Healing Kisses

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The most expensive emotion in the entire world is probably trust, as it takes years to earn it and just a matter of seconds to lose.
Anirudh had leaned back on the chair, with his head hung back, as he tried to contemplate his next course of action.

"So, back there, you said you would free my friends legally." Girish suddenly broke the silence of the room, his voice overpowering the continuous noise of mechanical whining of the ceiling fan.

"I'll fight the case." Anirudh replied calmly in a soft low voice, without opening his eyes to look at him.

"But, the case is already closed. How would you..."

"I'll reopen it." Anirudh replied in the same soft lagged tone without letting Girish complete the question.

"Anirudh Da... I... I'm sorry for what I did earlier... For involving Bondita in this." Girish paused to look away.
"I didn't really think I'll survive my actions to bear the consequences of it." His voice was low and apologetic.

"All actions have consequences Girish... Some are faced by you, some aren't." Anirudh let out a soft sigh and finger brushed his hair to rearrange his thoughts.
He needed to talk to Neelmoni... May be request him a bit hard, may be offer him something in return, strike a deal perhaps...
The telephone rang noisily, tearing the fabric of his disarrayed thoughts.

"Hello... Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhury speaking." His voice was low and grave.

"You bloody scoundrels... You and your brother, both! And here I dreamt of having relationships with your family... You bloody..."
The sudden sharp aggressive abuse startled Anirudh momentarily as he quickly gathered his thoughts and spoke.

"Neelmoni Babu, what are you saying? What happened?" His voice reflected poise.

"What happened? Why don't you ask that scoundrel? That worthless brother of yours?"
Neelmoni shouted at the top of his voice on the other side of the telephone.

"Sir, I request you not to cross the limit of decency and tell me what happened." Anirudh's voice was still calm yet powerful.

"Your brother insulted me and my daughter... He tried to talk advantage of her, and when she refused, he insulted her by refusing marriage. How dare he do that! How dare..."

Anirudh took a deep breath to calm himself down. This was the same man he was planning to seek help from as a last resort only a few minutes before, and now... Everything seemed to have fallen apart infront of him!

"Neelmoni Babu, are you sure that's what has happened?" He asked the old man calmly.

"What do you mean?" Neelmoni barked louder.

"If my brother would have wanted to take advantage of your daughter, he could have easily done so when she had visited our mansion unannounced, insisting to see his bedroom." Anirudh paused.
"Also, my brother is wise enough to understand that marrying your daughter would mean your fame along with the so called 'advantage' from your daughter... So, if 'taking advantage' would have been his motive, then he would have wanted to expedite the wedding rather than cancelling it.

"How dare you?" Neelmoni roared again.
"I will destroy you Anirudh Roy Chowdhury... I'll destroy your family."

"You can try Neelmoni Babu. But my family is strong enough to be destroyed by such petite wind such as yourself."

"Petite wind, am I?" Neelmoni roared again.
"And, this petite wind has successfully convinced your so called intelligent righteous wife to tear the case reopening appeal... All I had to do was show her the brighter picture, money... Fame... Name... Where is the document Anirudh? Did the check the dustbin or did your wife flush it down the toilet?" Neelmoni let out an evillish chuckle.
"You talk too big, Anirudh... First fix your own family and they try to fix the world."

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