Chapter 49

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Jimin Point Of View

After the talk with Kookie we went downstairs. Kookie sat next to me. He was hugging my arm with his head on my shoulder. I never really recognised the clingyness with Kookie but as we are getting closer to the pups being here it's more noticeable with the clingyness.

We know it's natural as the doctor said so. We are lapping it up and enjoying the clingy Kookie. Jin made Kookie his cereal so he could eat first. His mum came and put a glass of apple juice on the table and his eyes widened.

*What is wrong baby?* I mindlinked him.

*I haven't had apple juice since I thought my mum passed. It reminded me of her too much.* Kookie replied back. I heard a sniff and Kookie went upstairs. I followed him saying I would deal with it. They also know that if Kookie is clingy to someone it's more likely going to be that person he wants to talk with.

'Baby?' I whispered. Kookie turned around and I saw his eyes. I opened my arms and he came running to me. He hugged me tightly, crying. I was rubbing his back and placing small pecks on his neck soothing him which was helping.

'Why dont we prepare to tell your parents about the very active pups we have.' I said rubbing his tummy. Kookie giggled.

I took my hand off and was about to get the stuff but felt my hand being grabbed and placed on Kookie's stomach again. I tilted my head in confusion but soon got it as the pups were kicking.

'We will always be so grateful for you Kookie. We all wanted pups and now we are going to have them soon. I love you so much.' I said.

'I love you too and I can't wait to see you all as parents.' Kookie said and kissed me. I hummed at the feeling but soon parted smiling.

Kookie went to sit at his desk and I got the stuff we needed. While doing so I was mindlinking them.

*Guys Kookie is going to prepare for telling his old pack as it's keeping his mind busy.* I said through mindlink.

*Okay. Let us know when it's done.* Jin replied.

*Why did Kookie leave though?* Taehyung asked.

*His mum brought him apple juice and he wasnt had it since he was a kid when his mum passed away. We all know his mum is alive so it brought back memories.* I said.

We continued talking a wee bit and then I went to help Kookie. It was cute how excited he was but he's calm now and smiling.

'How did you think of telling them this way Kookie?' I asked backhugging him on the chair. I pecked my mark on Kookie and he moaned softly leaning his head to the side. I heard someone clearing their throat and i moved away smiling.

'Everyone is back from trainning and is asking about Kookie.' Jhope said.

'Before that to answer your question Jimin. The way i told you guys was so you can touch me. Even tho i am family to the others i dont think they would like me showing them that way so i thought of a way of doing it where they dont touch me. I'm also sure you guys don't want others touching me.' Kookie said.

'That is correct baby. No one can touch you apart from your mates.' Jhope said. Kookie stuck his lips out and Jhope laughed. He kissed Kookie for 5 mins then stopped.

'Everything is done, let's go now and tell them. Protect me incase they want to kill me.' Kookie said.

'Dont worry they won't kill you but we will still protect you if it makes you feel better.' I said. Kookie nodded.

We headed to the living room where everyone was. Mates on one side and then Kookie's family on the other.

'Why are we all sitting here?' Lisa asked.

'You dont want your present?' Kookie asked sadly.

'Present?' Rose asked. Kookie nodded.

'Presents to be more correct ' He said. The girls squealed in excitement.

'What do you want us to do?' Jennie asked happily.

'First i want you all to sit with your mates doesnt matter the order.' Kookie said. Everyone got up and sat with their mates.

The mates are Chan and Jennie who is Taehyung's sister. Hyunjin and Lisa who is Namjoon's sister. Felix and Rose, who is Jimin's sister. Changbin and Jisoo, who is Jin's sister. Seungmin and I.N are mates as well as Minho and Han.

'Okay I have a card that has a picture of the presents but you all need to listen carefully to what I am going to say.' Kookie said. Everyone nodded and I saw Kookie's dad smiling secretly. He was playing along very well. It was entertaining.

'Each card has your name and your mates name on it. That is why I asked you guys to sit with your mate. All cards are the same, just the names are different. They all are prepared the same so when they get opened it will be the same for all.' Kookie said and everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats excited.

'Okay.' Chan said.

'Not yet but i will tell you guys to open them and i want the writing to be facing you. When you all have read it and said we can continue, I will say to turn it over with a picture and it's your present.' Kookie said and I could feel the excitement.

Kookie handed each couple their card. He said the girls can open theirs and the other 2 couples can choose. They opened them and did what kookie said.

Eveyone was really confused except Kookie's dad who was loving their reactions. They all looked at Kookie nodding their heads saying they were ready.

'3. 2. 1. Turn over the card.' Kookie said. He stepped back and pulled Taehyung and I infront of him. After a few seconds the girls screamed with joy and the boys were looking at them clueless. Kookie's mum had tears in her eyes.

'Mum, Jennie, Rose, Lisa and Jisoo come with me for 5 minutes. The guys can be confused a bit longer and we can laugh.' Kookie said and the girls started laughing at what Kookie said about the boys.

*Can I let the girls feel the pups?* Kookie mindlinked us. It was mainly at Namjoon.

*Sure baby. Of course you can. Only if they want to.* Namjoon said. Kookie smiled and walked away with the girls.

Jungkook Point Of View

I took the girls to a room that was far enough away from the living room. I closed the door and turned around to see them all staring at me.

'What?' I asked.

'Is it true?' Jisoo said. I smiled.

'Mum come to me.' I said as I walked to the sofa and lied down. I took my mum's hands and placed them on my stomach. After a few minutes the pups started kicking.

'Oh my baby.' My mum said, smiling with tears of joy in her eyes.

'My mum will be a grandmother very soon.' I said softly and quietly.

'Can we?' Jennie asked.

'Only if you want to and one at a time tho.' I said. The girls nodded and took turns.

They enjoyed the moments of feeling the pups. We went back and the guys were still confused.

'Can we tell them please.' The girls said and I nodded.

'He's pregnant for god sake.' Jennie and Lisa said together.

'Soon Alpha and Luna will be grandparents.' Rose and Jisoo said as well.

'WHAT!' Chan yelled.

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