A City in Blue 💙 (2)

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I know a lot of you are waiting for this update, and I didn't wish to delay.
This is infact a very long update, hope you enjoy it.
Pour your comments, and I'm sure there would be a lot for you to write in this chapter.
And finally... Please vote. I would only post next once this super long chapter bad received a sufficient number of votes.

Enjoy!! ❤️❤️


To be found is to be trapped, to be lost is to be free!

Batuk watched with amazed eyes how very slowly, carefully, Mira tiptoed into the crowd, her hands fidgeting with the two rupees note, and her fluttering eyelashes scared to look up, yet stealing glances at the surroundings, ever so cautious to not let her guard down, not at any cost. The royal blue shawl was neatly wrapped around her body, it's hem pulled up covering her head, and Batuk let out a gasp, turning his gaze away from her receding posture, as he too took the other side of the semicircular fair ground, only to be reunited with her at it's crescendo.
There were stalls around the margin, with toys and tinsels, with flowers and vases and steel utensils clamoring loud as the potential buyers weighed their worth. And amidst those, was a stall, selling rainbows!
Batuk's eyes had widened, as the dazzling circles of glass reflected light, beckoning him to feast his eyes on them, to touch them! He had been to fairs before, but never had noticed the sparkling glory of those simple glass bangles, but yet, at that moment, standing infront of the stall, he couldn't help but feel amazed at the plethora of colours that they offered.

"Which ones Babu?" The vendor, a lady in her mid fifties, had asked him happily, breaking his trance and Batuk smiled back at her, awkwardly, as he pointed his index towards a particular set of glass bangles.


"And size?"
The woman asked again.

"Umm... Yee height and slim," he held his hand to his shoulder to give her an idea about Mira's appearence, but his weak heart didn't resist when his mouth showered additional information along with it, "...and very pretty, with long hair... Her hands are very soft, and... and wrists are like that of, like... umm... like a Saraswati murti." Batuk bit his lips thoughtfully, perhaps a bit embarassed too, and the lady arched her eyebrows at the poor lover boy in amusement.

"Here, this would perfectly fit your Saraswati, and if not, bring her here."

She tied two dozens of royal blue glass bangles with a small string and handed it to him.

"Does this Saraswati have a name?" The woman smiled gently at him, sensing his overtly fond emotions for the said lady, and Batuk blushed instantly, the hue of heralding spring painting his cheeks.
He handed her the money and looked away, his lips parting a little, just a little...



The carnival looked like a maze, and outside the maze was sunshine enough to see the towering walls of the cityscape. The late evening was quiet enough to hear the moans of those who had tried before her to escape, and had lost themselves, and the thought made Mira shudder in fear, her fingers clutching on to the small jute bag held in her hands.
The minutes were countless, and their was no sign of any kulfi stall, and the thought of being lost, in this maze of unfamiliar humans made Mira giddy in her stomach...

'Why, Mira... Why?'
she cursed herself again,
'Was there really a need for this? To give this uncharacteristic bravery a chance?... It's a mockery! A mockery that she too could live a life... A mockery that her opinion mattered, for once, and that she can be happy too, and yet how foolishly she had let herself to be fooled by it, for which she was paying the price... Was she really lost?'

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