The Mirrors in the Minds

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In that well furnished room of his in London, there was a bloom of potted plants lending wishful greens to the atmosphere, and Anirudh had been staring at them for quite Some now, a smile on his lips, as slowly he drew the curtain to sheath the insides of his room from the bright green patio.

'Bondita would definitely love these plants!'
He mused, and then his eyes fell on the postcard Polaroid resting carefully on his table.

"How can you be so beautiful Bondita!" Anirudh had picked up the photograph, as his fingers slowly traced an outline on her face, careful not to trail down any further. Even though it was only her picture, he would still not do anything against her honour!
"Were you always this beautiful?
Was I blind all these years?"
He kept murmuring, before very tenderly he pressed the photograph to his chest, feeling an overwhelmed sensation of warmth coursing through his body.
So many memories came alive infront of his mind's eyes at once, pouring in like showers of happiness, and the best of them made him blush.
"My wife... My baby wife!" He breathed out, as almost immediately, a soft clamour outside made him open his eyes, breaking his trance at once.

"Thomas!" He called out to his bearer, a boy of nineteen, working with his family for the Roy Chowdhury's for generations now.
"Thomas who's outside?" He asked again, raising his voice to make himself audible.
"Are you done with my packing yet?"

Thomas came running.
"Sire... Sire it's her... Miss Thompson." Thomas sounded concerned, "Tracy is talking to her, but she just won't listen."
His voice was laced with agitation, partly irritation, as the young man was well aware of the beautiful wife that the Barrister was looking forward to meet back in his country.
He was a witness to his master's pining, his master's sleepless nights, and secretly he hoped for their sweet union.

"Not again." Anirudh exhaled, visibly displeased yet he nodded his head gesturing him to let her in, as if the woman outside would care for an invitation!

Thomas hadn't even turned, when the source of the clamour pushed him aside and walked straight inside Anirudh's bedroom, behind her was Tracy, Thomas's younger sister.

"Miss Thompson." Anirudh lowered his head in a reluctant courtesy, and Candice walked straight towards him, as the proximity of her closeness made both Thomas and Tracy flinch.

"What is this Roy? You're leaving? To India? Yet again!!" She almost screamed the words, and Anirudh looked away.

"I was never meant to stay here for long. I have a family there, a wife, a brother, and I need to go back to them."

"And what about your family here Roy? Your father? And Some-natt? Isn't he your brother too?"
Candice had come dangerously close to him and Anirudh stepped back at once.

"My father and her brother here are happy by themselves, they don't need me to provide for them... But my wife needs me... So does my younger brother... And, Candice I'm sorry but how is it your concern where I'm going and where not!"
Anirudh's voice was calm, and with a gesture of his eyes, he commanded Thomas to move away from the door, yet both the attendants stayed vigilant right outside, just away from their sight.
They both knew the ploys the woman was capable of, and under no circumstances they wished their good master to fall of it again!

"Why are you here?" Anirudh asked, and the rage in Candice's eyes took shape of desparation.

"Because I want you, I came because I want you Roy."

"But I don't... I'm a married man."

"Married? You call that deception a marriage? It's not a marriage to me if it's not blessed by the church", she grabbed Anirudh by the collar of his dress shirt and tugged at it violently.

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