Alluring Distractions ❤️

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The sky hadn't cleared yet, but it wasn't night anymore, just the last dying moments of the darkness perhaps when Anirudh and Bondita tiptoed inside their hotel room, both drenched completely and a towel wrapped around Bondita's body, over her soaked clothes.

"You first, and then me." Bondita commanded in a hushed note refering to the bathroom.

"No, you first, you may catch cold."
Anirudh hushed back, earning his wife's displeasure.
But the moment he entered the room, it's emptiness was the first thing that made Anirudh frown.

"Where's Batuk?" He quickly rushed in and opened the door of the bathroom to check, and Bondita's eye fell on the small white chit kept on her bag.
She quickly walked towards it and sat on it, on the bag kept on the table and Anirudh looked at her with widened eyes.

"Where might he be? At this hour?"
He paced towards the balcony, but Bondita stopped her.

"Your nipples are poking Barrister Babu, and if you don't want me to jump on you again, do go and change."

Anirudh exhaled sharply and headed inside the bathroom reluctantly, closing the door behind him, and Bondita quickly got up and took out the now wet chit, stretching it in her hand.

Just two line,
A promise to do things right, and a plea for his brother, but it was enough to make Bondita gasp in terror.

"Batukk... Why!!"
She let out a suppressed sigh and clutched her head in her hands, crumpling the chit in her hand, for the worry that his absence had created in her husband would intensity and expand a hundred folds if he comes to know of his true whereabouts.

"Hey Bondita, I'm done, you should..."
Anirudh came out and was rubbing his dampened hair when he saw his wife sitting with her head cupped in her hand.
"What happened Shona?"

"Nothing... Nothing at all." Bondita had jumped up at once, as if he had caught her in some mischief, and Anirudh frowned at her suspiciously.

"You sure?" He came closer and Bondita quickly got up and ran towards the door, latching it back from inside.

"What are you... What if Batuk comes back?"

But Bondita had already started to shed off her wet saree infront on him, dampening the floor carpet of the hotel room, a mischievous grin on her face.

Oh, so this was the mischief she had in mind!
Anirudh was eyeing her too, with a smirk on his lips, and his eyes glistening.

"Batuk is a big boy Barrister Babu, I'm sure he won't be lost."
She locked his gaze with hers and unhooked the front of her soaked blouse slowly, giving Anirudh a full view of her alluring feminity, making him gasp in turn. She tossed the blouse on the floor, and with it the small chit too, and her hands slowly moved down her body, untying the tassels of her petticoat.

"And what if he returns back now?" Anirudh was approaching her slowly, his arms stretched, as Bondita's soaked petticoat slipped down her legs, forming a heap on the floor.
She was in his arms now, held in a loose embrace and his nose was nuzzling with hers.

"Then he'll wait outside for ten minutes." She winked at him and leaned closer, touching his bare upper torso with her nakedness, for she knew the only thing that can keep her husband's mind away from all worries was her, only her.
"Must have gone for an early morning walk, stop worrying."
Her last words were laced with a tone of sensuality, and Anirudh smiled back.

"You're probably right." He scooped her from her floor, cradling her up in his arms, and they headed towards the bed together.

"You are very... Very... "
Bondi bit her lower lip and giggled.

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