Chapter 28 (Renzo's POV)

Start from the beginning

        With slow deliberate steps I rounded the desk until I was in front of it and towering over the idiots who were about three feet away from me. The guards had since stepped back and joined the other man who was posted at the door. 

This doesn't concern them and I don't like a crowded room. The warden was off to the side just fidgeting with his sleeves and picking at his nubby fingers.

        "Which one of you stabbed my cousin?" I asked the first thing. I know Dante can easily identify the man, but I wanted him to admit to it himself. Also...he was the only one in an inmate's suit. The other two were in uniform. 

Still, let me have my fun. The slower I go the more nervous they get. When the inmate casted his eyes down I stepped forward, which made him flinch back.

"You can't do this to us. We work for the legal system. You'd never get away with this" the LO tried speaking up. I gave him a back hander across the face and told him to shut up. 

"Grotto, give my uncle his steak" I snapped my fingers for him to go. I heard a whirring sound and glanced behind me to see Dante sharpening a pencil in one of those really old hand cranked ones. I don't know what the fuck he's doing. I turned my attention back on the men.

        Bending slightly down to fist the inmate's hair, to get him to tip his head and bring up his eyes, I casually asked, "Who gave you orders to kill my uncle?" He tightened his jaw, but remained quiet. 

"Hey genius, out of the three of you, you are easiest to get rid of. Just a criminal prisoner who couldn't take the hardships of prison and hung himself with a bed sheet in his cell" I stood to my full height when I harshly released my grip on his very straight, very flat hair. 

"Revello, is it?" The LO spoke up for a second time. He looks like one of those cocky assholes who were drill sergeants in the military and think they're big shots now. Proud chests and a need to constantly assert themselves as the alpha male. 

He's not the alpha male in the room. He's on his fucking knees shackled like a dog.

        I took my attention away from the inmate and turned to him. With another solid whack to the face I then yanked him by his bound wrists, until he was bent over and the shackles were on the ground. Then I stepped on it and kept him bowed down. He grunted with the feeling of my heavy foot holding him in place. 

"It's MISTER Revello to you" I barked out. Grotto flinched and got even more nervous in the corner.

"Ah, alright, alright get off" the LO asked through clenched teeth. I stepped a little bit harder before releasing my foot. He quickly came back up to his kneeling position. The CO was quiet. His eyes were darting around watching everything. Observing.

        With the whirring still in the background I turned to Dante again. "The fuck are you doing?" I gave him a face letting him know that was irking me. Dante pulled the pencil out of the sharpener and held the thing up to examine the tip. Then he walked forward until he was beside me. 

"Alright, my patience is starting to wear thin. Who gave orders to who? I want to start hearing answers or I'm gonna start getting violent" I warned them. 

Dante stepped forward, and I had no clue what he was doing until he produced the sharpened pencil and with force, stabbed it into the soft tissue that's between the blade of a shoulder. 

"ARGH" the inmate cried out and almost tumbled forward. The fucking pencil was still sticking in him.  "Hurts, doesn't it?" Dante asked him. I heard my uncle Mario laughing behind me. Dante stood straight again without removing the pencil and smoothed himself out before waving a hand, telling me, "Continue."

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