A lick and A promise

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The nascent droplets on the lush green patch of lands inside Dehradun Girls Convent was shining like a pearl as the first sunrays fell on its tender grass. The dewy green mantle felt soft on her smooth skin. It had a heartwarming feel-good touch to it. Her arms were stretched on the grass as she slowly rolled over to face the earth, her right ear touching the soil as if to listen to the music of it's core. Her hands had gripped the grass twigs with a gentle firmness. The soothing warmth of the mountain sun was caressing her delicate skin.
Bondita smiled, inhaling the fresh petrichor of the moistened earth.
Her muscles on her bare back flexed, beautifully, as she felt the touch of his velvety lips once again, quivering a little, as a serene yet playful smile brightened Bondita's face.

"What are you doing, Anirudh?" She giggled, flexing her muscles further in reciprocation to his gentle torture.

"Loving you!"
His tender yet husky voice tickled her ears.
She felt his chin on her back, rested lazily, as his hands stretched along hers, in alignment, so as to sheath her skin from the soft sun.
He was laying on top of her, and she could feel his weight...

"Would you always love me like this?" Bondita murmured to the grass, her lips curved into a contented smile, as her heart fluttered like the colourful butterflies that played with her hair.

"Anirudh?" Bondita asked again, sensing a delay in his reply.
The weight on her body had lightened, the muscular arm enveloping her wasn't in sight anymore. The soft warm breath wasn't tickling her skin to an ecstasy.
Bondita turned around.

"Anirudh!!!" She called out loud, and her eyes met his frame standing motionless, as if meditating, on the ground, covered by an emanating aura. His eyes were closed and his lips radiated a blissful smile.
Bondita tried to get up and reach out to him. But something had rooted her to the ground, making her immobile.

"Anirudh... Here..." She shouted, hoping to draw his attention as her eyes fell on a pair of feminine arms snaking his chest from behind.
An invisible force had tied her mouth, robbing her of vocal abilities, as Bondita tried with all her might to call out to her husband.
The female hands caressed Anirudh's body, feeling every inch, every muscles on his sculpted silhouette. The hands moved towards his abdomen, drawing circles on his body as a seductive laughter painted the bright morning into a blueish shade. Bondita felt her heartbeat increasing its pace, trying to escape her chest to reach up to her lover's, so as to wake him up from this menacing meditation. The curvature of the feminine body was visible now. Bondita narrowed her eyes to see her face, and as the blinding light gradually gave in, her eyes met with that of the piercing gaze of that woman!

A cold shivering sweat ran, dripping down Bondita's spine. Her heart had probably skipped a few beats as she felt weightless, floating in the endless oblivion of infinity.
Her eyes were still on her's, in desparate attempts of screaming her name... as only a few sounds emitted from her lungs.

"Shona... Shona... Wake up..."
Anirudh's strong arms had cradled her quivering body as Bondita opened her eyes transitioning to her reality.
Anirudh had pressed her palpitating heart with his palm to calm her down with his comfort.
"Just a dream my baby Bondita, just a dream..." He showered kisses on her forehead, drawing random patterns down on both her flushed sweaty cheeks.

"Anirudh... " Bondita breathed. "Anirudh... I..."

"Yes Shona... Tell me... Tell me anything you want..." He pressed her body tightly to his chest, making her rest her chin on his shoulder.

"I... I love you, Anirudh." Bondita broke down into tears as Anirudh's hands automatically reached her head, caressing her hair with love.

"I know, and I love you too." He added. "More than you can ever imagine."

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