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"Told me what?" The inquisitiveness in me grew by the moment. He observed me for a while and then finally broke the silence.
"Tell me, when you were with him he didn't include any nasty affairs with you, promised you a deal to give you money if you give yourself to him?" He said as I frowned.

"What?" I said with disgust all over my face. "Why the hell would he want money out of such a thing!" I was in utter disbelief with his words.

"So, he didn't ask you of any such thing?" He asked me for assurance.
"No!" I said as he ran his fingers through his hair. A slight frown covering his temple as if he wasn't able to process what I was saying. Hell, even I was not able to process what he was talking about. Why would Aiden do such a thing?

"Strange." He muttered before sipping the coffee from his mug.
"What is this society you were talking about?" Inquisitiveness in me rose.

He looked at me before speaking, "If he didn't tell you then he must want something else from you. Best if you keep out of it." He said as I sighed.
"Look, I don't know what the hell is going on and why you kidnapped me. But I need to at least know about this. Please." I pleaded him.

"Fine." He said after a few moments of thinking and I took a seat beside him.
"There is a group of people, the ones who used to work with Armando Hernandez, Aiden's father." He said as I continued to process all of it.

"This society has been functioning since a long time. It includes dangerous people, people who believe in the terms of sadism." I widened my eyes as he spoke, "These people make deals with women who are willing to surrender themselves in the hands of these men. They do this in order to earn money by the deal and the men of the society are benefitted with pleasure." He said as I had an expression of disgust all over my face.

"And Aiden's a part of it?" 
"Not only a part of it. I'm afraid, he leads the society and funds it." He said as I gasped in disbelief. I had never thought of such a thing in my life. I was still shocked at the thought of Aiden being involved in things like that, though he never did any thing to me. Everything was starting to make sense now. 
I now knew why he didn't want me go in front of those men, because he didn't want me to indulge in any kind of stuff those men are into.

But why did he hide it away from me all this time. Sometimes I feel like I mean nothing to him, because he never tells me about anything and tends to hide away the things from me.

The thought of Aiden being involved in acts such as sadism made angrier and disgust fell over my face. How could he ever do such a thing?

Enrico got up from the chair and looked at me. "I've told you enough, now you'll stay here while I make a quick visit to work." He said as I grimaced. "I'm not staying here all by myself." I said as he stood there in silence. 
"It wasn't a question. The food's in the fridge, feel free to roam around the house, but don't break anything or else I'll lock you up in the basement." He said shook my head. "No promises." I muttered as he scoffed and disappeared into the room.

A while later he got out of the room as I was watching television. I turned my head to see him, he was standing in front of the door, facing me while wearing a grey suit with a black shirt underneath, looking like a professional killer already; I ran the information about him in my head which was given to me by Aiden.

"If you're done with the staring then I'm leaving." He had a faint smirk all over his face. I rolled my eyes and turned my face to watch the television. 
He left without saying another word and I was left all alone, in a random house on the coast of nowhere. 

I didn't feel like I was kidnapped, but just held captivated in a quite comfortable house. Yet, I missed Aiden dreadfully and waited for him to find me here before anything goes wrong; And I knew something wrong was going to happen any time soon.


Desire (18+) [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang