Finding You in Me

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"The moon, in eternal stoic grace takes her place in the heavens, content to ever-reflect the light of the sun... You are my sun... My source of light... My Princess..."

Satyakirth's throaty voice caressed her senses as Raimoti leaned forward to see her reflection in the dark clear water of the lake.
It was surreal... It was such a moment when you wish the time to seize, and Raimoti gasped at her own reflection in the gentle ripples of the water, and beside her face was another, her Satyakirth.
Her feet was dipped in the cold water, and the chilly sensation sieved through her skin, her heavy golden anklet creating music. Her feet were beautifully painted with scarlet Alta, and Raimoti admired it's artistic purity in that silvery moonlight.

"And you are my moon, bathed in my love... " Raimoti bit her lips bashfully, and saw his reflection smile.
"In monochrome musings, you will turn into my silver armoured knight, and we'll fight poetry together."

Their hands were held in each other's, their hearts were melting into one, and Raimoti inhaled deeply a gush of cold wind and opened her eyes...

But, where was his reflection now... his face beside hers?
Raimoti felt a twitch in her heart, a sharp twitch and then a cloak of an unknown fear enveloped her being.

"You are a widow! A Kulin Brahmin Widow!" A voice came out from the core of the lake, tearing the veil of darkness, and Raimoti shivered, her hands pressed to her ears, her eyes closed, trying to break free from the shackles of this sudden terror.

"A widow... " A sinister laughter broke out, and the words echoed in the wind.
Thousands of voices shouted in unison, charging their mocking eyes at her, and Raimoti nodded her head vehemently...

"No... No... No... I'm not... I'm not... Stop..."
She screamed, but the words came out as silence, tearing her throat, and the fear made it's throne in her heart.

"Satya... " She tried to scream again... And when she opened her eyes, the rippled water reflected his face once again... That ever calm smile on his face.

Raimoti tried to raise her hand towards the reflection before it faded away once again.

"Satya... Where are you..." She cried out, and a soft touch on her shoulder made her turn back... Slowly...

The moon was sheathed by a threatening veil of cloud, and at a near distance, stood Satya, his arms stretched at her, and his white shirt was drenched in deep scarlet. He was smiling, and from his mouth gushed out blood, trailing down his throat and soaking his body.
Raimoti felt a chill down her bone, she felt light, lifeless...

"Satya..." She tried to scream, but her feet couldn't bridge the gap between them, for, they were heavy... Very heavy...


"Raimoti... Raimoti... Wake up... Are you alright?"
Anirudh was splashing droplets of water on her agony-strained face, wiped the jets of tears that had poured down her eyes silently in sleep.

"Anirudh Da... Anirudh Da... " Raimoti opened her eyes, gasping and crying, and her trembling hands had instinctively clutched Anirudh's shirt firmly, pulling him towards her.
"Satya... I saw Satya..."

She couldn't complete the words, and Anirudh wiped her face with water, brushing away the stray stands of hair from her forehead.

"Shh... Shh... You were dreaming Rai... Just a dream."
His words were a hush, and in that fading darkness of the room, Raimoti threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

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