Chapter 33

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Yoongi Point of View

*We need help now. We smell Kookie but the door is locked. I can hear whimpering/crying and moving around.* Jimin said upset.

*Yoongi heads to them. I'll be there in a second.* Namjoon said and I bolted off angry.

I ran as fast as I could to the scent. When I got there I told Taehyung and Jimin to move. As I was angry they did what they were told. They were comforting each other while I was breaking the door. I knew if i got to kookie i could calm him because out of all of us he loves my scent the most i think. It was nearly there when Namjoon came.

After he broke the door our anger went into overdrive. Namjoon told the others to leave and be with Jin and Jhope outside. They whinned but agreed. The state they are in they couldn't handle seeing Kookie in that state. Period probably. Namjoon told me to help Kookie as he knows i would have a better chance. Namjoon then left with the guy.

'Kookie? Baby? It's me Yoongi, one of your mates, you're safe now.' I said. He didnt respond as he was completely panicking and terrified. He had his eyes shut so I thought releasing my scent would help but it didnt.

'You have gotten smarter now that you have a smell that is identical to one of my mates scents. I dont like you never have and never will. I have my mates and I love them with my full being.' Kookie yelled. I smiled.

'I love you too Kookie. We all do so much.' I said softly. I went for it and kissed his lips and then my mark specifically. Kissing the mark on your mate can calm them down and Kookie hummed in content. I felt him calm down.

'I'm right here baby. You're safe now.' I said softly into his ear.

'Y Y Yoongi?' He asked with his voice breaking.

'I'm right here baby.' I said softly. I went closer and sat down on the bed with Kookie coming straight over to hug me.

I pulled Kookie closer and had him straddling me. My jumper was soaking because he was crying so much. I was rubbing his back, letting him cry as I know it will make him feel better. I was whispering in his ear soothing words and kissing my mark and the others marks to help him and I was slowly getting there with Kookie.

He needs his other mates as well to help him.

'I'll carry you outside okay baby. You need the others as well as me to help you calm down okay.' I said still rubbing his back and I then stood up. Kookies response was tightening his grip around me.

'Dont let me go please.' Kookie said scared.

'I'll never let you go baby.' I said. I made my way outside and I felt his grip tighten. I continued to rub his back and peck our marks to keep him calm.

I put my jumper on him so he was at least covered even if it's not fully covered. As we were walking his grip kept getting tighter. I stopped and continued to comfort him.

'Your okay baby. The others are out here that's why I'm taking you.' I said so he knew the reason.

'I can smell that the guy is here.' Jungkook said and started crying again. I was rubbing his back and walked away slightly. I also did that because they all saw us. Jungkook kept his head in my neck inhaling my scent which is calming him down but only a little.

'Yes the guy is here but he's on the floor and can't get back up. Namjoon dealt with him.' I said.

I continued to make my way over and all my hard work went away. I thought seeing Kookie like this will make them use their brain and to approach him slowly but that didnt happen. When Jimin and Taehyung saw him they ran up to us and hugged both of us from the side. As Kookie wasnt expecting that he went right back to the state he was in. Being petrified and crying.

'Your okay baby. You're okay, I promise you.' I was saying placing pecks on one side of his neck with 3 of our marks. I released my scent more but it just made him panic. He whiggled out of my grip and tried to run but Jin and Jhope were hugging him doing what i was doing but he thought he was more in danger. He lied down on the floor after getting out of their grip.

'I have mates who will kick your ass for hurting me. They will come for me and I'm only holding onto that.' Jungkook said loudly and the others heard it.

Namjoon came over and basically did magic. On his way over he felt something and started screaming louder.


Namjoon turned into his wolf and cautiously moved closer. He was putting pressure on his own mark as a way of saying who it is. It was starting to work. Knight Namjoons wolf was starting to take control because of his mate's state and nuzzled further. His scent got released and it worked again. All of a sudden he turned into a puppy and was running away. That was untill we heard cries from our Alpha which were through the mindlink hearing his cries and pleads is rare to hear. If we do, we know it's serious and both wolf and human are really hurting.

Namjoon did what Ghost and Kookie loves when in wolf form which is going over him and licking, nuzzling into him. He's calmer now.

Kookie turned into human form and we all could see just how scared and upset he was. Namjoon told us to hold off now as he didnt want Kookie to get scared again.

Namjoon lay down on his stomach and got Kookie to ride on his back. Kookie was unsure at first but he did it.

'Sooo Soft and Fluffy.' Kookie said and rubbed his face into the fur of Namjoon's wolf. He smiled and we all did. He scratched between Knights ears and we could tell he liked it.

I turned into my wolf and layed down. Kookie saw me and reached his hand out. I went over and felt his hand through my fur. He scratched between my ears and it felt good. Namjoon's wolf is bigger than mine but I'm at the height I can place my head on his back. Which I did and Kookie was patting me.

The others came over slowly in wolf form as well. Kookie tilted his head at first and then got off Namjoon. He did the exact same to the others as what he did with Namjoon and myself. After a bit he turned into his wolf. His eyes were purple like when we mated and his fur looks even whiter. Beautiful.

He came to me and rubbed against me. He was taking my scent and puting it on him.

*Thank you for trying to help me Yoongi. I'm sorry I was so difficult.* Ghost and Jungkook mindlinked me.

*It's okay baby. That's the reaction you expect under the circumstances.* I said and Kookie purred in a way that wolves do. Kookie rubbed against all of us and we could smell each other on him just the way he wanted.

Kookie turned again and went on Jimins back and fell asleep. Cutie.

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