Nameless Relationships

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Guys, it's sad that the previous chapter barely crossed 100 votes. Please go back and vote for that chapter if you really don't want me to slow down on the updates!


Batuk woke up to the steady patter of soft rain upon his bedroom window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of rising sun, and the sound brought a calmness to his mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. With eyes at rest he felt his centre, a lively happiness within himself for these blessed moments of solitude... The heartbreak was still there, but it wasn't pinning him anymore, as his mind and heart drifted on calm seas, aimless as a child on summer vacation, paddling, at ease with the fluidity of time. Candice suddenly felt like a distant nightmare, whose touch although was lingering in his body, but the effect had faded considerably. Batuk closed his eyes and hugged the soft bolster, rolling on his stomach, and soon the memories of the previous night flooded his senses. He was still on the bed, cuddling his cosy white comforter, and Bhargavi's smiling face made him smile.
What a brilliant child! He thought, and then his mind recalled the horrific things that she had to endure, feeling guilty about her defeating eyesight, the deprivation, the trauma... And the thought of trauma turned his thoughts to another person, her pristine beautiful face looking at him longingly, her large dark eyelashes fluttering at him with hope...

Batuk sighed, and pressed his eyes, and suddenly her face became much more prominent, her quivering lips, her reddened eyes, her slender features, her unblemished skin, her long cascading hair glistening in the raindrops... Everything, everything became prominent, offering him a plethora of sensuous visuals, and he felt a sudden rise in his heartbeat. His muscles were stiffened involuntarily, and a familiar eccentric feeling of desire enveloped his senses making him groan out loud.


What was happening to him?
Batuk wondered, and nodding his head sideways in a vehement self objection, he jumped out of his bed and exhaled sharply, leaving behind the dreams of the night, and the happy memories smeared on the creased white bedsheet.

Mornings were meant to offer new perspectives, new way of looking at life... And, Batuk's indomitable spirit was somewhere willing to take the chances of happiness.

Rudhi had always been an early riser, and while coming out of his room, Batuk heard his niece cooing happily at his sight, stretching her arms longingly towards him from Koeli's lap.

Batuk's face brightened at once, as he almost ran to the baby, picking her up in his arms with an affectionate promptness.

"ShonaMaa... I missed you so... so much..."
Batuk muttered mothereses to the child, filling her round puffy cheeks with his loving kisses, and the child wrapped her arms around her uncle's neck and drooled on his shoulder in happiness, scrapping his skin gently with the four milk teeth that had just surfaced.

"Show me show me... Aww...."
Batuk made her open her mouth, as his eyes teared up seeing those little white teeth in her mouth.
"Now you and I would have mutton together..." He grinned happily kissing the child once again.

"Beyu beyu... Ta Ta... Beyu beyu... "
Rudhi giggled, pointing towards the stairways leading to the backyard of the mansion, and Batuk knew at once what she was pointing at.

'Beyu' was her way of conveying her desire to go out, and 'Tata' was her version of calling him, Kaka...
And with an untainted happy grin on his face, Batuk made her sit on his shoulder at once, her legs saddled around his neck, as they both headed towards the open secluded greenary outside their house, both humming their own tune.

The backyard wasn't much, but it was beautiful, pristine, and the small clear pond reflected the cheerful rays of the morning sun. The scenary was modest, yet breathtaking... And, parking themselves a little away from the pond, on a hammock, Batuk sat comfortably, overlooking the beautiful gleaming water of the pond, his niece sitting happily on his chest.
They swayed with the wind, in rhythm, and as Rudhi drew patterns on Batuk's bare chest, where the sunrays played hide and seek, he simply sighed at the beautiful innocence of the glossy green water, calm... quiet... just like...

The Unventured PassionsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara