Chapter 72

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Jimin Point Of View

We have been at Namjoons parents' house for a few days. This is our 3rd day here. We have noticed Kookie not really going to Namjoon but he's keeping quiet and not really telling us why so we are a bit worried. We are keeping an eye on him and are just waiting untill he talks to us.

We got shown around as there has been a few changes since the last time we were here. They built a nursery for pups which took a lot of planning. The nursery was outside and as more pups came they needed a permanent solution. If it rained they went to someone's house. They built a brand new hospital with new equipment and really good heating and air conditioning. They built 3 new parks. One for the realy small pups. Then for toddlers and then the older ones so they had something to do. There's a bunch of stuff that we got to see and it's all beautifully built and designed.

We got ice cream and sat at the newly built picnic area. We were hearing what's been happening and how excited they are to have us and to meet Kookie. I got a call and left.

'Hi Chan, what's up.' I said through the phone.

'I called everyone for the past hour. You are the first person to answer.' Chan replied. I got nervous.

'Why have you been calling us for that long. What's wrong?' I asked.

'The pups are ill but are getting treated. I wanted to tell you guys so that you knew and to not get on the wrong side of you guys.' Chan said.

'What's wrong with the pups.' I asked.

'They have something called kennel cough. Basically the dog cold and some fleas but they are getting the treatment and are all responding well.' Chan said and I finally breathed.

'Okay just keep me up to date even if it's by text. I'll tell the others.' I said. We said goodbye and hung up. I turned and saw Kookie with his eyes watering. The others couldnt see as Kookie had his back to them.

'Kookie. It's okay breath for me.' I said but it alerted our mates and Namjoon's parents.

*Were you going to tell me that our pups are ill?* Kookie mindlinked me.

*Of course I just wanted to tell everyone when we were alone.* I replied.

*I want to go home. I want to be with my pups.* Kookie said then sniffed.

He turned around and gave his ice cream to Taehyung as he had strawberry and Tae loves strawberry. The others realised he was crying and was going to come to us. Kookie began walking away then walked backwards and hid behind me. I turned around to see the girls coming towards us. The others came to us and Jhope went and hugged Kookie. Kookie was breathing in and inhaling his scent which was calming him down.

'What do you 3 want.' Yoongi said rudely. The girls scoffed.

'This little bitch stole our position.' One girl said.

'We are your omegas not him.' The other girl said.

'Dump him and come with us where we can show you a great time.' The last one said. Jhope was distracting Kookie as he's emotional. He could take it literally and believe them and do what they said.

'I will say this for the last time. You 3 are and will never be our last omega. 1 we already have our omega. 2 is because it's ONE omega not three. 3 We got told he was special and unique. 4 As Yoongi and J-Hope have powers our omega would be with them as it works with three. Kookie is that omega. So I will say this if any of you touch, talk, plan or make someone else do something to him you three will see just how special he is after getting a beating from all his mates.' Namjoon said. 2 of the 3 submitted and promised then bolted away.

They got so far but the girl that didnt submit turned around. Walked to Kookie and threw him on the floor. She started beating him. He was taking it but i dont know why. Taehyung launched at her and ripped her away. We all now can feel Kookie's emotions as for him its different. He needs to be mated and marked then mated again for his mates to feel his emotions.

'Why didnt you defend yourself Jungkook?' Namjoon shouted.

'I dont hit girls. Even if they deserve it and are horny bitches that can't find their mate so try and get any dick they see. Ive seen them around. Any alpha or male that's older than them and aint mated they ask to be used like some toy. I have self control unlike those sluts.' Kookie spat. We realised Ghost was taking over.

'Your brother and dad taught you to defend yourself that includes girls.' Namjoon yelled back. He is annoyed that Kookie isnt spending time with him so he's lashing out.

'Yes they taught me but i can control my anger and being horny. If you want me to beat her up, I will. Will it make you proud that you dont need to constantly defend me. Your my mate. My alpha. You all are and your job is to protect me and make sure I'm loved and I make sure I give all my love to you all equally. I need to be wondering why you always want me to defend myself when I shouldn't have been taught it in the first place.' Kookie said. His eyes started turning purple.

'Namjoon stop, we know what he's capable of. Dont push him.' Yoongi said.

'Shout at me all you want but i know your lashing out at me because ive not been with you. I'm sorry if i wanted to make sure YOU had time with your parents before we left. I know more than anyone what it feels like not having them so i wanted to make sure you got as much as you wanted before we left.' Kookie said.

'Sorry i was trying to be the best omega for my alpha. I can't even do that right. I'm useless. I'm sorry I mess everything up but I try to do what you all want or need. Like having alone time. Me not being clingy. When any of you can see your family to make sure you have time with them. I'll deal with her then I'll leave you all alone. I'm also pretty sure you were the one that said not to leave me alone.' Kookie added but that last part was directed at Namjoon.

'TAEHYUNG MOVE.' Kookie used his alpha/dominant tone as Ghost took over but still shocked everyone.

'Wait a go idiot.' Jhope said annoyed.

'You should know Kookie by now. He does things we never think of like trying to make sure you had enough time with your family. He's making that a priority as he's really missing his.' I said. Namjoon looked down, guilt covered his face.

We all looked at Kookie who destroyed the girl. She was shaking saying she was sorry.

'YOU KNEW THEY HAD THEIR OMEGA WHICH IS ME BUT YOUR LITTLE SLUTTY AND HORNY ASS COULDNT TAKE THE FACT THEY FOUND WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE! AND YET YOU STILL FUCKING TIRED.' Ghost yelled. Jin tried to knock it out of him but it didnt work. He turned and Namjoon's parents were shocked as they saw a white wolf. Mrs Kim smiled.

Someone brought something over and handed it to Mrs Kim. She went to walk over to our omega but got stopped.

'Honey he's dangerous. All white wolves are dangerous meaning you could get hurt.' Mr Kim said. She looked and saw us all ready to go at him.

'Kookie isnt bad. Your dad and grandfather put that in your head. He is incredibly gentle, sweet and kind. He's played with the pups and is fantastic with them. He will make a great mother to our grandkids and the pups will be incredibly lucky. He's like this as he's gotten to his limit. Get the white wolfs are bad out of your head because their not. All wolfs can be bad doesnt matter their coat colour.' Mrs Kim said then walked away towards Kookie. We all held our breath.

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