Make it up to You ❤️

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It was probably the silence of a sweet dream that woke Bondita up from her evening nap, and for a moment she wondered where she was. It wasn't her room at Tulsipur, or the convent!
But, confusion only lasted a second, and then the memories flooded back, memories of happiness and joy and love. She turned to her side in her bed slowly only to find her baby sleeping peacefully beside her.
"Amar Shona!" Bondita kissed the forehead of the sleeping baby and sighed in deep contentment, thinking back over the last few days, over which the intense happiness of finding out the joy of her perfect family life arched like a glittering rainbow. Remembered tenderness made her smile and remembered passion made her breathing quicken, and suddenly she missed him, her Anirudh.

The bedroom led to another room adjacent, which the couple used as their dressing room, leading further to the attached bathroom with all modern amenities imported from Paris. As her senses acclaimatised more with the reality, she heard the burbling sound of cascading water coming from inside their bathroom.
Bondita narrowed her eyes before switching her gaze lazily at the fancy wall clock.

"Eighty twenty five!! Oh god how did I sleep this long!"
Bondita bit her tongue and eyed the peaceful sleeping baby. She slowly cradled her small frame, careful not to wake her up as she transferred her into the low lying crib beside the bed.

The night suddenly felt a little chilly. Bondita crossed to the window where the drapes still stood open, forgotten, and then to the half open door. And, as soon as she got out into the dressing room she heard running water, and as she crossed to the bathroom she realised that it was Anirudh, her Anirudh; she could hear him whistling above the noise.
Bondita smiled.

Without really thinking about it, Bondita tried the bathroom door, only to find to her surprise that it was not locked. Almost in a trance she opened it.

The spacious cubicle was a smooth curve of glass, the entrance not a door but an overlap in the design so she found herself watching him through two sheets of glass and the steam of the hot water. Even obscured the sight of Anirudh almost took her breath away, and she drank him in as he leaned his head back under the water, the droplets running in trickled down his chest, stomach, and between his legs. As her gaze lingered on his manhood Bondita bit her lip, remembering him making fierce love to her last night, the hard, thick length of him plunging deep into her, filling her, satisfying her...
Bondita swallowed hard.

The clear stream of water fell like a poem. Anirudh turned away, still not having seen her, clearly rinsing soapy water from his eyes, and without premeditation she found herself stepping forwards, still in her cotton night gown, and slipping between the panes of glass. The heat and steam of the shower would probably have been enough to overcome any shyness if she had felt at all uncertain, but the jolt of desire as she saw his backside slick with water was enough to make her instantly forget any misgivings, and she moved forward with surety to touch him and then slip her arms around his waist, pressing herself up against him.

She felt, rather than heard his gasp of surprise, but it was quickly subsumed by a moan of pleasure as she slid her hands over his stomach and reached down to caress him, his body responding quickly and his arousal increasing under her hands.
"Hey wife."
Bondita could almost feel that seductive smirk in his words.

"Hey husband." She responded back.
For a few moments Anirudh was seemed almost frozen, his breathing growing shallow as she wrapped her fingers round the rapidly hardening length of him. Then suddenly he grabbed her wrists and stopped her, only to spin around in her arms and pin her to the wall with a kiss so intense that Bondita felt as if her legs might not hold her up any more.
"Tell me if you want me!" He groaned into her shoulder undoing the knot of her gown as a sharp breath escalated Bondita's mouth.

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