Fun Discussions: Read and know

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❤️❤️ A City in Blue (2) ❤️❤️

"Can you not hear my heartbeat Mira?"
Batuk squeezed her palm a little and moved it up.
"Can you not feel anything?"
He placed Mira's trembling hands on his chest, his penetrating gaze deepening on her, and Mira gulped in response, desparately trying to fight the battling emotions in her heart.
She closed her eyelids slowly and sighed.

"I'm not allowed to feel Choto..."
Mira couldn't complete as she felt Batuk's fingers on her lips.

"Shh...!" Batuk's face had dangerously lowered down, aligned with her face, and Mira shivered as his hot breath seared her skin.
"Who said you aren't?" Batuk's knuckles were now caressing her cheek, and Mira looked up slowly, the reddened corner of her eyes looked seductively alluring and Batuk felt a hitch in his breath, his heartbeat racing from a point of no return.
"You... You are a human being Mira... And humans feel, and you too are..." He was sniffing the fragnance of her skin, his nose nuzzling at the crook of her neck, and Mira gasped softly at the subtle touch.

"Choto Zamindar Babu! these emotions aren't mine to feel." She murmured.


Just because I've only started to write these PROMOS, I thought of posting a little teaser here, from now on, read these in my CONVERSATIONS section of my profile.
Please follow me for more such updates.

I have a couple of questions that no one answered before.


1) How important do you think marriage is to fulfill one's love story?

2) Do you think Batuk is dealing rightly with Mira's PTSD condition?

3) Do you think Anirudh could have done more for her?

4) Now, Satya clearly isn't interested in getting tangled in these household social issues. Do you think Bondita would do things to jeopardize his greater plan?

5) If Satya is a Krantikari in incognito, who runs the kingdom of Raipur and Rangpur?"

6) If Sunaina was alive when her son was born, then what made Trilochan leave them?

7) And about Anirudh and Bondita, how far do you think they would go to save the little girl, Jhinuk?

8) And should Satya tell Rai about their first encounter?

9) Should I end the story fast? I'm at a point where I can quickly tie the loose ends and finish this journey, or I can prolong it a little more, adding a few more plot twists.

10) And finally, any loose ends that I haven't addressed till now? Something that might have been in your mind!

Let me know your view guys, and I'd love to see some mind-blowing insights.

My stories have always been interactive, where you matter a lot.
Remember 'The Blush Stories' in Unventured Territory?

So, pour heart thoughts in here...

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