A Snowball Effect

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Sanity lies somewhere between the inhibitions of conventional morality and the looseness of extreme impulse. The knowledge of Batuk's self mastery and composure would have definitely made his elder brother proud. He, like his brother, was not guided by carnal impulses but was ushered by the values and thoughtfulness that was imbibed in him since childhood. He had immense respect towards women, not only for the woman inside the small boundary of what he called family but also women in general. Hence, despite Raimoti's seductive provocation, Batuk's self restraint was what had kept him sane. The eventful afternoon was drawing an abrupt closure as Batuk following his brother's instruction, sat inside the car, lost in contemplation of his earlier action.

"Malati didi, we're leaving. Once Mani Kaki is back with Rudhi, tell her to wait for Bondita, she'd be back on time to feed her."
Batuk heard Anirudh's loud voice showering instructions to their newly appointed full-time charlady.
He took a deep breath, pulling the ignition as he saw Rai walking towards the car accompanied by Anirudh.

"Here, please have a seat miss." Anirudh held the back door of the car open for the lady, as she did a little curtsey before getting inside. Anirudh sat infront beside his brother.

"So how do we owe the pleasure of your presence this morning, Miss Mukherjee?"

Batuk eyed his brother as he saw him throw the question lightly to the lady sitting at the backseat.

Raimoti's eyes were fixated outside the window, and what both men missed was the soft glisten in her eyes.

"I came to meet Batakrishna Babu." Rai replied, her voice choked a little.
"Barrister Anirudh Babu, I'm quite close to my father and he has intimated me of the possibility of a perspective relationship between our families." She paused to take a deep breath.
"Just so that you know good sir, I'm yet to make up my mind. I don't want to loose my heart to a loveless relationship." She added.

Batuk had hit the break almost too hard to resist the inertia making both Rai and Anirudh jump in their seats before they could brace themselves to withstand the situation.

"Careful Batuk!"
Anirudh had hushed, a little displeased, as Batuk struggled desparately to control the unruly car along with the un-rhythmic pounding of his anarchic heart. A mountain of waves rose inside him, craving intensely to bind in his strong arms, the seemingly insoucient woman sitting behind him. But all he could do was mutter a small apology.
"Sorry, Dada.." he murmured.


"So? My dear brand new girlfriends... How was the first day Women Studies lecture?" Nalini came running towards Bondita and Beenapani as soon as they entered the freshman common room. She rolled her pale grey eyes and pressed her thin lips in a tease as she gestured towards Professor Prathamesh Ganguly who had just walked passed the two women.
"Or if I may say Woo Man studies!!" She teased them.

"Not happening there." Beena let out a sigh.
"This one is already taken." She shrugged at Bondita and Nalini.

"As in?" Nalini asked quizzically.

"As in Professor Prathamesh Ganguly is none other than the one and only sibling of our dear Beena here." Bondita giggled.

"And he is married." Beenapani added bluntly.

"Oh come on, as if I was interested." Nalini curled up her lips in one side in a mockery as the two girls burst out into laughter.

The wide passage on the first floor leading from the common room to the canteen area was crowded. Young men dressed in simple dhoti and shirt stood in groups in the lobby talking and discussing about various subjects, ranging from politics to the fate of budding Indian cinema.
Busking in the glory of belonging, the three freshman ladies walked beside one another making their way to the much awaited canteen.

"Hey, what's happening there?" Bondita suddenly pointed her finger towards a commotion.

"Why are there British police inside the campus?" Beena remarked.

They walked towards the chaotic clamour out of curiosity only to be stopped by a young man who was sitting lazily on the first floor ledge with a book in hand.

"Don't go there, those dogs doesn't know how to distinguish between men and women." The young man roared with his eyes fixated on one of the police officials.

"What's happening there?" Nalini asked.

The young man turned to the ladies at the question as he eyed them casually.
"Freshman?" He enquired.
"These bastards.. Pardon my language, they are looking for a group of Krantikari inside the campus. They claim to have information about the same."

"Who would even provide such information to the police, I mean against ones own motherland?" Bondita let out a sharp sigh as the man furrowed his eyes at her.

"Proclaiming affiliation for the Krantikaris in open!! That's some bravery you got lady." He chuckled softly.

"This is my motherland. Why should I be afraid to proclaim my affection towards my own country?" Bondita refuted his words courageously making the man shrug his shoulders again.

"This is an elite University, you would see a lot of British professors here as well." The man paused.
"Speaking such things in public might put you in trouble madam."

Bondita was about the reply back as Beena tugged at her arm urging her to be silent.

"By the way, I'm Girish. Girish Chandra Lahiri. Final year, English." The young man joined his folded hands together.

"Girish Lahiri!! G.C. Lahiri? Aren't you the student council head?" Beena widened her eyes at the man.

"Yes. I am." Girish Lahiri smiled cordially.
"And, hence, a small advice from a senior, stay away from Krantikaris in campus, atleast openly." He joined his palms again as a parting gesture before excusing himself from them.

"Loves his country yet cautious to express it. Interesting man!" Beenapani furrowed her eyes at the residing figure of the man and remarked.

"And handsome too." Nalini gasped.

"An intelligent diplomat!" Bondita smiled. "Just like my barr..."

She cleared her throat ending her half eaten sentence abruptly as Beena narrowed her eyes at her.

"Your who?" She asked Bondita.

"No one." Bondita smiled. "Now if you would excuse me..." She turned around towards the West wing of the corridor, "I have a few books to collect from the library. I'll see you in the canteen in sometime, please carry on."
She quickly moved away from the two girls and Beena and Nalini gaped at the sudden intensity of her speeding pace.

"Why is she running?" Nalini asked quizzically.

"Because she is hiding something!"


Beena turned towards Nalini as her lips curved into a naughty smirk.
"Let's find out."


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