Some Old tales, and some New

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If responsibility be not part of the grand melody of love that calls to one's deepest heart, then it is mere distraction and of it, one shouldn't be a part. And, it was when responsibility entwines with love one finds perfect passion with direction; and hence become a vector of heaven with horizon-bound velocity.
Raimoti had felt the core essense of these words, for the first time in her life, and she was determined to ace it with soaring colours of bravery, laced with the wildness of her soul, dipped in the tinge of excitement.

"This way, left."
She led Satyakirth through the dimly lit corridors until they reached infront of the basement door. It wasn't an entirely underground one, rather a lowered ground floor hall with half windows looking above the ground level, the bottom half being buried as a pocket inside the earth.

Raimoti punched in the numbers, and in no time the foreign combination lock clicked open.

"What place is this?"
Satya gasped at the sheer size of the enormous hall she led them into, filled with scattered racks of wooden cartons of various sizes. It was rather dark, with scanty yellow electric bulbs insufficient to evade the shadowed murk, and overhead, there was a large old-fashioned pulley Punkah with long rope tussles hanging from it.

"This was meant to be a safe house during the Mughal rule." She started to check the labels on the boxes.
"The nawabs used this place as a hideout during battles," She paused, "this was meant to be blast proof."

"Why 'was'?"
Satya too, was busy skimming through the labels as he opened one box to check it's contents.

"Because, the windows weren't there before, but were built later to get the electrical lines, and now this place is not fire repellent any more, rather quite combustive." Raimoti was already pulling down the smaller boxes containing medicines.
"So, how do we do this? First the medicines, and then the firearms?"
She had moved down a few boxes, as she turned towards Satya, wiping a bead of sweat from her neck.

"That's the plan." Satya smiled back, and even amidst the tightened tension of the moment, his eyes didn't miss to notice how Raimoti's cheeks and neck had turned red due to this sudden unaccustomed exertion, the diamonds on her ears gleaming brighter in that scanty light.

"I'll do it, the boys are at the back gate, I just need to move these boxes outside." His hands were moving faster than his words, and Raimoti couldn't help but marvel at the expertise with which he did the work.

"I'll help you move them out."
She smiled.

A sinister quietness had enveloped the entire palace with a cloak of eerieness. The clock ticked faster than usual, and as the two of them worked together, in sync, dividing the load among themselves, the resonance of their actions made them both realise the unmissable natural compatibility that they possess.
Both were speaking less, only when necessary, and the work was gaining it's momentum. Raimoti being exceptionally good at critical thinking, had suggested to move the contents of four boxes into one, pointing at the convenience of its mobility, and Satya's face had brightened at once at the brilliant suggestion.
They both were kneeling down, facing their back to each other, and as Satya peered inside a giant box to take out an entire content of small medicine viles, he felt a ticklish touch brushing on the exposed part of his neck.

"What are you doing?"
Satya shook his head instinctively, brushing off the touch.

"I'm doing whatever I'm meant to do."
Raimoti replied promptly, making Satya frown, his hands still busy with the task infront, only to feel the softness of her touch on his neck once again, a little intense this time, as he felt the feather-touches of probably her fingers, trailing down his neck.

"Stop doing that please, will you." He murmured, his eyes focused on the arrangement of the glass viles as his cheeks turned a shade of pink in an unknown likability.
He had never mixed his mission with anything personal, but somehow the feeling of Raimoti's touch had transcended beyond everything.
He was, rather, enjoying it!

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