting carried by Namjoon. Eventually they got to the sofa and Namjoon collapsed with a massive smile on his face. Jimin and I giggled. When Namjoon got comfortable Kookie snuggled closer and we all awed.

Dinner came around and as it was Namjoons birthday he got to pick what we ate and he wanted steak. Jin went and I followed to help if I could. After 15 mins Kookie came and he wrapped his arms around my waist backhugging me.

'Hiya baby.' I said smiling.

'Hi TaeTae.' Kookie said, humming in content. I took one of his hands and pecked the back of it. Kookie giggled.

'Wanna help baby?' Jin asked.

'Yes please.' Kookie said. He went over and washed his hands then came back. Jin pouted and pointed at his lips wanting a kiss. Kookie did what Jin asked and they were enjoying their moment. I went behind Kookie kissing his neck. Kookie then stopped and Jin and I pouted.

'If we continue this it will go all the way, which i dont think I'm able to do. I also know doing this can bring on labour and we are 1 month too early for that.' Kookie said and he was completely right. unfortunately. I enjoyed this but we need to get a move on with dinner.

'Okay Kookie, could you cut these vegetables for me.' Jin said and Kookie went to work. I was on potato duty. Of course Jin was doing the steak.

After a while food was done so we all sat and had laughs while enjoying ourselfs. After finishing eating Jimin and Jhope cleaned the dishes while the rest of us went to the living room. I was behind everyone but while walking I saw Jungkook as he was a few feet infont and I knew something wasnt right.

I went to him. When I got behind him I wrapped my arms around his waist bringing him closer. I looked down to see some tears in his eyes. I took Kookie to the library as I know it's one of his favourite places and hopefully it will help calm him.

'Why are you crying baby?' I said softly.

'I. I'm scared.' Kookie choked out. I heard Kookie erupt with tears and I quickly lifted him up and carried him to one of the chairs away from the door.

'Shhhh your okay baby. I promise. You just need to take deep breaths.' I said softly and lovingly. I am nervous because he said he's scared but I have no idea why. After 20 mins he calmed down.

'Can you tell me why you feel scared?' I asked, holding him close by his waist and my one hand going up and down his back.

'Im scared about a lot. I dont want to bug you.' Kookie said sniffling.

'Telling your problems, worries, fears or scares will never bug me or the others. We like it when you tell us your problems or worries as it feels we are needed and you trust and are comfortable with us to do so.' I said.

'Never think that we dont want you to come to us because we do. We love you so much and want to make you feel safe, happy, loved and secure. Can you tell me please.' I said and Kookie held me tighter like he was scared I would leave. I tightened my grip as well to reasure him.

'I'm scared of telling my pack about the pups. These pups are the first ever from the packs alpha and Luna's kids which is a big deal. I'm scared of what their reactions will be. My dad was shocked but incredibly happy about it but it might not be that way for everyone. I'm scared of what Chan will say as he always joked he would have pups first but also he's my big brother and he's looked after and protected me alot. I want him to be proud of me and happy about the pups.' Kookie said and i kissed him on lips.

'Everything that you said is completely normal babe. Everyone gets scared and nervous but also excited and happy about telling their family and friends pups are on the way. I can hold your hand when you tell them if you want.' I said and Kookie nodded against my chest.

'There's also the planning and labour I'm scared about. What if i don't do the planning in time as i need to change into wolf form really soon. What if labour goes really horrible and the pups die or some of them. What if I die and the pups live. What if I can't give birth to them naturally in wolf form as it's never been done before... Giving birth to 6 werewolf pups in human and/or wolf form in general. The most amount of pups werewolfs give birth to is two. 3 is rare. I-.' I cut him off kissing him.

I held him tight kissing his lips then slowly going down to his neck where the marks are. I kissed and sucked on all of them as it completely relaxed Kookie. Kookie hummed at the feeling of my lips on his neck and marks and felt close to me.

'We will talk about it before you need to change into wolf form. I promise you will be okay.' I whispered into his ear softly. I felt Kookie nod as a reply.

'Pick a book that you really like and I'll read it for you. Not too big of a book.' I said. Kookie kissed me and got up and went to his corner of the library where his books are and he picked one.

He skipped to me smiling. I chuckled. As the chair was big Kookie sat beside me with his legs over mine. He took my arm and lifted it up and put it round himself. Kookie snuggled into me and put his arm around my stomach/waist and his head on my chest.

'All cosy.' Kookie said cutely and I pecked his forehead.

I started reading and the book was very interesting and very good i have to say. After 30 mins I heard little snores. I smiled.

I marked the page and put the book down on the table beside me. I pulled Kookie closer to me gently and positioned myself into a comfy position. I pecked his forehead and drifted off to sleep.

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