"Let's talk then. Tell me" I decided not to prolong the inevitable. I need to know. I need to see if I even believe him when he explains. Isn't that an issue within itself? I don't trust my boyfriend. That's a weak foundation for a couple to build on. 

I could see in Renzo's eyes that he was thinking about this. He was facing some internal battle, but I couldn't understand what. My lungs are so tight I have to remind myself to inhale and exhale.

        When Renzo licked his lips my eyes followed. They didn't mean to but his mouth is so perfect. My lips remember his touch and crave him. Finally, Renzo looked decided about something. "Fine," he agreed. My gut flipped, but I nodded and waved for him to sit down on the sofa to talk about this. Why am I so nervous? So incredibly nervous.

When I took a seat I pinched my knees together and hugged myself while I waited. Renzo didn't sit beside me. Instead he sat on the edge of my coffee table directly across from me. I was confused when he grabbed his phone and pulled something up.

        "I don't need to explain myself. She will" he told me. I didn't understand what he meant until I saw the video waiting to be played. Wait? I could see it was Vittoria in some unidentified room. I was almost too frozen in anticipation to click the play button myself. 

When I took Renzo's phone into my own hands he stood up and looked out the window in the living room, instead of watching it with me. Or watching my face for any reaction. I don't even want to see her face, but I know this is important. I pressed play.

        Vittoria was sitting with a designer bag on her lap and designer glasses pulled on top of her head. I wouldn't say she looked smug. I actually couldn't decide what that expression was. "Go," I heard Renzo order her to begin. She grit her teeth but began.

"I lied to you about everything. When the front desk alerted me to your coming up I made the bed and stayed in my towel, as I did just get out of the shower. The guest shower..." she wanted to stop, but I heard Renzo bark at her to tell me everything. "I wanted you to think he cheated. Renzo had no idea." Again I heard Renzo's voice in the background. "Tell her why you were there in the first place."

I watched Vittoria get frustrated but she continued.

        "I was out partying the night before. You saw me at the club, but afterwards we went to a party. I didn't know who they were, but I was drunk and having fun, until I felt drugged. I was scared. I was getting confused and felt like I was gonna pass out. I called Renzo and asked for help. I was truly drugged. He knows, he saw" her eyes snapped up to Renzo who was behind the phone somewhere. 

Drugged? I gripped the phone tighter. I was trying to replay her words. 

"Am I done?" Vittoria's voice gives attitude to Renzo, but I could see she was somewhat upset. Who knows, she's clearly very manipulative. "You apologize," Renzo ordered her. My eyes widened. I wasn't expecting this part. I heard Vittoria mumble to herself in Italian before she switched back to English.

"I'm..." I could see it was killing her to even say this. She paused and swallowed down the words. I don't know what Renzo looked like behind that phone, but when her eyes glanced up she quickly dropped them back to the camera and caved. "I'm sorry, Kat" she forced the words out.

        In real time, Renzo was still at my window looking out. He wouldn't look at me. My heart was still beating fast, but for a new reason. Is this true? Did Renzo go save a girl from a serious situation like that? Was that all? Did he not touch her? I've been avoiding him for weeks. I broke things in his bedroom. I haven't shown any trust in him. Am I the bad guy here?

Slow burn PART 2Where stories live. Discover now