The Darkest Night

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'Dear Diary,
My dear wife cares for that tamarind tree in the courtyard more than she cares for me these days, and this sudden shift of her affection, ranking down her priority love list has left my heart in tatters.
Instead of those awful tender tamarinds, how I had dreamt of those red lips sucking down my...'

Princess Satyavati Sunaina slammed the diary beside her and hid her flushed face in her hands.

"This is what you write in your diary these days, Raja Saheb?" Her face had all the shades of red, and Trilochan smirked unapologetically, holding her wrists and unsheathing them to reveal her lotus eyes, her emarald orbs meeting his gaze bashfully.

"It's true, isn't it? Your new found love for the tamarind tree... Even in this condition you sit beneath it every evening... When your evenings are meant to be only mine!" He brought her joined hands to his lips and planted a kiss on her fingers, making her smile and look away.

"Why don't you join me then... We'll spend the evenings together, watching the sunset by the tree?"
Sunaina smiled gently.

"That I could... But I'm scared..."

"Why?" Sunaina looked up.

"Because if I sit you with, I won't be able to stop myself from loving you... And I'm afraid that the sweetness of my love would strip the tree of it's tanginess."

Trilochan winked at her mischievously, and Satyavati widened her eyes, first in astonishment, and then rolling it at him.

"You and your words Raja Saheb!" She chuckled, "You have bound the entire land to your charms with these words of yours... Now they love you more than they've ever loved any king."

Trilochan too was smiling at her words.
"May be because I'm not really their king... May be because I too want what they want... And so I understand them better."

"What do you want?" Satyavati looked at his eyes lovingly.

"A happy family... Where my wife and my children would be protected, fed... Where I won't have to sleep in the fear that my home might be burnt into ashes the next day."
He hushed the words and touched Satyavati's overmuch swelled up belly, feather touching her bare tight skin with playful movements of his fingers.
"Every man wants to protect their family, to provide for them with honesty, just that."
He lowered his face once again, pressing his ears against the swelling with great care.

"I wonder what the real Raja Saheb is doing inside right now!" His lips were whispering on her body and he touched them gently on her protruded belly button.

"I'm sure he's listening to his father... Attentively."

Trilochan gasped, and Sunaina smiled.
"Or Rudrani..."

"Or Yogamaya..."
Trilochan looked at her and she nodded in approval, smiling.
"It's been a year Princess... And I still can't believe how we've lived..."

"Neither can I." Satyavati struggled to sit upright, and Trilochan leaned forward, supporting her spine to make to sit at once.
"I now can't believe I had a life before I met you Raja Saheb."
Sunaina touched Trilochan's bearded jawline and he moved his face to kiss her fingers.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked her, his eyes reflecting the genuine love and concern that he felt in his heart for her.

"Now that you're here... Much better."

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