"Yes, I just turned 22," again all innocent information. "Oh wow, I didn't even realize that. You're just starting out. It's an exciting time. You should enjoy it" he told me. "I won't ask if you're an old man, but I assume you're a few years older" I teased him. He chuckled. "Yeah...my 30's are looming" he kept up with the banter.

        "How'd you meet the boyfriend then? He seems closer to my age...not that there's anything wrong with that" he quickly added at the end. "Um, work" I thought I told him this before. He likes bringing up Renzo though. That shouldn't make me uneasy but it does. 

"It's a newer relationship then" he made that random observation as we were crossing the street to get to the cafe. "Sorta" I shrugged. I made a mistake there. "Wow, and you live together already" he said it 'innocently', but not really. His comments can come off as judgemental. Just like the comment of me not being able to afford the townhouse.

        "I'm an incurable romantic" I played silly. Let him think I'm young and clueless. "Aw, well nothing wrong with that" he waved it off. Good, I'm glad he didn't pry. Since we had already gotten to the cafe door he opened it for me and let me walk in first. There was only one person in the line in front of us, so we didn't linger long before ordering. 

Rylee ended up trying to pay for my coffee, but I gasped and told him no way. Still we argued over who pays until he just shoved the cash at the woman behind the counter and won. "You'll get them next time" he nodded that it was okay. Next time, huh.

        "Let's sit for a minute? It's chilly out there" Rylee suggested. Fine by me. I wanna ask some questions now. "Are you originally from here?" I asked him as we grabbed a corner table. It was a two person table, so the space was small. It kept us face to face, which was good because I wanted to read into his demeanor and expressions with each question I ask. 

"I am. I was born and raised just a city away. My parents moved to a quieter town, but I like the city life." His answer showed no red flags. "No girlfriends for you?" I took a sip of my drink, and left my eyes shifted up to await his answer. "No, not right now."

        "Busy with life, I'm sure. Your job sounded demanding" I brought things around to Mr. Medical report guy. "It's not so bad. I'm mostly traumatized by my ex" he smirked, which showed me he was just kidding. It made me laugh. 

"Tell me about it. My ex cheated" I shrugged. "On you? Must not have been a very smart guy" he made a comment that could have borderline come off as flirtatious, but I guess it can also just be polite. To say you're worth more than that. Which I am.

"I was too young to understand what we had wasn't real" I shrugged again. His eyes lingered on me. "You seem like a sweet girl. And a smart one. I hope the new guy treats you better" he patted the table between us. 

He took a sip of his drink right after, which gave him reason to shift his eyes down. I didn't comment on it. I don't want to talk about Renzo with him. Rylee looked down at his phone and noted the time. 

        "Gosh, you know what, we should get going. I need to get back" he took his now empty coffee and stood to toss it out. I still had half of mine. Goodness, did he burn his throat throwing that back so quickly. My coffee was still so warm. I stood when he did, and again he opened the door for me and escorted me out.

"Kat, I've been wanting to make a comment, but I don't exactly know how to word it without coming off as, I don't know, rude or something" he caught my attention as we waited to cross the road again. My gut flipped. What comment does he want to make? I shoved my hand in my sweater pocket so I wouldn't wring my fingers together with worry. 

        "Um, sure, just tell me" I gave him the okay. He pressed his lips together and tipped his brown eyes up in thought. "Well...I don't think your boyfriend likes me very much, and I guess I just wanted to know if I did something to offend him" he brought things back to Renzo. I took a long breath.

"He has a somewhat abrasive personality, but he has no qualms with you" I assured him. He chuckled to himself for a second. "You two make a funny dynamic. Opposites attract indeed" he nudged me to show me he was being playful. I still read into his words. 

"He's a good guy" I stuck up for my half-ex boyfriend- boyfriend. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude. I just meant you're very sweet and friendly" he changed his words. 

"Yes, I like being externally kind. Showing a friendly face. Expecting good in others and showing the same to them.. Renzo is internally kind. He's helped me alot when I was very new to the city and in need of serious work" I again defended him. Stop talking about Renzo.

        I picked up the pace in my walking, so we got home sooner than the walk down to the cafe in the first place. I took a long sip of my drink, so I could stop talking. "This was nice, Kat. I enjoyed getting to know a little more about you. I believe you when you say Renzo just has a different personality type. I hope to see you both again. He'd like me better if he got to know me, I'm sure" Rylee smiled his charming smile again. 

He ran a hand through his unruly hair from the slight wind that was starting to pick up. We'd just gotten to the townhouse, so he let me in first. "I'm sure. Have a good day, Rylee" I waved to him and made my way up the stairs. I heard him call after me to have a good day too.

        I'm not sure what to think about him. I don't like when he brings Renzo up. It makes me feel like he wants to know more about him. Maybe it's because he feels uncomfortable that Renzo doesn't like him. Renzo surely hasn't hidden his disdain towards our neighbor. I usually give others the benefit of the doubt, but I've grown a lot as a person. 

Even though I want to remain good, kind, and optimistic I have also seen too much to let myself be blind to trouble ever again. I think it's time the guys tell me what exactly they found out about my neighbor. I want to know exactly who it is I'm living above.

        My thoughts were interrupted when there was suddenly a knock on my door. I don't know why I felt freaked out, but if this is Rylee...then what the heck does he want? I had just come in. I didn't see anyone else outside. When there was a second knock after my long hesitation I scurried to the door and opened it. 

My heart stopped. "We need to talk." 


Author's note: Hello Readers!! I think I will be ending this series at Chapter 71 (with a few bonus flash forward chapters) 

-It's been surreal how quickly this story blew up. THANKYOU. But I had only originally written 76 chapters. So between April 27-May 21...which is only 3 weeks, I wrote and edited 105 NEW chapters for you guys between the original Slow burn and the Added Chapters. It's a lot of work but I love all of you for reading along with me. -

As always, so much love and appreciation for you all. I hope to see you reading my new story that are uploading to my page by the end of this book. It's been real y 'all<3

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