Chapter 48

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Namjoon Point Of View

Speaking to the doctor and all of us asking questions I think helped us and Kookie. Taehyung being Taehyung wrote down what the doctor said so we could go back to it if we needed it.

'Okay as everything is set up we will do the ultrasound now. Like before Kookie we will do it in human form and also wolf form. I will do an Xray as well. We will do all of you but for the second time in wolf form we will do it in 2 groups.' The doctor said.

I held Kookie's hand and rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. After a few mins we heard a sound and Kookie smiled.

'Is that the heartbeats of the pups?' Jhope asked.

'Indeed it is.' The doctor said. She explained what was on screen and we took in every moment. She left the room so Kookie could turn into wolf form. I helped him up onto the bed as he couldnt jump. I moved out of the way as Yoongi went to Ghost's head and started petting him. We could tell he was enjoying it as he kept leaning into his touch.

As the doctor said she will show us in two groups as it will be easier. Jin, Yoongi and myself for the first group. Jimin, Jhope and Taehyung in the second group.

The doctor came back and got everything sorted. She started and Ghost whimpered a bit. I went on alert.

*Sorry alpha. I'm okay, the gel is cold.* Jungkook mindlinked me shyly.

*It's okay baby. As long as you're okay that's all that matters.* I mindlinked him back. I leaned down and pecked his muzzle. I saw in his eyes he was saying thank you so I smiled.

I heard a sound and looked right at the monitor. The pups heartbeats. I had tears of happiness in my eyes as getting told is one thing but hearing the heartbeats from the doctor is another thing.

After a few mins we swapped. Jimin ran straight over really excited. They had their moments. Taehyung helped Ghost/Kookie down and he gave a massive shake. We chuckled

'Can one of you guys come with me. It's to help Kookie get on the table for the Xray.' The doctor said and Yoongi stepped forward.

After 10 minutes they were taking a long time. Jhope was going to say something but we heard Ghost squeeling, whinning and whimpering.

Being lead alpha my instincts are higher when it comes to protecting my pack which is my mates especially my omega. My eyes turned red. Knight was starting to take over.

'Alpha calm down.' Jin said. I growled in response.

'Taehyung go tell them to stop and let Namjoon in to see Kookie.' Jimin said. Taehyung bolted.

'He is okay if something was wrong they would have come out.' Jin said I growled again and left.

I went to where Kookies scent took me. I saw Yoongi over Ghost comforting him.

*Move.* I mindlinked Yoongi but he didnt move.

*YOONGI I SAID MOVE.* I mindlinked again with my alpha voice and he started to back away whimpering.

I went straight to Ghost looking over him making sure he was okay. Ghost looked at me and his eyes were bright and gorgeous purple. Seeing them made my wolf calm down and my eyes went back to normal. I bent over and put my forehead on his head with my arms around his neck patting him with my eyes closed calming me down.

*I heard you and my wolf thought something was seriously wrong as I have never heard you make those noices in that way before and my wolf took over slightly. Please tell me you're okay.* I mindlinked Kookie.

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