Chapter 66

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Chan Point Of View

Nothing is really happening tbh. Mainly doing college work, trainning and spending time with Jennie. In a few months dad is stepping down and I will be the official alpha. I'm excited but nervous as well. We were eating as a family and we heard loud banging.

'Go take a look son. You will be head alpha soon.' My dad said. I nodded and left.

I opened the door and saw purple. I was on alert to protect my mate and pack as soon to be alpha. I tackled him. My alpha took over as he thought it was a threat but I was catching on. It was Kookie.

I was fighting my wolf saying it was Kookie but he wouldn't back down. I was scared that Kookie would get hurt.

*Dad, I need help. It is Kookie but my wolf has taken over. He thinks Kookie is a threat.* I said.

*Be right there son.* My dad responded.

Kookie was fighting me as well. I say more like defending himself. He knows what my wolf is thinking, that's why he's fighting. I can also see he has anger but I'm not sure if it's to me or our dad. I heard a shout and realised it was Taehyung.

'ITS KOOKIE. STOP BEFORE YOU HURT HIM OR WORSE. KILL HIM.' Taehyung shouted. It knocked some sense into my wolf but not fully. We started fighting again and then I felt my dad and the others joining me.

*The more we do this the angrier I get by the way.* Kookie said but I think it's his wolf in control. Kookie doesnt speak in that tone.

*What do you mean?* I said back. We are both in our wolf forms so we can only mindlink each other to communicate.

*Did you and dad genuinely think i was an alpha so got trainned as one or you guys knew i was an omega but trainned me like an alpha anyway.* Kookie asked and I was shocked.

As i was shocked my wolf was too so Kookie got an advantage and he used it very well. Everything that dad and I taught him he used on me and I forgot how badly it hurt. I was on the floor now in my human form and I heard Jennie's voice.

'What the hell.' Jennie said angry. She came running up to me making sure I was okay.

'Im okay baby.' I said. She helped me stand up and hugged me tightly. She buried her face in my neck and I felt my neck getting wet. I realised she was crying. I quickly took action to calm her down before it got too bad. When i did my duty as her mate i looked to see Taehyung trying to comfort Kookie but he wasnt having it. This is an issue.

'Baby turn into your human form for me so we can hear you talk.' Taehyung said gently. Kookie forgot to close our mindlink so when he was mindlinking Taehyung i heard everything. It now made sense as to why Kookie was talking about the training. He was still in his wolf form.

*You saw it didnt you.* Kookie mindlinked Taehyung but I could hear it.

*See what baby?* Tae asked.

*See that Chan, who's an alpha, figured out what Jennie was feeling, who is his mate and an omega.* Kookie responded but I was feeling Kookie was hurt and was upset by his tone.

*Baby please.* Taehyung pleaded.

*There's no point Taehyung. Chan can feel and sense what Jennie is feeling. Happy, sad, scared, worried, excitied and much more without having to wait untill she's a crying fit to comfort her and to realise something is wrong. He does it without having to wait untill he can see it in her eyes to comfort her. He does it straight away. They dont know how it feels. No one does and its fucking hurts and is fucking unfair.* Kookie said and started to walk away a wee bit.

'You two. Chan and Mr Jeon should be very disappointed in yourself. Because of you guys Kookie is hurting all the time now.' Taehyung said and was going to walk towards Kookie but he stopped as my dad said something.

'What are you talking about that he's hurting all the time.' My dad asked.

'Did you guys train Kookie like an alpha because he smelled like one and genuinely thought he was an alpha or did you guy know he was special and smelled like an alpha but was an omega but trainned him as an alpha anyway.' Taehyung said. Ive never seen him angry.

'We didn't train him as an alpha. We trained him to be able to defend himself. He smelled like an alpha and so we wanted to make sure if problems were to rise he could look after himself. We didn't know that smelling like an alpha would be permanent or not so I did what I thought was right.' My dad responded

'The training he got has affected him. What happened between Chan and Jennie made it sink in more for him.' Taehyung said.

'Can you explain please.' My mum said. Taehyung took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and I saw his eyes watering.

'Kookie can feel mine and the others emotions. He can feel when we are happy, nervous, sad, excitied, worried, scared and more. He helps us the best he can if he is with us by hugging us and kissing us or letting us kiss him and hug him. He helps as quickly as he can before it becomes worse. Us on the other hand can't do that with Kookie.' Tae said then sniffed.

'What do you mean you guys can't do it back?' I asked with Jennie hugging me.

'Chan. Jennie can feel your emotions and help you calm down. Kookie does that for us. You can do the same for Jennie and comfort her before it gets out of hand or something. You can feel if she's upset or something. Myself and the other alphas can't do that with Kookie.' Tae said back.

'Alphas get trained in a way to keep their guard up and not let people see their emotions. People will only see it if they choose to or if it gets too much they can't hold it any longer. That is the way Kookie is. We only realise he's upset or hurt when he cries and we can see the hurt in his eyes. We havent been able to comfort him before he gets to that stage because he doesnt show it. He's upset at that and blames you two for trainning him as an alpha because he can help his mates as soon as he picks up on our emotions but we cant do it for him.... We have no idea how to fix it or to make him feel better because this has never happened before.' Tae said sniffling again. He then ran to where Kookie went off too.

This situation I have no idea how to help Kookie.

Taehyung Point Of View

After Jimin said about Kookie I left passing everyone in the living room and accidentally slammed the door shut. They were calling for me but I ignored him as Kookie is most important right now.

I got there and my mates were mindlinking me as they felt my emotions. I told them to stop and let me concentrate.

*I feel Kookie is really angry and is a bit hurt. Just be careful and come home safely.* Namjoon said. Progress I thought as we can't usually feel his emotions and as Namjoon said he can feel Kookie's emotions so its progress.

I got there and found Kookie in wolf form fighting Chan in his wolf form. I could tell the wolves were in control and it calmed down eventually for some reason. I was trying to comfort Kookie but it affected him so much. He then left. I was going to follow him but Chan's dad and the others wanted an explanation which I gave. I dont know how they feel but i dont care right now.

After talking to Chan and the others I bolted to find Kookie. Kookie gave me a map and his hiding places were on the map. He said that I can only use it in an emergency or if we are desperate to find him. I know he has his favourites but they arent marked.

I went to the one I thought he would be at and I was right. The tree house. I went into the tree house after going up the ladder. I saw Kookie and oh my.

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