Chapter 44 (Dante's POV)

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         I know by helping Kat take a much needed break from Renzo that I'm putting myself in the line of fire if Renzo finds out. Right now he doesn't know where she is and he's half belligerent about it. My cousin doesn't always make the most rash decisions when he's this worked up over something. 

I know he's told me more than once that I 'don't know what I'm talking about' when it comes to this Vittoria situation, but he hasn't been still long enough for me to ask him what he means by that. 

I don't see how he can explain this one away. I don't know if I should give him the chance to explain or if I already don't believe him. 

Kat doesn't deserve to be cheated on. I think of the 'Renzo' I know from before, and I fear he's capable of doing a dumb enough thing like giving into old temptations for carnal reasons only. I don't think he has feelings for Vittoria or anything. I...I don't know what to make of all this.

        All I know is that Kat is hiding at my place, and that I'm on my way to Renzo and some of the guys form the stand off outside of the LO's house the other day. While Renzo had his guy running the faces of those 7 men who were killed, I had been doing some research of my own. 

I went to google and looked up different accents around the world. I didn't bother looking at the most obvious ones that most people can recognize easily. I looked into more obscure accents in alphabetical order. 

It took me just as long as it took our guy, but we both got the answer we were looking for. The man who spoke to the LO and said, "I have a message for you," his accent was Armenian.

        That's what Renzo is supposed to be addressing today. I just hope he's in the right headspace for it. Since the club isn't open we're all meeting there. When I got in, there were already a couple of guys sitting around one of the lounge areas. Nothing was open inside the place, so it was quiet, aside from their lingering voices moving throughout the open room.

"Where's Ren?" I asked my goons when I got to them. They had six packs of beer spread over the table, but not ones from here. They had old sandwich bags too, so they must have been having their lunch while waiting for the big bosses. Myself, Ren, and Rocco if he's coming.

"Not sure. We got the message to come by, but we haven't heard anything since" one of my guys let me know. I plopped down on the sectional and spread my legs out. "Listen...the boss might be a little testy today. Just watch your tongues, alright?" I decided to warn my guys. 

        Last I'd spoken to Renzo he was driving back from New York after not being able to find Kat. He was seething mad. But nothing since then...he's been silent. That scares me more than anything else. "Oh boy" I heard one of my guys mutter to himself. People tend to bleed when Renzo's in a mood.

When we heard the echo of shoes we all paused, but it wasn't the bull, it was his brother. "Rocco? Have you talked to him?" I asked first. Rocco's eyes scanned over the group of us to see who was accounted for. 

        "Uh, yeah, but only through a brief message. He told me to run-point on the meeting. He won't be able to make it" I could see my cousin eyeing me as if to ask 'what's going on'. Now I was the one muttering 'oh boy'. I stood from the sectional and told the men to hold on. Grabbing my cousin we walked off to a more private corner. 

"Did you hear about-" I didn't even get to finish asking because Rocco huffed and nodded. 

"Yeah, I know everything. Renzo accosted my fiance to the verge of tears" he looked pissed. "Do you know where she is?" His dark eyes surveyed me. I think he already knows the answer to that, but I lied and said, "No, just that she's safe."

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