"I just wanted to know more about him. I wanted to help" I sighed. "You help by staying as far out of it as possible. Listen to me, this device is to look for bugged wires. Your apartment is clean for now, but it detected something faintly below you. He's probably got things set up against the ceiling to see if he can catch any voices up here. I'm staying here tonight, and hopefully by tomorrow we know who sent this undercover asshole here" Renzo ran a hand through his hair in a stressed way. 

Staying here?! "Like...sleeping here?" My gut flipped. "Yeah, Kat. This goes beyond us. I'm not leaving you alone here" he warned me. I nodded okay. I don't think I even wanna be alone here.

I can't believe it. An undercover cop. I can't go to jail. I saw a peek of what jail was like when I visited Dante's father. I wouldn't survive it.

        "Don't say anything on your phone either. Live as normally as possible" Renzo advised me. Again I continued to nod. "Renzo, I-I can't go to prison..." I gulped at the thought. "You won't," he assured me. "You don't know that though" I was trembling again. 

He put his hands on my shoulders to try to calm me. "I wouldn't let that happen. They'd only look at you to get to me. You play innocent. You don't know anything about my work. Never admit to that. They'd let you go to get a hold of me" he let me know.

That doesn't make me feel any better. I don't want Renzo or any of the Revello's to go to prison. I didn't mean to get teary eyed, but this scares me. A lot. When Renzo used his thumb to wipe my stray tear I wanted to lean into him so badly. We looked at each other without saying a word.

        It was only the shower and the vent that was making noise in the room. All to drown out any sound of our voices. I have an undercover cop living below me. That spoils my gut every time that fact settles in. "I don't want anything to happen to you" I practically whispered the words. My throat is so tight it barely escaped it.

Renzo's large hands pushed my hair away from my face and his eyes lingered on mine. My pulse spiked. "You underestimate me. They won't touch any of us" he showed me confidence. I wanna believe that. That needs to be true. 

"Trust me," he added. We both paused at those words. Isn't that exactly what this huge fight was about. I didn't trust him. Our eyes got caught up in each other. He rolled his jaw almost like he was expecting me to say no. But I found myself nodding yes. "I trust you," I said quietly.

        His hands on my shoulders tightened slightly. He ran them down my arms before pulling away from me completely. "If you believe one thing I say let it be this. You, Kat, are untouchable. To get to you they'd have to come through me. And I'm not an easy man to take down" he told me before turning away from me.

Renzo leaned over the shower to shut the water off. He walked past me and shut the vent off too. When he opened the door I knew he was waiting for me to walk out first. Discussion over I guess. What would I even say to that anyway? 

His words made my heart swell and ache all at once. I don't know when we're going to fix this. I know what I need to do before I do. But still...this proximity, it kills me. I believe him though. Renzo won't let anything happen to me. 


        Renzo had left the apartment for a short while to get some things done. He said he wouldn't be long, but I was so stressed at the idea of him staying here overnight that I was hoping he didn't come too early. What'll we say to each other? What will we do? It'll be so awkward. 

When I don't know what to do with myself I start giving myself tasks. I cleaned half my house, and when Renzo got back here I started cooking dinner, so I stayed busy. Renzo came back with some computer, but there was a device attached. They cut the frequencies or something, so he could work without Rylee interfering.

Slow burn PART 2Where stories live. Discover now