Chapter 73

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Jin Point Of View

I knew Kookie was letting Namjoon be with his parents as they live apart. He wanted to make sure Namjoon got the time he needed and wanted with them which is why Kookie kept his distance. Kookie could have told him why he was being distant but he didnt. Now we need to try and calm Kookie down.

When I heard Mr Kim say Kookie was dangerous I wanted to thump him. Hard. I think we all did. He said that because Mrs Kim was going to Kookie. She put him in his place and I smiled a bit. She mentioned pups and Kookie being a great mother to the pups and she's completely right. Namjoon wanted to be face to face and tell them. I think he's just waiting for the right time which is understandable.

I stepped forward in case I needed to do anything but also so Kookie wouldn't get spooked and be calm seeing me.

Mrs Kim placed a machine on the ground. She smiled at me to reasure me Kookie would be okay then turned on the machine. Kookie was done with his outburst as the girl got taken to get treated.

Kookie had his back facing us and his head resting on his front paws as he was lying down. He's trying to calm down but he knows he needs one of us but as he's upset he will be stubborn.

I saw his head come up and his ears. He was looking around and his eyes met mine. I smiled and signaled with my eyes the direction of the machine. He looked and quickly got up. He went over to it slowly.

We were interested in what he would do as no one has ever done what Mrs Kim is doing. Kookie got to it and started walking around. He would go to sniff it but shy away from it. He was tilting his head from left to right, completely confused. Mrs Kim giggled.

'He's so cute.' Mrs Kim said. We all smiled and watched him.

'What is the machine?' Jimin asked.

'Something that he doesnt even know he needs or likes.' She said, Now we are also confused. We heard a whimper so we looked because it came from Kookie.

'What's wrong baby?' I said. I bent down and Kookie came straight over and started rubbing against me.

'He's so adorable and cuddly. He's very well taken care of by all of you. He has great intentions but maybe needs to say what they are which is what he needs to work on.' Mrs Kim said.

'I agree.' Taehyung said. The others nodded as I saw them.

Kookie sat beside me. He basically huffed then lied down. He gently put his head on my lap. I patted his head and his body relaxed.

*I can't work out the machine and it's frustrating me. I'm usually good at problem solving.* Kookie said in our mindlink. I could feel the whinning and pouting in his tone. I chuckled.

'Maybe looking at it closer can help. It won't hurt you.' I said massaging inbetween and around his ears. It's one of Ghosts relaxing spots which we didnt know untill 3 months ago. It also helps Kookie so it a bonus.

*I will but if i get hurt or scared imma be mad.* Kookie said through mindlink. Kookie got up and had a shake. You can kinda see he has had pups as his tits/nipples are still low because he still has milk but as the pups are not feeding from Kookie the same it's not as noticeable so they have gotten smaller.

'I'll come with you.' I said so it made him feel better.

*Thank you daddy.* Kookie said, rubbing against me.

*Dont tease me baby or I'll get your little booty all to myself. Claiming you as mine.* I said in our mindlink with a bit of dominance.

*Stop please your turning me on and i dont want to be that way in wolf form.* Kookie replied.

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