Chapter 42

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Jungkook Point Of View

I know i shouldn't have ran but i knew if i stayed i couldn't get alone time to think. I'm glad that i did because I kept feeling my little pups kick i couldn't go through with it.

I was running around as Chan and some of the others were close to catching me and I know if they got sight of me i couldnt have my alone time.

I was heading to my other spot when Ghost started whimpering which he took over after that as i was in wolf form. We got to a tree close to where i was going and saw Yoongi. He was crying which i felt extremely guilty about because he was crying as he hasnt found me.

I went to him and put pressure on his leg. I was able to look into his eyes and saw how he was feeling. Heartbroken at the fact i ran and he couldn't find me. Upset that i was going through this alone even though 2 of my mates know I'm pregnant with pups. Worried about me and the pups because of what happened the last time and he's scared something like that can happen again.

Yoongi and I had a great moment together which we both needed and so we headed back home. After I woke up everything was cleared up and I had great moments with all my mates. I headed to bed with Jin infront me. I was getting carried by Jhope who was following Jin.

I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. I brushed my teeth and went out to the bedroom. Jhope was still getting ready and Jin was getting into bed. I was just watching them untill they looked at me. I giggled and climbed onto bed with the other 2 following.

I snuggled into the bed. I then felt the duvet over me with my mates under it Jin, Jhope and myself were so close i could feel their breathing on my face and back of my neck but i dont mind it because it means they are still breathing and i am not alone.

I had the best sleep as I was in a bed with my mates with a roof over my head and feeling warm. I said to Taehyung and Yoongi through mindlink yesterday that they dont need to wake up early if they didnt want to but the offer was there if they did. I really hope Namjoon likes what I'm doing.

I woke up and put one of Jin's tops on with my underwear. I then headed downstairs to prepare everything. I started by setting up the living room. I mainly just tidied up a little. Placing things neatly. Putting cushions back, folding the blankets ect. I then began to set the dining table. Plates, cutlery, napkins ect. I moved on to start cooking.

The guys have only really had the food Jin has made and the food I helped with but they havent gotten anything that was only made by me. Until today that will change. When I was young my mum made pancakes and waffles with different toppings. I love cooking so my mum gave me her recipe for breakfast on birthdays.

Strawberries, raspberries, grapes, blueberries, bananas were washed apart from the bananas and cut up into different bowls. I put them in the fridge with clingfilm on them to keep them fresh. I placed different syrups for pouring onto the waffles and pancakes on the table.

I got the ingredients out for making the waffles first. It's 8.55am so it's perfect timing. As I stretched up to get something I felt hands on waist that slid round and settled on my stomach. I then felt my bum against someone's crotch and my back against someone's chest. I felt a nose on my neck inhaling my scent soon replaced with lips. I whimpered a little bit. I gave my mate access to my neck fully by leaning my head to the side and I felt him smile against my neck.

'Hello my beautiful and sexy omega.' I heard it was Yoongi. I smiled.

'Hello to you too, my hot and handsome alpha.' I replied I got a chuckle as a response.

'Good answer.' Yoongi replied back then gave my ass a squeeze and I moaned. We had a moment and Yoongi helped me by getting the ingredients ready for the pancakes.

'When I move onto making the pancakes you can go and wake everyone... Nicely.' I said and Yoongi pouted. I giggled. I continued cooking with Yoongi back, hugging me and giving small pecks to my neck and shoulder.

I moved on and so Yoongi left to wake the others up. I felt the same thing again but it was Taehyung.

'Hello to our adorable omega.' He said snuggling into me.

'Hello to my cute alpha.' I said and he giggled.

'Important job for you.' I said and he nodded.

'When the others come down I want you to tell them to sit down. As it's Namjoon's birthday he will sit at the top of the table. Also tell them not to touch anything as I will bring everything out and put it on the table.' I said. I got a kiss which was getting out of hand until our mates came to us.

Me and Taehyung giggled and Taehyung did what I told them. They were a bit shocked but went along with it.

'As i am the omega i will be bringing everything out. As it's Namjoon's birthday he gets first pick of the toppings and syrups just dont go to mad or too much of certain things as i only made a certain amount.' I said and they all nodded. I asked who wants coffee and got mugs out and they all took one. I came back with a massive jug of coffee and started putting it into the mugs. The sugar and that is already at the table so they could make their coffee.

'I will bring out the toppings and no one will touch any of it please.' I said and went out to get the toppings. I came back with the last 2 dishes and I could see the shockness of what I had prepared.

'I will now bring out the food and the same rules apply no eating.' I said and i could tell they were enjoying their omega doing all this for them which i like because it means my effort and hard work wasnt a waste.

I brought out the first and 2nd plate and put it infront of Namjoon and Jin. Their mouths were watering and their eyes were wide. They were speechless. I then put the plates infront of Yoongi and J-Hope and they had the same reaction. The same thing with Jimin and Taehyung. I giggled. I brought my plate and sat down as well.

'As Namjoon is the birthday boy you get to choose what you would like on your pancakes and waffles.' I said smiling. I looked up and saw all of them looking at me.

'What?' I asked. They all smiled.

'Get ready for your birthday Kookie. You will be spoiled by us if you are going to be doing this for our birthdays.' Jhope said. I gave a small smile and as Namjoon finished picking what he wanted we all could start. After the mention of my birthday I stayed quiet.

Everyone was done so I started putting the plates away into the kitchen to put into the dishwasher. I stayed really quiet and just took the plates away as they were talking. After I was done I started to make my way upstairs. I was getting called by the others but I just continued on my way.

Jimin Point Of View

I noticed Kookie went really quiet so I was worried. He was putting the plates into the kitchen. When the plates and when everything was cleared up Kookie disappeared and I then realised he was loading the dishwasher. After he was done I thought he would come back but walked to the stairs. We were all calling him but he continued and went up the stairs.

'What's happened to Kookie?' Jin asked.

'He went upstairs probably to change.' Jhope says.

'I'll go and check on him. My wolf is begging me to.' I said and finished my coffee then went to get Kookie.

I went towards the room where Kookies clothes were and heard sniffing. I lightly knocked on the door.

'Kookie? Baby? Can you open the door for me?' I asked. I heard footsteps and then the door unlocked and opened.

'What's wrong baby this is meant to be a happy day not a sad one.' I said. Kookie hugged me tightly i was a bit taken aback by it as i wasnt expecting it but i still comforted my omega.

'Can you tell me what's wrong. My wolf and I really want to help you babe.' I said and he sniffled.

'I now know that my mum is alive but when i thought she wasnt i didnt celebrate my birthday. I havent done for years. I still got cake and some presents cause no matter what my dad and my brother would always do that get me cake and presents.' Kookie said and it hurt me.

'Okay why are you upset tho?' I asked gently playing with Kookie's hair.

'What i did for Namjoon my mum always did for my dad, brother and I.' Kookie replied.

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